Looking to buy a Wii U for the cheapest price possible (hopefully under $250) for Smash Bros. What's the cheapest price in Australia? Looking at getting the basic pack only as the only game I want to play on it is Smash Bros. No stores seem to be doing any deals at the moment, do you think this will change?
Cheapest Price to Buy a Wii U?

Lallezjuel on 15/11/2014 - 17:28
buy it with smash bros for around 350ish? give it a couple of weeks. bundles will be shown, especially for christmas.
the main bundle was shown for US and I believe UK, I would say we will either get a bundle from nintendo or retailers will make their own with it, would be a little silly not too.though nintendo is pretty silly….
Basic back was discontinued, i doubt you will be able to find a new one anywhere. You can pick up a new one on gumtree/ebay/cash convertors for around that price though probably.