Hi, I just noticed that House of Cards S2 blu-ray dropped in price to $14.99 USD + delivery ($26.32 AUD delivered according to the Amazon currency converter) and thought i'd share the …
Amazon UK currently has the complete series of Fringe on Blu-ray for 24.41 GBP (about $44.08) as part of a bonus Deal of the Day. It's the cheapest it's ever been according to …
As part of their Midweek Specials, GamersGate have South Park: The Stick Of Truth at 50% off. This equates to $30AUD. Using Hola, you can get it for $20US (USA VPN). If you received a 20% off coupon …
As the title says, is the lowest GBP price that it's ever been on Amazon UK. Is region free according to blu-ray.com http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Stargate-Atlantis-The-Complete... Much …
Game of Thrones - Season 1-3 [Blu-ray Region Free] from Amazon UK $71 includes shipping. I used the currency conversion rate from xe.com. Amazon's conversion rate is around $73, which is also …
Noticed this today after seeing the set on the JB Hifi Website for $154. Price initially appears as £54.20 + shipping(£3.58) but once you get to checkout and VAT is removed the price drops to …
I just bought the first 5 seasons of Star Trek TNG blu-rays! Season 1 just dropped to the cheapest it has ever been (GBP 15 excluding VAT). Seasons 2, 3, 4 and 5 are all about GBP 15 also. The …
The Big Bang Theory season 1 - 7 Blu-ray box set is only $88 at Big W, $78 for the DVD version, which seems pretty reasonable. This is going for $129 at JB Hi-Fi.
Someone contacted us to let us know that iTunes is having an unadvertised sale 40 Hit Shows, 99c episodes sale (iTunes app link). After a bit of research, it appears to be a random selection of …
(Note: Locked to Region A) ALL 158 EPISODES NOW IN HIGH-DEFINITION FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME! Welcome one of TV's funniest couples ever into your living room. You'll be laughing hysterically …
Woolworths Caltex is clearing their overstocked merchandize from previous TopGear promotion. Pretty much all stores have piles of unsold stickers, sticker albums and tins. So they decided to giveaway …
Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse for Xbox 360/PS3 for $12 in store or $14.50 delivered! It's a $12 game for a reason, but if your either a fan of the series or you've just played worse …
Take an extra 15% off the already incredibly low prices at Umbrella Entertainment! Use the special code above and receive 15% off any order placed between now and midnight on Thur Sep 18th. Enter …
Game of Thrones DVDs part of the Buy 3 TV Shows for $55 at Sanity, Online Only Ends Midday 13 September 2014 Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Also Game of Thrones Season 3 Blu-ray $29.99 Free shipping …
Received an email from Amazon US, Up to 79% Off Select BBC Earth Titles, Checked out the Planet Earth, it's $27.25 delivered, Not the cheapest but still good deal I reckon, JB HiFi currently …
Bought this earlier in the year for a bit more, but still seems I had my price alert on as it has dropped to £28.20 - VAT + Delivery …. which seems to be the cheapest it has been for a …
According to CamelCamelCamel, these are cheaper than lowest prices for Amazon UK so far. Lord of the Rings Trilogy Extended Edition £19.99 Downton Abbey Series 1-4 £19.99. Includes Christmas …
Hundreds of Classic Aussie DVD’s & Blu-Ray’s Now on Sale! Prices starting from only $5! Set up an account on the Umbrella Entertainment website and receive a code to give you an extra 20% …
Not as cheap as the last Seinfeld deal I posted but Seinfeld: The Complete Series Season 1 - 9 Box Set - DVD is $66.40 at Target Sold out online but still available instore.
As the title says, lowest price i've seen for this complete series. Be careful, according to Amazon the blu ray disks are Region A (Australia is Region B), and the DVD's are Region 1 …