Tailgating at Westfield Car Park Exit

Has the cost of living crisis gotten so bad that ppl have to tailgate to exit the car park?

So I was at Westfield Doncaster and this Subaru with custom plate YUEN*8 was in front of me. As the car in front of it exited, it tailgated it without waiting for the boom gate to come down.

Then the annoying thing was, when I got to the machine, the display showed outstanding amount $35, which is the max daily rate. And embarrassingly I had to hold up the queue to wait for the intercom response. They didn't even ask me what happened, so they must have known.

I mean, you've got a custom plate which is not cheap, but you can't afford to pay for parking???

Whinge over.

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    • +11

      A; why do you give a shit?

      Why did you reply then?

  • +8

    I had a banana earlier. Get that rear dashcam footage onto DCOA.

  • +23

    This is another forum post that should be posted as a Targetted Deal: "Free Parking at Westfield Doncaster"

    • I wish the admins could be elected on OZB so we can try things like that out every now and then and all bask in the drama.

    • +11

      You don't care if other people are dodgy because you're in the same company.

      • +3

        It's only a rort if you're not in on it.

      • +2

        Paying for parking at a business place that also takes your money and where there is no other practical option for parking is a rort.

        • +11

          You can justify theft all you want mate.

          • -4

            @Ryanek: I prefer to think of it as civil disobedience.

          • +1


            You can justify theft all you want mate.

            You are a thief of joy

        • +5

          As a regional citizen it blows my mind that people pay for parking to go shopping.

          • @MS Paint: Same. Weve got a couple of local centres that have 3hr free and some on street parking in town that is paid but largely parking is free.

        • +3

          Probably because people have ruined it in the past by leaving their car parked all day whilst not actually going into the shopping centre.

  • +14

    Bro what do you expect from someone at Melbourne 🤣🤣

    They are top rated now with most crimes, and numbers just getting better.

    • +2

      Yeah crime is way up in Melbourne. At a recent council meeting I think they said home invasions were up by over 30% and store related crime up more than that with offenders carrying weapons.

      Machete attacks are so bad that the government and the Karens want to ban machetes, despite being a common land rehabilitation tool. The fact that kitchen knives and steel flat bar exist means that the ban won’t do anything except impact the law abiding citizens.

      • +6
        • Ban weapons
        • Quickly and repeatedly release offenders

        Surely this tactic will work

        • +1


          • Ban law abiding citizens from owning tools
          • “Inadvertently” create a black market of homemade “choppers” and other weapons
          • Quickly and repeatedly release offenders
    • +1

      Bring back Dan ?

    • +1

      I heard some guy got killed in Melbourne and they never solved the case. But you wouldn't know anything about that now, would you, kyle?

  • +4

    Could be a stolen car.

  • +3

    My local shopping centres have free parking.
    Maybe next time follow them home as suggest they goto one with a free car park

    • +1

      Most shopping centres have free parking only for the first 2-3hrs.

  • custom plate YUEN*8

    What is the *? YEUN8 doesn’t come back as anything and YUEN88 is registered to a white Honda

    • +1

      I had assumed the * was the ops attempt at leaving some anonymity to the car he’s complaining about

      • +3

        It shouldn’t take long to figure out. There’s less than 30 combinations left for me to try.

        • +1

          And the answer is?

          Don't keep us hanging man!

          • @MS Paint: Sorry, just about to start work so I won’t be able to figure it out until smoko.

            • +1

              @mapax: With your consent I'm happy to continue the task while I eat breakfast.

              • +1

                @MS Paint: I’d be grateful.

