• expired

Mwave - D-Link DIR-412 Wireless N 3G/3.5G Mobile Broadband Router $2.50

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Sale starts 12:00PM AEST Today (22/02/2013)

Mwave is doing a 72-hour sale starting 12:00PM AEST 22/02/2013 which includes the D-Link DIR-412 Wireless N 3G/3.5G Mobile Broadband Router for only $2.50.

Limit is two per customer.

More info: http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f8e354903e37d6d931ad8282…

I don't know how much stock they have, but I successfully put 50 in my cart just then and it worked (I didn't actually buy it, as the deal starts tomorrow).

I've personally never had any issues with Mwave, but some user here on Ozbargain have vowed never to go back to Mwave. It's up to you if you want to be part of Mwave's 'stress test' sale ;)

EDIT: Photo of stock: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151254997330950&set…

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Wouldn't even bother! Worse than the COTD flash sales. Atleast COTD honour their orders.

  • +1

    I assume shipping is extra?

    $17 to WA, but still decent at less than $20 delivered.

    Link to adapter compatability list:


  • +1

    can you get dd-wrt on this bad boy?

    • Very few cellular routers work with ddwrt so I would assume not

      • But can't you put dd-wrt on a regular supported router with a USB port, and plug the UTMS dongle into that?

        • Yeah but how would ddwrt send commands to the 3G modem unless it knows the chipset? How would it connect/authenticate

  • mwave worked for me once in the last 20+ sale, and I sucessfully grabbed 1 out of the 20+ sales items, all the other time the site either doesnt load, or take 1 hour to load ( = item sold out)
    i was able to grab the free linksys router~

    • +6
      • Certainly looks like plenty of stock…not that I need one

        When will we see a super special on your MWAVE mechanical keyboard (http://www.mwave.com.au/product/sku-ab47383-mwave_mechanical…)…after having my Osmium here at home I need something cheap to abuse at the office!

      • -> Rep

        Have the servers been upgraded since the last sale?
        Is the business expecting the servers will handle the load?

        • It makes no business sense for them to upgrade their server(s) to cater for the Rush Hour. Why spend thousands in upgrades to sell cheapies & freebies for 1 hour each week for no profit?

        • Not for the sale; just have they upgraded them for whatever purpose

          or should people 100% expect a repeat of last time

          and since the Rep logged in today but did not reply, it's not encouraging

      • +2

        I count 10 and a whole lot of D-Link boxes which could or could not be empty…

    • Had no issues with the site or order process (as of about 1315hr). Two ordered. Postage for 2 was same as for 1. Specs are good for the price.

      Not just a 3G router, can act as a trad AP-router if hooked to a modem or other router via WAN port.

      Replacing some ancient wireless G and B AP's that only supported WPA.


      Select either 3G mode or WAN mode to check interface.

  • Note from merchant
    Dear Mwave Customer, We would like to confirm that we are unable to fulfill your order as all of our stock was sold prior to us receiving your order. Please accept our sincerest apologies and we hope to bring you another fantastic Rush Hour soon.

    +ve for prompt refund….

  • dammit, got beaten to this!

  • -7

    Now "back in stock" at $28.99. I wonder how much stock they had to start with?
    Aldi was fined by ACCC for the similar behavior in the past: it's called bait advertising and it's illegal!

    • +1

      The sale hasn't even started yet

  • That's a great photo Rep, now answer the question:

    How many do you have in stock to sell?

    I notice you haven't answered on your FB page either, so do you have a number….

  • +1

    Judging from the FB picture, I think there are only 11 sets and the rest are just dlink boxes to mislead everyone that there are heaps of stock!

    Look at how they are unwilling to make any comments as to the stock level but rather just provide an image to allow people to guess-timate how much stock they have.

    Nice way of telling people you have stock when you dont while not actually saying anything. Protected yourself from legal issues this way haven't you?

    • well, at least now at 5pm they still selling it @ $2.50…….

  • it's after midnight and the price hasn't changed. any idea when it will?

    • its normally at 12 noon, when the server nose dives….

