douglasb » user profile

Member Since | 04/01/2013 |
Last Seen | 16/12/2023 |
Badges | 4 |
Location | Sydney |
Recent Activities

douglasb commented on Bulk Hayfever Grab Bag: Fexo, Cetrizine, Loratadine, Nasal Spray & Paracetamol $49.99 Delivered @ PharmacySavings
A review: I've made a few purchases and also asked for help/advice from I'm not associated or affiliated in any…

Coles 3-Star minced meat in 500 gram packs for $2 (two dollars). Spotted in Coles Chatswood Chase store late on Christmas Eve (I estimate…

Ordered, thanks @OP.

douglasb replied to
Clear on Alternative to Cashrewards - Recaptcha makes log in to Cashrewards impossible now

No, I'm not. Right now I'm using a generic fresh install of Google Chrome on a generic fresh install of LinuxMint (LMDE) on a generic…

douglasb replied to
pingualien on Alternative to Cashrewards - Recaptcha makes log in to Cashrewards impossible now

I have a phone number alright... actually, I have several... but what those numbers are is none of ShopBack's business! :-) edit: multiple…

douglasb commented on Alternative to Cashrewards - Recaptcha makes log in to Cashrewards impossible now
Update: I have a referral code for shopback now, thank-you.

douglasb commented on Alternative to Cashrewards - Recaptcha makes log in to Cashrewards impossible now
Update: just tried to sign up for ShopBack and the very first thing they want is a phone number... so I guess that takes them off the list,…

douglasb posted a forum topic Alternative to Cashrewards - Recaptcha makes log in to Cashrewards impossible now
A nice welcome to 2019 from CashRewards... they've implemented Google's Recaptcha on 'hard mode' (ie: even the usual trick of being logged…

douglasb commented on Womens Boots $20 Many Designs (Including a Few Leather) Free Shipping Min Order $50 Today Only @ The Iconic
Have OzBargain rules on referral links changed? The top-of-page link to this promo is a paid referral link.

How are First Choice Liquor with their accuracy? Last time I ordered (around 2 years ago), they messed up my order. Discussed with others,…

Shelf price at Potts Point store is $3.74 but they scan at full price. I suppose that if you can be bothered arguing, you can get one for…

douglasb replied to
battler on Singapore Return with Singapore Airlines ex Perth $512, Melb $547, Bris $635, Syd $635, Adel $666, ACT $680 @ IWTF

Nope, 'cos Scoot 'deals' are like hen's teeth... they don't exist. I've somehow got myself on a Scoot mailing list for 'deals', but now…

Have one of these. Works perfectly OK, but the different temperatures are a bit of a gimmick - we always use the 100C setting, and it's a…

douglasb replied to
sasangeleus on Seagate 1TB Maxtor M3 2.5" Portable HD $59 Pickup or $7 Postage @ Centre Com

apparently the 2Tb drive I mention in my comment, below, will work in a PS4 if that helps

This is an excellent price for a 1Tb drive. If you'd like exactly twice the size for exactly twice the money... (inb4…

Yeah, having just watched the demo version I can see that it's quite a bit more sophista-ma-cated! The Chinese ones are clearly the cheap…

douglasb replied to
Spending2Much on Xiaomi Mi 5 4G Phone - 5.15", 3GB/32GB, Snapdragon 820 $289.99 US (~$379.33 AU) Shipped @ Geekbuying

This is the first phone I've had that does 4G (I upgraded from an Xiaomi Mi 3 2Gb/8Gb model) so my experience is limited. I spend much of…

I've no idea if it's the same device or not, but there's a couple of different versions of this on AliExpress now for as little as…

douglasb replied to
Edsanwong on Xiaomi Mi 5 4G Phone - 5.15", 3GB/32GB, Snapdragon 820 $289.99 US (~$379.33 AU) Shipped @ Geekbuying

Awesome! Better than any phone camera I've had before. Astonishingly good for such a tiny gadget! Having said that, it's not actually tiny,…

douglasb replied to
douglasb on Get Pokéd with a Friend for Only $10 - Includes Free Delivery and Free Drink @ Pokéd [VIC]

[@bargains4lyfe](/comment/3964290/redir): nah, he's appeared occasionally, but he's definitely pulled his head in a bit

douglasb replied to
CandyMan on Xiaomi VR Virtual Reality 3D Glasses US$16.99 [$14.65 New Account], Teclast X98 Plus II Tablet 2GB/32GB US$127.99 @ Everbuying

"*No Sir, it's pronounced 'annal-gesic'... that's why your headache isn't going away*"

PoGo barely uses any data at all, and uses even less if you cache up your maps (use "offline maps" or microphone->"OK Maps") in google maps…

douglasb replied to
justinh93 on Get Pokéd with a Friend for Only $10 - Includes Free Delivery and Free Drink @ Pokéd [VIC]

"*What is the original price?*" (am I doing jv right?!!!)

douglasb replied to
Baron-K on Xiaomi Mi 5 4G Phone - 5.15", 3GB/32GB, Snapdragon 820 $289.99 US (~$379.33 AU) Shipped @ Geekbuying

Thanks! I have been having GPS issues. Will try this.

douglasb replied to
plasmapuff on Xiaomi Mi 5 4G Phone - 5.15", 3GB/32GB, Snapdragon 820 $289.99 US (~$379.33 AU) Shipped @ Geekbuying

Shrug, my Mi5Pro works fine on 4G on Voda and Optus. Haven't tried Telstra yet.

douglasb replied to
Spending2Much on Xiaomi Mi 5 4G Phone - 5.15", 3GB/32GB, Snapdragon 820 $289.99 US (~$379.33 AU) Shipped @ Geekbuying

An astonishingly good replacement! I just got the [4Gb/128Gb 'Black, Ceramic,…

douglasb replied to
StewBalls on Yan Yan Meiji Vanilla (Asian Snack) - $0.30 @ Coles [Burwood, NSW only?]

Actually, I'd have said 'honkie' was a black-British-people's pejorative reference to white people (I'm thinking of that British sitcom…

douglasb commented on Vtech 15550+2 Cordless Phone with Bluetooth $28 + More @ Officeworks [Sth Melb VIC]
So Orificeworks finally figured out that no-one has a line phone any more?! :-D

douglasb replied to
juventino on Yan Yan Meiji Vanilla (Asian Snack) - $0.30 @ Coles [Burwood, NSW only?]

I never understood the "wooden spoon" threat that I kept hearing from sources other than my mother. Turns out, the wooden spoon is pretty…

mmmmm, six delicious milfina's! :-)