allezjuel » posts

Looking for Cookbook Recommendations

Hello, I'm looking to expand my recipe catalogue slightly and I realised I don't own a single cookbook! I'm looking for dishes that are realitvely quick to make (around 30 minutes) …

Where to Look for Cheapest PS4?

So with Red Dead Redemption 2 on the horizon, I have finally decided to give in and go next gen. Where should I be on the lookout for a cheap PS4 (prefferably around the $200 mark)? Should I be …

Persona 5 PS3 Physical Release?

So it doesn't look like the PS3 version of Persona 5 is getting a release date in Aus for people who don't want to buy a new console for one game like …

Best price for Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Wii U?

I've seen a lot of deals for Breath of the Wild on Switch but for those of us who don't wish to shell out money on a new console for one game, has anyone seen a good price for the Wii U …

Cheapest Price to Buy a Wii U?

Looking to buy a Wii U for the cheapest price possible (hopefully under $250) for Smash Bros. What's the cheapest price in Australia? Looking at getting the basic pack only as the only game I …