Went to OW to buy packing tape. 2 rolls costs about $4.50. 20 rolls for $7! Guess which one I bought.
20 Pack of Packaging Tapes
Each Roll of tape is 48mm wide x 50m long
Grab your copy of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 or Mac office 2011 for $8 - $15 depending on what country you choose($8 for NZ, $10 for USA and $15 for Australia.
$30 Cashback on Kenwood kmix food processors, bench blenders, triblade hand blenders, hand mixers, kettle and toasters. 1 November 2012 - 14 January 2013 via redemption.
Spotted in a Target email.
I know this one is a little late, but apparently from those who had them last year, these are decent quality, A3 size and have individual boxes for the days, So should be worth it.
## This is an opening special at Burwood East VIC Only, commencing 04/07/2012 ##
Same product as http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/67847 but hey, its now only $29.99!
Just saw this on shopitagain, just like last time except it's purple coloured instead of yellow. I receieved mine last time after about 2-3 weeks. Enjoy!