pandoleya » posts

(Solved) How to Remove a Shower Tap Handler without Screw?

Update 2024-06-24 Issue solved with mallet and generous amount of WD-40! Thanks all who suggest this - it works as cash and Sunday plumber! Hey guys, I'm trying to …

Any Tip to Find a Better Strata Manager in Sydney?

Previous post: So I joined Strata Committee last month, and apparently most of the committee members were not happy with our current strata …

(Updated 2023-05-18) Strata Charged $400+ for Aircon Installation Approval

Update at 2023-05-18: I replied I'd like to wait until AGM and confirmed again if there's $165 required to add my aircon approval to next AGM discussion. Here's the strata reply: …

Seeking for Suggestion: Wrapping Cube Shelves by Wooden Pannel

Hey guys, Here's a woodwork newbie trying to refurbish a cube shelves. Currently, the plan is to wrapped the cube shelves by wooden or plywood pannel. 4 pannels required: two 1225mm * 300mm …