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Bootcamp Parramatta [Bonus 5 Weeks on Starter Pack 10 Week Program*] Save $225


Outdoor Bootcamp Parramatta GX (15 weeks for the price of 10 weeks Save $225)

Built Better Bootcamps is offering a starter pack to people interested in getting fit and keep the weight off this Autumn and Winter, what our clients have found is people who have decided to train through the colder months of the year have been able to capitalize on the consistency and finally reach the goals they dreamed of in less time.

  • If you want to feel more alive
  • Build muscle tone and shape your body
  • Lose fat fast
  • Have more energy and enjoy eating more meals everyday
  • Get outdoors and get trained by experienced trainers and build life skills while your at it.

We coach you on building health habits to bring about small consistent change, we focus on performance not body image our clients success speaks for itself visit - http://www.builtbetter.com.au/index.php/about-us/testimonial…

We work with you on your mindset as much as we do on your muscles.

check out some of our success stories here - http://www.builtbetter.com.au/index.php/component/content/ar…

*This offer is only available to the first 10 applicants who are available to train on evening classes Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday at 6pm & 7pm session times.
*10 week package must be paid for in full to receive the additional 10 training sessions (2 nights for 5 weeks).



*Classes require a minimum of 6 participants to go ahead, start dates are subject to change you will be notified of your starting date once your inquiry has been confirmed.

Bootcamp Parramatta [Bonus 5 Weeks on Starter Pack 10 Week Program*] Save $225 Limit spots available take advantage of this great special.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    You've given us the saving, not price that we have to pay. Can't see any prices anywhere, even though you've had time to link to your success stories.

    • Thanks for the feedback, our packages are available under the tab for bootcamps clearly marked bootcamp packages here's a link if you missed it.

      In the bootcamp packages tab our pricing is clearly market and explains all costs associated with our programs.


      However this offer is for people who live in Sydney and want to attend Parramatta classes as you live in ACT you are not eligible.


    • Yes, absolutely. She Who Must Be Obeyed puts it, with the true bluntness one can expect only of an engineer, "You wanna lose weight? Make input less than output."!

    • Actually changing your timing of eating, type of food, portion size are the major keys to body composition changes. Yes eating timtams afterwards would not be ideal for changing your body shape.

  • You too can be one of those a55holes that runs around the park screaming and yelling whilst decent people are trying to sleep. Nice! (I'm afraid to neg anything on ozbargain, lest I get arbitrarily banned again, but if I were negging anything, this would be it!).

    If you dig hard enough on the web site and do a bit of reading between the lines, $225 is probably the 'discount' you'd achieve if you signed up for two of the ten lesson 'packs' at two lessons per week AND received ten additional lessons 'free'. The pricing is very well buried though, in classic fitness industry style, they want to hide the prices from you until they've had a chance to bend your ear and guilt you into signing up.

    • Thanks for the feedback, our packages are available under the tab for bootcamps clearly marked bootcamp packages here's a link if you missed it.

      In the bootcamp packages tab our pricing is clearly market and explains all costs associated with our programs.


      Not sure if your mouse missed the tab, all good.

      Thanks BB

      • Maybe our eyes missed where you mentioned it in the main listing.

  • +1

    Am I the only commenter here that can do math? "15 weeks for the price of 10 weeks Save $225" $450

  • -1

    POS website, had to use work around to even be able to click on the packages available link

  • Hi Ozbarginers,

    Thanks for the feedback, our packages are available under the tab for bootcamps clearly marked bootcamp packages here's a link if you missed it.

    In the bootcamp packages tab our pricing is clearly market and explains all costs associated with our programs.


    $225 is saving $45 per week or $22.50per session over 5 weeks.

    10 weeks at $45 is 450, hope that clears up some confusion.

    Our prices are reasonable considering the rate of personal training fee's, gym memberships, other bootcamps.

    To add to that the level and quality of our program our staff and our clients results, we are all about reality when it comes to helping you change your body shape.

    Eat more frequent health food, feel full, feel content and lose weight while doing it.

    125gram mars bar vs a plate full of vegetables is more food is it not?

    Our services are for people located in Parramatta NSW, so the offer is not for interstate people commenting on the deal.

    Our trainers never yell in fact we find yelling offensive and demotivating, our classes are educational and focus on skills you can adopt in daily life to feel better and think better about yourself, about others and how to cope with life in general, Something a lot of people could benefit from.

    We have a comfort guarantee relating to our program for those serious about getting their goal.

    here's the link - http://www.builtbetter.com.au/index.php/home/our-commitment

    I'm not sure if our post offended anyone as it seems it may have if so we are sorry.

    This is a deal for people interested in fitness, not afraid of hard work and changing some bad habits and who are serious about getting their goal.

    Thanks again for the feedback,

    Built Better Bootcamps

    • +1

      FYI: You're still better off putting the price of the 15 week pack as a number in the post, even though you technically put the price in your latest post. Having said that, being fit is good so I'm not negging on that basis.

      • Thank you for the feedback Jasey_328 we have only been part of the site for a little while so we apologise if there was any confusion we will put a price and also include the link to the packages tab under bootcamps as some seem to have had trouble navigating our site.

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