Any Tip to Find a Better Strata Manager in Sydney?

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So I joined Strata Committee last month, and apparently most of the committee members were not happy with our current strata manager.

We're planning to change the strata manager, and I'm trying to do some research to explore potential alternatives.

Just wondering, if anyone could share their experiences and insights of researching and switching to a different strata manager?

I'm kind of a newbie in strata world, so any tip would be greatly appreciated!


  • +2

    Oh sweet summer child….

    Strata managers are one of the worst jobs I can think of having. They have to deal with absolute Karen's all the time and manage hundreds of properties for very little pay .

    It's doubtful that you'll find one that's better than average

    What's more important is having a strata committee that is on the same wavelength with each other and willing to work together.

    • An average manager is fine.

      Our current one is charging fees for adding a discussion item in AGM, which is ridiculous.

      I just want a start point to do the research. From my previous post it seems like good strata managers still exists.

      • +1

        That's reasonable. They aren't doing you a free service, they charge.

        • +1

          Don't think an additional A$165 charged directly from applicant to bring an aircon installation approval into AGM is anything reasonable - may see my last post for details.

          Anyway - are you living under an average strata or a bad strata? Happy to hear the strata's name and how they're doing either way.

          • +1

            @pandoleya: start a ozb strata management company with the slogan "by members for members"
            run it real lean…

          • @pandoleya: Maybe it’s a fee for the work, that also is in part a deterrent.

            • @Stewardo: Asked original commitee members. They're not aware of this and none of committee believe it's a reasonable extra charge. That's why we start looking into a new one.

              Happy to hear about your strata and how they're doing (bad or good) if you're living under strata management.

              • @pandoleya: How much to you think would be a fair fee for this work? What possible implications could there be if the fee was waived?

  • +1

    I have only ever lived under what I would call "average strata" at best.

    As @coffeeinmyveins says above, you need a strong strata committee that is genuinely acting in good faith to get improved outcomes. Use strata managers in the way you might use a lawyer … to make sure everything is tight from a compliance perspective … but ultimately you have to do the work yourself.

    My experience has been that the strata manager is not going to actually do much for you in terms of the operation of the building. They can source contractors, arrange quotes, etc. and deal with the compliance matters, but you need to be very clear as a committee on what you want, how you're going to do it, and manage everyone in the building to those standards.

    • Understand that. Will be good to have the name for that average strata, and any comments you may have on them?

  • they're all shit.

    just google and read reviews. then interview a few of them and see which appears to be the best of the shit crop

  • +3

    There is no such thing as a good strata manager.
    It could be that each manager deals with so many properties that its not possible to provide an adequate service. The general consumer experience is that they are all completely incompetent with the worst communication skills you will ever encounter.

    You need to obtain quotes from other management companies and submit motions at the AGM to change. The prospective new company will word the motion for you to submit.

    Then the owners vote at the AGM, the strata management company can change. Within months the new strata manager will prove to be worse than the previous and the cycle continues at the next AGM.

    In Sydney, never use CF Strata or Neighbourly Strata if you want to retain your sanity.

    • Thank you! Will have that two on blacklist

  • +1

    We have dealt with around 4-5 different strata companies. While most were average, BCS was by far the worst. We had leaking roofs and windows and the strata committee’s requests to get them fixed were ignored by the strata manager (as in no reply at all). Multiple emails and calls to the strata company later they directed us to the strata manager’s team leader who also ignored our attempts to arrange for quotes. This carried on for 18 months until we voted to remove them. The whole strata system needs an overhaul.

    Unfortunately, the quality of a strata company depends on the strata manager you get. Something we did was speak to a local real estate agent that we knew quite well who recommended some good individuals.

    Good luck!

    • Chat with local real estate agent sounds like a brilliant idea - thank you! Also thanks for one more name to black list

  • My previous building in Darlinghurst was managed by Premium Strata, and they were pretty good. One thing I did learn, though, is that a lot of strata managers tack on additional fees—often called Schedule B or C—which can really add up for the level of service you receive. I’d recommend going for an all-inclusive option with capped fees to avoid any surprises.

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