  • +3

    @ qaz182 - Just a reminder the sale doesn't start until 12:00PM AEST Today (22/02/2013)- All the information is in our newsletter http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f8e354903e37d6d931ad8282…

    @ lamerthanlam - We have more than 11 units in stock. HERE'S A CLUE: A photo is worth a thousand(s) words. wink https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151254997330950&se…

    In regards to the enquires about our server capacity. Yes we have updated our website, Yes we have upgraded our server, Yes we have upgraded our bandwidth.

    However we are expecting extremely high traffic between 11:00am onwards so please be patient. Once the QTY has sold out then this item will be not be available to purchase any longer @ $2.50

    First In First Served

    • @Mwave, unless you can give a more definitive answer as to your stock levels, each time you say you have "more than XX units in stock" i'm just going to assume that it is XX+1.

      Yes. We're all aware that a picture is worth a thousand words. Once again, you're letting the photo to give us the impression of your stock levels while not actually stating the stock levels.

      Your use of the words "wink" seem to hint that there are plenty of stock but you have yet to mention anything concrete. Once again you're treading on a thin line so as to waive all legal responsibilities which you will have should you actually mention that you have thousands in stock.

      I'm starting to feel that this is not a bargain but rather just a hype building scheme to generate awareness of mwave.

  • *Oh it's back on :)

  • damn thats cheap! im going to buy 2 hahahaha..

  • Aww..just noticed you cannot select to pick-up this item..

  • I did a trial run and got "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" on https://www.mwave.com.au/checkout/saveshippinginfo. Failed even before it began.

    • Yep, got the same earlier on

  • Its 12pm and price is still $28.99

  • Thanks OP, got 2 for $16.83 delivered to Sydney

    • How?! I've got the same problem as matt_will_fix_it.
      NVM. It lies on the front page. Go to the checkout. It's all good.

  • +1
  • It's 12:04 and price still $28.99

  • +2

    Advertised price has not changed but place an order, go to the cart and the price will be $2.50 per unit.

  • +1

    Well, that was too easy.

  • I'm getting 2 of them. If anyone in adelaide wants to go halfsies with me please contact me. it'll come round to ~$11 each including the shipping costs.

  • +2

    yep got 2, dont know why :(

    • added 2 in shopping basket, just reluctant to press the "Place Order" button.

      Dont know what to do with this, have pocket wifi 2…. do i need this….


  • +1

    Hey Guys,

    It could be a cache issue, so please try to clear your internet browser cache. However once the product is added to cart it should show $2.50. If you still order this product and its not $2.50 (product only) then we will change the price for you.

    During the promotion period.

    • Thanks for the updates!

  • All good now.

    Thanks Rep

  • Got one, had some issues getting to PayPal to pay but I changed to chrome and thepayment went through so I hope it all works out!

  • +1

    I was going to order if only it provided pickup services.
    But without it, I decided to pass, ty OP for posting this offer, sure many others appreciate it! :)

  • Awesome Op got 2 of them.

  • -1

    Price showing now as $28.99. Marked expired.

    • +1

      That was premature. The price is changed during checkout. Report submitted to undo expiry.

  • We haven't sold through our allocated QTY, please try to add the product to your cart. The price should change from there @ $2.50.

    If not like I promised I will honour the $2.50 price once you have checked out. Just contact our customer service team to adjust the product price.

  • Just ordered 2 (including shipping)…can probably sell these for like $40 AUD each not bad!

  • Hi Guys,

    The Deal is still active and going strong. Will end on Monday 12pm.

    You can see the stock level moving at the homepage.


  • +1

    I've just order 2, thanks.

    First time Mwave customer hopefully it will be good one.

  • Great item & seems to be plenty of stock still available.

    Rep - why was I charged $17.32 shipping when your shipping calculator quoted $16.10?

    • +1

      @ Gaz1

      Can you PM me your order number so I can have a look into it for you.


      • Done - please let me know.

  • Called Mwave and it's just stupid they don't offer pick up for us Sydney customers.

    I bought 2 anyways.

  • +2

    Shipping is a killer on this deal for me… I don't need express fancy courier shipping, just an australia post normal parcel would be fine.

