Wanting to buy a new speaker set for my computer for gaming and playing loud music around the home with a budget of $80 to $130 ish. I have a few in mind… Logitech Speaker System Z313 …
Hi I am looking at selling something for around $900 (postage included) with paypal to the UK with goods and services, just wondering If i will have to wait for the buyer to receive the parcel (new …
My parcel is awaiting collection at the PO, if I let them know to return the parcel back to the sender will the sender have to pay for return postage? Long story short eBay seller posted my parcel …
Anyone else been having issues with Shopback paying up recently? It's been 2 weeks since i put in my request to withdraw and I have had zero luck in contacting them with the chat bot constantly …
I purchased an Ultimate Teens gift card last September during the 15% sale and I have literally made like two successful transactions using it. I have contacted Ultimate gift card several times and …
I hesitated and cancelled my payment right after I clicked place order and now my order is in the "To Pay" section and with 6 individual payments awaiting (6 items). Does anyone know if I …