Trimui Smart Pro Retro Handheld US$44.63 (~A$71.34) Delivered @ Ampown Store AliExpress

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This handheld retro game console was popular last year and now it's on sale again. According to the updated review by Retro Game Corp it's a good option for those looking to do widescreen emulation (i.e. GBA/PS1/DC/N64), all around 4:3 gaming and streaming or widescreen PC ports via PortMaster. Alternatively if you want a cheap 64GB microSD card included you can get it for US$46.91 (~A$74.98) from this listing.

Edit: Available cheaper here

Edit 2: Please DO NOT ask where to source Games/ROMs from in the comments, as this is against the rules and the mods will remove your comment !!!

Stack with AliExpress Coins, AliExpress Cashback and 19% cashback from TopCashback for further savings.

  • Apply the coupon CLEAR06 or OZAU10 or AUAS10

AU$ based on current Mastercard rate and GST inclusive.


  • CPU: Allwinnner A133plus Cortex-A53 [email protected]
  • GPU: PowerVR GE8300@660MHz
  • Display: 4.96 inch, 720×1280 IPS 294ppi
  • Battery: 4000mAh, Up to 6 hrs battery life
  • Dimensions: 180x80x17 (mm)

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    • +8

      1) Why? It’s not like finding roms is hard and the included roms are always a shit collection with bad organisation, bad dumps, duplicates, random PAL copies and non random English games.
      2) If it comes with games it wouldn’t be allowed to be posted here.
      3) The included SD Cards are generally crap and die.
      4) You have no way of knowing if the provided SD Card has malware.

      tldr; throw the included card straight in the bin.

  • +1

    This or Trimui brick if similar cost?

    • +14

      Horizontal vs Vertical.

      Dual analog sticks vs Only dpad

      Ergonomical vs pocketable

      Only you know what you want.

    • -1

      I have both, I would strongly suggest this over the Trimui Brick unless you have some nostalgia for the vertical layout. The sizes are surprisingly not that different, neither are particularly pocketable in regular pants pockets, but fit in a jacket pocket just fine. Similar size to a Switch Lite.

      For me, this is much more ergonomic, there's a reason why Nintendo moved to the horizontal form factor with the GBA and has stuck with that since then to this day (through the DS, and now the Switch). The analog sticks are also great and make this good for PS1 or N64 emulation.

    • -1

      I’d say Brick. I got the feeling from reviews that this didn’t have the power to do a lot of widescreen stuff well, so you may as well get a 4:3 device.

  • I love mine,
    only downside may be limited firmwares - I wonder if that's changed since last year

    • +6

      There are a few - CrossMix OS, KNULLI, Juka OS and Tomato OS.

      • -2

        No muOS is 100% dealbreaker for me.

        • +3

          Fortunately it's on the planned list.

      • +2

        Tomato OS is essentially discontinued. I don't believe Juka OS is a serious option. I use CrossMix which is excellent and have tried Knulli which is also very good.

        MinUI is another option, though I've not personally tried it:

        Lastly, there is now an android build in early release:…

        Regardless, there are are some great options for this device.

      • +1

        CrossMix OS is pretty good. I have been using it for over six months, and it runs bloody steady.

  • +3

    The build quality is great on this thing, the only thing I disliked was that it wasn't powerful enough to play PSP games which such a shame for such a beautiful screen

    • I played a good couple of hours of God of War on mine (which I understand to be a very demanding title) and had no issues at all.

      • I've not used the TSP, so I can't comment…but generally yeah, if you can knock GoW out, you can knock out just about anything.

      • +2

        Let me guess, with frame skip?

    • +1

      Ive tried a couple PSP games and they worked well.

      Does sometimes freeze, and needs to be rebooted.

      In its defence, its been dropped countless times and thrown half-heartedly at least twice.

  • +2


    You’ve got your own codes now? Cool…

    • +7

      Yup. I asked for more coupon codes as there's multiple things I want to buy with the same discount and they came back with this. Saves me from having to use multiple accounts more.

      • You do have some pull, eh. Congrats - nicely done…

  • I like mine, the slimness makes it extremely pocketable imo, a dimension not often considered.

    Just remember, no R3 and L3 on the sticks, which you're unlikely to miss for anything GB/GBC/GBA, probably only some PS1 and maybe PSP? It may be possible to remap it to somewhere else using a function button, I just haven't looked into that.

    Great price though I paid closer to $100 I think.

  • Hey! I was looking into something like this today for my kids. I want them to be able to play GameBoy, GameBoy Colour, Advance, Nintendo DS games, etc.

    I came across the Anbernic models or Retroid Pocket 4 Pro. Would there be a reason to get one of these over this deal?