  • +1

    You currently have total $0.05 Mwave Dollar to spend
    hehe not bad LOL

    Sub-Total $5.00
    Shipping & Handling $11.50
    Mwave Dollar -$0.05
    Handling Fee $0.33
    Total $16.78

  • 2% for Paypal!

    • Which is about the fees that Paypal would be charging them.

      • Thats against PayPal policy

        • Maybe you should instead direct your complaint to paypal at their stupid fees

        • I dont like PayPal fees either but they make it crystal-clear that retailers are not supposed to charge them separately.

  • Chose paypal and I didnt get directed to paypal's settlement page.. Checked my order history and my order status is "pending". How can I finalise payment Rep? My order number: SO00279569 Thanks

  • @ Cave, I have emailed one of our sales rep to get back to you ASAP!

  • $9 for the 3G & 3.5G modem router delivered (qty 2), that is the bargain :)

    • $4 for delivery?

    • If Im not wrong, its just a router with 3G/3.5G support via usb. You still need an USB mobile Broadband modem.

  • I was just about to get a 3TB drive from the newsletter yesterday when I saw today's newsletter with this on it so I thought I'd get two. Shipping was the same as if I didn't add the two to my cart. Not bad.

    I've bought a few things from Mwave and so far so good.

  • Hi rep. Can you post the firmware version and supported usb modem list?

  • I bought 2 of these god knows why I don't even need them but who knows I might one day lol :)

  • Hi Rep, Bought 2 and paid by Credit Card. Order Status is showing as "Pending". Do I need to do anything else? My order number is SO00279792. Thanks

  • @ ITveteran,

    Here is the compatibility list: ftp://files.dlink.com.au/products/DIR-412/REV_A/SetupGuides/…

    On the Box: H/W Ver: A1 F/W Ver: 1.12WW

    looks like you can get the latest firmware from here: http://www.dlink.com.au/tech/download/download.aspx?product=…

    Note: Upgrade the firmware @ your own risk.

  • Paid via Paypal and order status is Pending it this normal?

    • +1

      What is your order number, Lazer?

      • SO00279811

        • +2

          Hello Lazer,

          Can you please email us your paypal transaction ID # to [email protected]

        • Ok Sent

        • +1

          Wow that was quick my order status now says PAID :)

  • @ djshitu: your order has been approved and now its getting picked in the warehouse. We will try and get it out this afternoon, if not this afternoon then definitely by Monday.

    • Thanks!

  • My order is SO00279800. I also opt for Paypal and it got stuck at pending. I would like to change to pay by BPAY. How do I do that? I submitted a enquiry on my mwave accoutn but no response yet.

    • Hello Rayfish,

      I can see you have already lodged a job, one of our customer service reps will get to your message. ASAP!

      • Thanks just paid via BPay

      • I just update MWave account to confirm payment. What do you put in Payment Transaction? Customer ref? or my Transaction description?

  • DD-WRT shows this as router as "wip", so hopefully soon we can load dd-wrt on it.

    • +1

      sadly, hasn't really changed from 'wip' since August 2010 so wouldn't hold your breath…..

  • Is pickup allowed?

    • Nope or else I would of picked up

  • I this sucker portable? internal battery?

  • Same here, I paid via paypal and order status is pending. SO00279949

  • +3

    Damn you OP, Ozbargain, and Mwave. Didn't need, won't use, bought two. :-)

  • If you can do $5 shipping for an iPad or $9 for a mouse/keyboard combo, how can you justify $13 for shipping this?

    This product looks to be subsidised by the shipping.

  • Shipping is $11.50 for people who live in the same Suburb as the Mwave store.

    • Ouch.

  • Purchased 2 units thanks Mwave :) what a BARGAIN!

  • +1

    The DIR-412 allows you to connect a 3.5G USB adapter for mobile broadband connectivity. The incoming connection is then shared via a 802.11n wireless network. The standard Ethernet port can be used as a primary or backup connection.

    I should have looked more closely at what this allowed me to do before I bought it.
    Can anyone recommend a 3.5G USB adapter?

    • Can use it as a normal wireless router too - there's a switch on the back. Set it to WAN if you already have internet at home.

  • +1
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