Ace Ventura » user profile

Member Since | 17/09/2013 |
Last Seen | 16/03/2022 |
Badges | 3 1 |
Location | Tas |
Recent Activities

Ace Ventura commented on Why Do You Have a Beard and How Does It Feel?
Having a beard is the default. When did it become a necessary to modify our natural state to please everyone else? And what's not to love…

Ironically, the culled animals, cannot be used for consumption, such a waste.

Arguments hold more weight when you state the reasons, not just state that there is a reason. They hold even more weight if you supply…

Plenty of other countries eat their coat of arms, not sure what the issue is.

Ace Ventura commented on Uber Eats Terrible Customer Service
So you have a bunch of mates around for drinks, and your sitting on your phone arguing over $3?

Never said it did, refuting your claim that the situation is unreasonable.

Or, on the flip, the fact that so many people think this is trolling, suggests that your reaction and defense of your actions are…

Thank you, pretty much spot on, the bulk of on the ground fire fighters are volunteer. The posts on here saying we work a few weeks a year,…

>Might not be for YEARS! Having a really bad run here, last decade has seen us on the ground every summer, a least once a week. Probably…

Ace Ventura commented on Why Are Firefighters Volunteers?
We don't exactly want to be paid, although when out for extended periods, it would be nice. We have bills, families and mortgages too.…

Ace Ventura commented on Troubles after Car Accident with Insurance
The other party failing their premiums, means they basically don't have insurance either. So without insurance yourself, your left fighting…

Ace Ventura commented on Help Identifying Winch Type
You want a tirfor, you also want a tree trunk protector and several rated d-shackles. Ensure your vehicle has recovery points that fit the…

I remember one time a few years back, I ran a red light, T-boned another driver. The fella at NRMA told me that because I had my whole car…

My mummy always told me to look both ways before crossing a round. I'm not sure what's so different here that would make the other car…

Ace Ventura commented on Mislabelled Food - Who Do You Report It to?
Sounds like a case for the scooby gang.

Ace Ventura replied to
[Deactivated] on How to Pursue at Fault Party Insurance When NRMA Deemed My Car a Write off and Keep My 11mth Comprehensive Premium?

They would deduct the remaining unpaid months from any payout given to the claimant.

Ace Ventura replied to
Eswn1234 on How to Pursue at Fault Party Insurance When NRMA Deemed My Car a Write off and Keep My 11mth Comprehensive Premium?

You can get refunds back on cars sold yes. However if you read your PDS you will likely find that for a claim to be honored, it is based on…

Ace Ventura commented on How to Pursue at Fault Party Insurance When NRMA Deemed My Car a Write off and Keep My 11mth Comprehensive Premium?
Never heard of premiums being refunded, you paid for coverage, and received coverage. The fact that you would have been better off in this…

You've had no issues with them not giving you shifts for the past year, made no attempt to rebuild bridges, negotiate or get shifts back,…

Ace Ventura commented on My Hypothesis: Unconditional Love and Conditional Love - The Difference between Male and Female Pop Songs
Are you ok? Why are you reading so much into a few song lyrics? Music represents all aspects of society. Pretty sure you can find plenty of…

Maybe just let other people change the station occasionally and don't get so wound up over the small stuff.

Ace Ventura replied to
mbck on Public Service Anouncement: Beware of Being Short Changed by NAB Deposit ATMs

> An atm does not have a person behind it. Well of course it doesn't, everyone knows they sit inside the machine with a torch and a…

Ace Ventura commented on Our Neighbour Had Water Dragon Removed That Was Visiting Our Pool from Time to Time
You shouldn't have been feeding it, they become dependent on humans when they find repetition in feeding and end up struggling to survive…

I feel you on this one. Especially in new buildings, paper thin walls. At this property, we are lucky enough that we can usually talk them…

This is something young staff often ask about. I preach de-escalation tactics, being aware of a situation that could see a patron become…

When we first took over, we found you could take the stairs all the way up, and exit onto the roof, without a key. Emergency stairs…

Alrighty then, story has little to do with working in the industry, but paints a picture of the local area. We had a small driveway 2eith…

No stories in the supernatural realm sorry. Get a lot of guests tell me they can feel presences in the old building, but I'm rather sure…

I hear this more and more. The systems are pretty good now days we use site managers to control inventory across all OTAs simultaneously,…

I've done my time in prestige venues, ultra fine dining, high end accom, its not my world. It's certainly not how I'd gauge career success…