Ace Ventura » posts

[AMA] I'm a Hotel/Resort Manager

I have 20 years give or take experience, entirely based in Aus, I have worked for the two largest providers in the world. As both manager and assistant manager. The largest property I had …

Pre Purchase Review On Gaming Build

Been many a year since I did a gaming build, appreciate if anyone has the time to have a look at my parts list and let me know if I'm missing anything. 1440p gaming and VR build. Already have …

What to Do with a Load of Coles Myer Vouchers?

My son won a bunch of coles myer gift cards, totaling around $500 I think. He has no idea what to spend them on. He is a bit past the age of buying toys from target, his interests are mainly his …

Best Time for PC Components?

Is there any particular time of year that sales occur on PC components? or did I miss the boat at the EOFY? Building a new gaming/VR rig, don't wish to reuse anything from my old rig, so the …


I would like to ask for some feedback on search engine optimisation company Web Marketing Experts or WME. I have been part of a discussion regarding WME on another forum for sometime. Throughout this …