    • This can play all the platforms you listed.

      Just note that the TrimUI Smart Pro doesn't have a touch screen, so some DS games may not work (or require you to use the joystick to control the stylus).

    • I have the rp4pro and this, the rp4 is mine and this is for my kid.
      Honestly this is a much more rugged build than the rp4, is easier to set up and is much more pocketable.

      The rp4 is better if you also want ps2 games included in the list of games for them to play.

    • Definitely a great device. Very well built.

    • I've got this for my 7yo. Was great for travelling and honestly I've just stuck to the original rooms and sd card it came with. Going strong so far.
      You just need to spend some time with the kids figuring out good games for them because there's a lot of crap games in it too.
      Also google how to copy the roms onto your own reliable SD for backup.

  • Thanks for the post Clear! :) any codes for rg34xx or the trimui brick?

  • +1

    I just bought the anbernic rg40xx h seems to be the best unit around this price point..after i watched basically all the reviews.
    I should have bought it from ali express
    Side note using code AUAS05 brings it down to 72.51

    Got mine from geek buying… gave it to my boy yesterday… so far its crashed on a few games and work on a few, havent given it a good work out yet… the card it comes with has many non english games and duplicates…

    Should have probably got the 64gb no memory card like the one linked.. cost half as much.
    Tempted to grab a second at this price point though

    This one has much higher res though

    • +4

      You should always replace the Memory Card that comes with these device as they are known to corrupt/fail (Some of the devices now ships with Kioxia Cards which are fine).

      I also recommend installing a Custom OS (muOS, Knulli, etc) which usually fixes a lot of the crashes/bugs.

    • I am leaning towards rg40xx v. Do you think that h would be better?

      • +2

        Basically the same device, just a different form factor (vertical vs horizontal).

        Some people find one more comfortable over the other.

      • +1

        Personal preference. My son wanted the h… Many old-school like the v form factor.

    • Cheers @Clear. Was going to spend $80 on this but wanted to wait for a better deal. If my topcashback goes through i should get it for less than $60.

      • Didnt mean to send this as a reply to your comment but cant figure out how to delete it.
        Be spewing if this is a better deal but thats the game haha
        Edit: I understated how much this is driving me crazy, grinding my teeth right now at the thought of that potential $6 saving

        • That's all good, you can probably cancel your first order? I ended up paying $66.22 AUD for the white with the 64gb card, we'll see if the cashback tracks.

          • @YourImag1nat1on: Tempting but i think i just had to get it out, ill live with it haha.
            Hopefully the cashback tracks and it doesnt take too long to get here, good luck!
            Edit: just accidentally revoked my up vote. Ffs, my bad.

    • +1

      I got one from this link thanks.

    • Yep looks like it. Can't be shared as a deal itself due to not meeting feedback requirements 😓

  • -5

    Yay, love me some pirated roms for breakfast! I personally can down at least 2000 roms. Yummy.

  • +1

    Out of curiosity - how does this compare to the R36S?

    • Would also be interested to know this.

  • Anyone here happen to know whether this model is decent for Sunshine/Apollo streaming to Moonlight/Artemis clients!? This looks too good to be true for so little coin. Could be great for a bit of game steaming if the WiFi is quick and low-latency enough.

    • +1

      I used moonlight to stream switch titles

      • Right on. That's what I plan to do with it primarily. Did you buy and set up a microsd card with crossmix yourself, or buy one pre-installed?

        And how is the input lag playing via moonlight? Are you on local network or via internet also?

        • Input lag was fine but I was only playing Pokemon type games, not anything where I'd notice. It was on my home wifi

  • @RichardL @PainToad

    Should I buy a higher sd card version e.g. 256GB (instead of 64GB to get maximum games) and just copy it to reputable brand? Is it that simple? Or do I need to firstly install OS like muOS in the new SD card and then copy all the games?

    Do I need to install emulators separately or are they part of muOS?

    Mod Edit: Removed question regarding where to source games.

    • +2

      Dont use the included SD card for anything, not even for copying to a reputable branded SD card.

      I think I followed a guide from joeysretro handheld site but dont remember for sure.

    • +3

      I highly recommend purchasing your own reputable memory card as the one that come bundle with these devices are known to corrupt/fail. The capacity doesn't really matter; more space just allows you to store more games (realistically, you'll most likely only play a few games so 64GB/128GB is more than enough).

      Regarding OS, most will require you to do a fresh install either through copy/pasting folders or flashing the memory card. Most of the OS has their own installation page with instruction (ie. muOS) on how to install or just follow a YouTube tutorial (ie. Retro Game Corps or Joey's Retro Handhelds).

