Good deal. 3G Lenovo 13.3 inch ultrabook. I5 processor 1.78kg
Also acer 17.3 inch laptop with 2gb gt630 graphics reduced to $699 from $829.
Both good deals. Won't find much cheaper anywhere on a 3G ultrabook
Good deal. 3G Lenovo 13.3 inch ultrabook. I5 processor 1.78kg
Also acer 17.3 inch laptop with 2gb gt630 graphics reduced to $699 from $829.
Both good deals. Won't find much cheaper anywhere on a 3G ultrabook
If only I could master "Markdown Extra" syntax, I would love to post in large, bright yellow times roman font, on a red background…
I wish they had a 'Classic View' for the MSY website
Yeah, I miss the old site. A shining example of brilliant web design skills, it was.
Direct Link:
it may be extra $120 off if you use the link from fchis:
Bugger just bought a laptop there a few days ago.
Does anyone know if MSY refund the price difference if they drop the price a few days after you bought something?
Yes they don't.
Me too!
The expired one…
Ya, Rep from Topbuy told me it's out of stocks but shows in stocks on their website -_-.
A bit off topic but can anyone tell me if this is worth the $$ if not what would be a better deal
Save on 14" Ultrabook(TM) - MEDION® S4216 (MD 99081) from 09.02.2013 at ALDI:
In store only.
An IT company that has a sh*t website - how ironic…
LOL. If you think their current site is bad then you haven't seen much buddy.
Vintage MSY circa 2002 here :…
By 2005, they even started using multi colours and highlighting text, talk about evolutionary web design skills! Oh my, what a sexy MSY logo that is!…
not so cheap compare to this (but ya, it's expired)
WAIT, People can still claim $120 cash back using POWERBUY from the link below. So making it $429 for the E320 after CASH BACK. Ps. OP can add this to the description.