jav87my » user profile

Member Since 14/02/2016
Last Seen 1 hour 39 min
Location Melbourne

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Does anyone use Acorn/Raiz here? How does it compare to spaceship voyager? I'm looking for an app for saving up some money for future use.…
20/05/2018 - 22:21
Come on, It's free.. maybe it just not suitable for science-people
17/04/2018 - 18:16
Maybe can try to use tyresales.com.au
16/04/2018 - 23:11
[@djkelly69](/comment/5840504/redir): I'm in VIC and I think VIC has the same standard as my solicitor told me. Unless it is a major…
12/04/2018 - 22:04
Please see the picture above that I just added.
12/04/2018 - 17:27
These are just 3 among thousand that i think they should have done it in the 1st place
12/04/2018 - 17:26
12/04/2018 - 17:23
It was completed when I purchased it last Aug. But it was waiting for occupancy permit that's why settlement happened on this Jan.
12/04/2018 - 17:07
It is a brand new townhouse with 3 months builder warranty, as I know some has 6 months.
12/04/2018 - 17:05
Yea. I've been collecting evidence since Jan. I even recorded calls from/to the builder and not sure am I allowed to do that?
12/04/2018 - 17:03
I mentioned these to my solicitor and sent them a report made by myself. Solicitors said minor defect or unfinish building works can't…
12/04/2018 - 17:02
I bought a brand new townhouse and move in since Jan 2018. Found out the townhouse has heaps of incomplete and defective building works and…
12/04/2018 - 16:02
3 months to drive there and buy it, then 3 more months to drive back to home. 2 months to unload it from vehicle then its Christmas already.
04/04/2018 - 02:01
"HARTE led work lamp 50%off from $19.99 to $9/each from 29/2/18 to 19/3/18" from 29/2/18 to 19/3/18 29/2/18 29 29 29 29 29 29
25/02/2018 - 21:04
jav87my joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
14/02/2016 - 17:38