      You can find the full list of system that are supported by muOS on their website, however some will require their own BIOS (these files are copyrighted, but Google is your friend).

      • Does MuOS support the TrimUI?

        • Not currently. muOS only supports Anbernic Devices running the H700 Chipset (XX Devices).

          Planned device support:

          • Anbernic ARC-D
          • Game Kiddy Bubble
          • MagicX XU Mini28
          • Trimui Smart Pro
          • Trimui Brick
  • I have a Miyoo Mini and an AYN Odin 2 Pro… do I need this as well?….

    • +1

      No, the Odin 2 is way more powerful than this and pretty much the same form factor.

  • +2

    Ordered. Don't need. Have R36S, Miyoo Mini Plus, RG35xx plus.

    • Hahaha almost exactly the same boat. Miyoo Mini Plus, two R36Ses, and stream moonlight to laptop but hoping to use the trimui with moonlight a bit, see how it goes. And maybe some n64 titles natively! Some vids seem to show them running almost flawlessly. Goldeneye renaissance anyone?!

      • +1

        I am going to get heavily into Portmaster with the Trimui.

        • Please elaborate. Otherwise I'll google it 😁

          Oh right, ported pc games that play natively!? Might use a bit more battery than my planned steaming solution, but definitely worth some extra effort and research for those cases internet is just not good enough to stream.

  • +1

    I dont know what games i'd play on this - if i had some candidates i'd pull the trigger but I have no idea..

    • +2

      I plan to rock The Bards Tale, Pirates! and Sensible World of Soccer.

      Oh, and Hounded, for any C64 retro-gamers…

      • Cool! I will put a few games for Mum, eg tetris. She liked that jewel game i forget the name. I'm a bit annoyed i didn't think of this earlier.

        • +1

          Apologies, I was being a bit tongue in cheek, since most of my retro suggestions were sourced from my childhood Commodore Amiga and 64 days - so you can ignore some of my suggestions.

          Plenty of old retro games from other consoles available via wide-ly distributed ROMs…

        • +1


  • +1

    Grabbed one, and got the topcashback 19% too. Was under $60 AUD factoring that in. Cheers OP!

    Will be trying it with my Apollo host and Moonlight client if that even works. There's a Linux version of Moonlight so I'm assuming so.

    • +1

      Cost me $85 after using the pay in usd trick. I should have just stuck to the default..

      • Whoa! That's a touch more hey. Did you get any cashback tracked?

    • +1

      Hoping to get 30% off with Cashrewards.

      • Rad, I wish I knew that was an option, but CR hates me…

        • Same. So not expecting a good outcome. Worse case it cost me $65.37.

  • If it can't do PSP well, why bother with a wide screen handheld? Might as well get a 4:3 device. I know emulators can hack some PS1 / N64 games to play using it, but a slightly more powerful widescreen handheld could play games designed for widescreen (PSP).

    • +1

      Things like DS? So you can have both screens side by side?

      • Hmm, that doesn't sound too bad at all. Except for those games that require touchscreen or have the top and the bottom visuals linked, like DK: Jungle Climber.

    • +2
      • That does look good, though I've tried following recommendations for PSP games and they don't seem to run as smooth as that guy plays them at. He is obviously better at tweaking settings than me.

        • Performance mode?

    • Plays most PSP well

  • Copped one for AUD $68, thanks.

  • This or the Miyoo Mini Plus (….. or both?

    • +1

      I have small hands, and I think the R36S and Miyoo Mini Plus are both too small for long use without discomfort, I start feeling an ache before 30 minutes.

      • +1

        I printed a grip for the r36s which fixed that issue for me. But obviously ruins the pocketability

  • +1

    Got a grey for $63.03

  • This device supports Moonlight and it's great. I use Apollo (Sunshine Fork) on my PC.
    It's good for Portmaster games too.

    • Oooh thats pretty interesting. Run demanding games (that dont require L3+R3) on PC and stream them

  • Nice one! I just spent the last few hours watching several clips on YouTube before making my purchase,

    Settled for Retro Grey, I'd say if I wanted to make it even more custom in the future I would (If I really wanted to) swap the button colours.

    $64.62 Delivered with the alternative link to purchase not bad!

    Seems while this device is somewhat older to the market, the community has been able to come together to fix / tweak the device to further improve gameplay!

    I do already own a PSP-1000 which I just took out of the draw to discover a swollen battery, took it out booted up fine.. also to discover the UMD drive seems to no longer wish to play any of my purchased games…

    Ridge Racer is old school jam… let's see how it goes on the TSP instead ;)

    Thanks again OP

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