Looking for a 5900x myself, came across the site Overclockers UK has plenty of 5800x Note that despite the listing price of £379.99, adding 5800x to the basket and select Australia as a …
Looks like the cheapest ever for this CPU. ASRock B550 PG Velocita AM4 ATX Motherboard Nice deal for this motherboard, selling for near or over $300 elsewhere. Memory Support: 4x DDR4 DIMM Slots - …
Just ordered one myself, not the best price to performance but seems good enough? Edit: Out of Stock, I would check daily as they seem to be restocking faster every week. Edit: Back in Stock! and …
I have searched through the usual: Centrecom, Mwave, Umart, PCCG, PLE etc. Every store is either Out Of Stock, or more expensive at $499+. Qualifies for free delivery with Newegg (purchases above …
Original Coupon Deal MSI Z490-A PRO Motherboard for INTEL LGA1200 (Cheaper at FutuOnline eBay for $233.96 $238.50 using the same code, but as it says Limited Quantities, not meeting deal post …
Prices will definitely going to come down within the next few months. But for the ones who cannot wait - here is a deal. AMD Ryzen 9 5950X,16-Core/32 Threads, Max Freq 4.9GHz,72MB Cache Socket Am4 …
OOS. If you are in VIC, you could pick up from the store. Or if you are in WA, you could pick up from the store on around 7th Jan, 2021. If you are in other areas, delivery is usually $20+ or free …
Yeah, not the best price, but as this is now OzInStock I can live vicariously through someone who does buy this. GL HF. I can't imagine there are many in stock.
Cheapest price ever, I think cashback is also available, only downside is slightly long delivery time of 2 weeks, with 5600x now around $540, this is getting better in value Note: sometimes Amazon …
AMD's fastest 8 core processor for mainstream desktop, with 16 procesing threads Can deliver elite 100+ FPS performance in the world's most popular games Cooler not included, …