Hey all, my car up for renewal, really feel like just ditching it and getting something with the sweet sole FBT exempt (Ev based) benefits instead. The car just went out of warranty too, it's …
Background: 40,000 km per year driving, looking to get an EV, mortgage with offset, another potential mortgage loan next year Scenario 1: 2 Year Novated lease for new EV (i.e. 2024 Model Y for …
G'day, Looking at the new Model Y Launch edition for a novated lease, my employer only has SGfleet as their approved provider but realistically i'm not seeing the benfit of some of these …
Tesla is running another novated lease incentive, similar to that in Nov/Dec 2024 (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/874298/). The incentive is not widely advertised on the Tesla AU website as …
Hello Lovely People Was wondering if i could run this past you people who have done a Novated lease . Got sick and tired of being bent over with pants yanked down as a normal payg employee with …
Hi, I'm considering upgrading my car and would like some advice. I work for the government as a permanent part time and my approximate annual income is $90K (pre-tax). I have a mortgage to pay …
Good morning all! TBH I'm not sure if this is the most appropriate forum but it is in regards to cars (novated lease through work) and would like to seek some advice / opinions. Long story …
For a limited time, access a $3,000 incentive when you order an eligible Tesla vehicle and finance the purchase by way of a novated lease. This offer is valid exclusively for eligible purchases of …
Novated Lease Australia offering a cashback of $1000 to eligible customers who order a new Tesla vehicle and finance it through a novated lease arranged by Novated Lease Australia. To qualify, the …
Can anyone share the effective interest rate they got from Maxxia in recent months? Not the nominal rate but the pre-tax effective rate based on Reddit changyang1230's super helpful NL …
Hi folks/tax-gurus. My company offers novated lease and the company offers only a very small range of vehicles and the family option BEV car in the company's list cost circa $60K and the …
Hi fellow Ozb, I generally travel for work at least a few times a week, so every year I claim about 4-5k km as car expense from my tax. It’s all good for many years and I keep an excel record for …
I have managed to write off a six month old purchased-new EV, which was under a novated lease on a 3 year term. It’s still under assessment, but I’m wondering if anyone has any experience with …
Hi fellow Ozb, I am thinking of doing an NL for a Sealion 6 via my employer. It will have to be done through a specific company. I did a test-quote but there are a few things which are not clear to …
Hey everyone, I really tried searching, reading and using all these online Novated Lease calculators but I still can't get my head around it. I have recently purchased 2021 Tesla Model 3 for …
I have been considering getting an EV on a novated lease through Maxxia for 5 years. We are looking at the Tesla Model 3 , maybe the base one. My salary is 120K and the estimated out of pocket …
I have been thinking purchasing an electric vehicle (EV) and exploring the potential benefits of utilizing novated leasing to take advantage of fringe benefits tax (FBT) savings. To assess the …
Maybe it is no longer the secret that using 13 or 49 months novate leasing to optimise balloon payment (you pay lower balloon payment on shorter period). I've post mine here so that you could …
Hi Everyone, I am super confused about this quote and how the novated lease quote works as i am looking for the first time this option and like to purchase EV Hyundai Ioniq 5 Epiq RWD version to …
Hey OzBargain family, I am looking to get a new car. Still not yet convinced by the EV charging infrastructure and hence decided to go the PHEV which still has the FBT exemption. Now after getting …