Novated Lease Refinance - Absurd Interest?

Hey all, my car up for renewal, really feel like just ditching it and getting something with the sweet sole FBT exempt (Ev based) benefits instead.

The car just went out of warranty too, it's been good and reliable though.

What are thoughts on this?

A) Forget the refinance, pay it out now, sell it, then when ready get a complete FBT exempt benefit vehicle
B) Endure another year, enjoy salary sacrifice benefits / break even on tax + GST on purchases (essentially interest free loan)
C) B - but, try to negotiate the interest rate to something more reasonable (don't think they can)

Quoted info

Annual Lease payments

| Residual | Include GST | GST | Excluding GST |
| 2025 | $13783.78 | $1253.07 | $12530.71 |
| 2026 | $9046.29 | $822.39 | $8223.90 |

$4306.81 Principal

Lease Repayments - $6334.90
Principal paid - $4306.81 (minus GST)

Interest paid - $2028.09 (Lease repayments - principal)
Interest rate -13.94%

Worked out the interest rate with this formula excel (see whirlpool thread):


  • -1

    Interest rate -13.94%


    • +2

      Yeah it's so common in novated lease land - they never tell you upfront and you have to calculate it.

      Still they'll tell you they are "extremely competitive". Such a crock!

      • +1

        Did they not tell you upfront? On my novated lease quote from SG fleet it shows 9%. Or is this a dodgy figure and there is more to it?

        • +1

          All depends, in the years I've dealt with smart salary, they never come forward with it, give you the run around and you need to work out yourself.

          They just give you the figures and "look how much you save" - and while you might - an interest free loan isn't necessarily the best use of your funds (unless the tax benefits are of significance).

  • +4

    I was looking at novated leasing for an EV last year, but couldn't accept the high fees and interest rate built into the package. Leasing companies are super eager to tell you how much tax you'll save, but part of that is based on pumping up the overall price of the vehicle with fees for themselves.

    • +1

      I'm currently looking at novated lease for EV too. There's indeed a lot of mumbo jumbo at play.

      • +3

        It's pretty straight forward. Just look at how much it affects you post tax and don't let the pre-tax numbers or "interest rates" get to you. Then work out if it's worth it?

        And then understand that anything not consumed as part of the budget, eg car washing, servicing, tyres and so forth will be paid back to you at the end of the lease with PAYG taken out.

        • are there any companies that do it transparently with good rates?

          • +1

            @blaze: I think they are all similar? I use Toyota Fleet Management myself.

            Don't be too caught up with the rates as I think it's meaningless. Just look at the numbers and work it out yourself. I also can't see how they can pump up the vehicle price, just source the vehicle yourself at the dealership at a price agreeable to you, and get them to pay the invoice. The lease breakdown is typically:

            Management Fee
            Vehicle Rego
            Roadside Assist (decline this if your new car comes with it)

  • Apologies for typos / spell check, written and formatted on my phone in between breaks.

    Thinking not worth the corp greed and just get out for a better deal down the road.

  • What did your accountant say about the deal?

    • +1

      Ask OzBargain of course.

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