                • +52


                  Rego Make Is this it?
                  YUEN08 DNE
                  YUEN18 DNE
                  YUEN28 Subaru ✔️
                  YUEN38 DNE
                  YUEN48 DNE
                  YUEN58 DNE
                  YUEN68 DNE
                  YUEN78 DNE
                  YUEN88 DNE
                  YUEN98 DNE
                  YUENA8 DNE
                  YUENB8 DNE
                  YUENC8 DNE
                  YUEND8 DNE
                  YUENE8 DNE
                  YUENF8 DNE
                  YUENG8 DNE
                  YUENH8 DNE
                  YUENI8 DNE
                  YUENJ8 DNE
                  YUENK8 DNE
                  YUENL8 DNE
                  YUENM8 DNE
                  YUENN8 DNE
                  YUENO8 DNE
                  YUENP8 DNE
                  YUENQ8 DNE
                  YUENR8 DNE
                  YUENS8 DNE
                  YUENT8 DNE
                  YUENU8 DNE
                  YUENV8 DNE
                  YUENW8 DNE
                  YUENX8 DNE
                  YUENY8 DNE
                  YUENZ8 DNE

                  DNE = Does Not Exist

                  • @MS Paint: Thought someone said YUEN88 is registered to a white Honda?!

                    • +3

                      @Maki: I never claimed the data was accurate. This was my data source

                      • +1

                        @MS Paint: I went through the list and surprisingly only YUEN28 and YUEN88 are currently taken.

                  • +1

                    @MS Paint: This is extremely aesthetic

                  • @MS Paint: how did you do this

                  • @MS Paint: Would have saved a bit of time without the letters given what I wrote in the deleted "inappropriate" comment.

          • @MS Paint: YEUN28 is a Grey Suby wagon…

            • +3

              @pegaxs: Mapax wanted the data presented in table format or CSV but thanks for your contribution. I believe it's required in this format so he can easily create a GANTT chart with the data during smoko.

              • @MS Paint: Haha, I don’t even know what a GANTT chart looks like. I’m a field researcher, I just collect the data and hand it to someone else to take care of.

                • +4

                  @mapax: So on this occasion you want me to collate the data and create the visual representations? Geez. Some people. I don't know.

        • Where do you do number plate searches???

      • -2

        the car he’s complaining

        He ? ? ? or she ? ? ?

        • "they/they're"

    • +4

      I assumed it was YUENM8 short for

      You and Mate

      • No matches found for 'Yuenm8'. Please try again.

      • +6

        You and me? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

      • +1

        Yuen is indeed a Chinese surname, assuming the driver got the plate when he was 28yo.

        • +5

          I was secretly hoping YUENL8 was the plate because clearly Yuen was running late.

        • +13

          I like to believe he was born in 1928 and is a 97 year old Chinese man just running a muck everywhere he goes

    • He was typing in caps, presumably holding shift and held shift while pressing 8.

  • +13

    saw a clip on facebook with a driver in singapore driving through a toll booth and a tailgater.
    he let the guy follow close. just as he got past the gate he stopped.
    tailgater got angry, and was getting out of the car
    the first guy sped away and the gate closed in front of the tail gater.

    • +2


    • Except I was the car behind the tailgater

  • -1

    I mean, you've got a custom plate which is not cheap, but you can't afford to pay for parking???

    Think about property prices. Mortgage. Private school fees. it all adds up. "Behind every great fortune is a crime committed but conveniently forgotten" Google the saying.

  • +1

    For future reference, while the exits at Westfield car parks have booms, most of them do NOT have them at their entries.

    • +2

      Great -a head on smash will be cheaper than parking fee 😉

      • +1

        With this one simple trick you can save on parking fees

        • +1

          I'm trying to follow you for more money savings tips but my request has been rejected 3 times so far.

  • Standard Westfield car park behavior.

  • you've got a custom plate which is not cheap

    Aren’t they only like $600 in Vic? I’ve seen some people with $2.5k QLD plates do some real dero stuff. When the dealer will let you also put them onto the finance, guess anyone can own custom plates.

    you can't afford to pay for parking

    To be fair, $35 is pretty expensive for parking in a suburban area.

  • Which carpark was this? I'm guessing the small red multi-level one near coles?

    • The one closer to Fish Pier

    • +3

      What are you on about? OP got charged the amount that YUEN was meant to pay and had to use the intercom to get past the boom.

      • -2

        Highly doubt the cameras/sensors are fast enough to pick up the numberplate of a car tailgating.

        • +1

          They usually have cameras to catch the front and rear plate

  • Shopping center owner is poor aussie battler, charging small business $40k or more monthly rent. They need more money, help them via parking fees.

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