Starlink Standard Satellite Internet Kit $349 (Regional Areas Only, Residential Plans from $99) + $34 Delivery @ Starlink


Was on Starlink site today and noticed Standard Kit on special!

Looks to be Regional Areas Only due to "congestion" charge within Metro Areas - Tested for VIC and NSW Metro Addresses. Regional Appears to be fine and no additional charge.

The Generation 3 Standard Starlink Kit is on Sale via Starlink (at the moment). Highly likely that being Starlink have done the Sale, all retailers like JB(, Harvey Norman(, Officeworks( and Bunnings( will most likely lower their prices (usually within 24 hours).

This is more suited for homes and businesses with fixed locations.

Speed Tests of Standard Kit can be found here( including Latency - This is on a Residential Plan (not Residential Lite).

Two Residential Plan Option:

  • Residential - Our most popular plan for typical residential customers. Unlimited data.
  • Residential Lite - An affordable option for smaller households and lower internet usage. Unlimited deprioritized data. Speeds may be lower than our Residential service at peak hours.

Referral Links

Referral: random (110)

The referrer and referee receives bonus credit for a month of standard service, 30 days after the referee activates and keeps their Starlink. Referrals will only issue credits to Standard Plan (Residential) and Mobile Regional (Roam) subscriptions. Kits purchased from a retailer or reseller are not eligible for the referral program. No credit will be given even if a referral link was used during activation.

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    • +5

      Have a chat to anyone who has had to use satellite NBN (Sky Muster) and we will tell you nbn might be a "safe bet" but its useless.

      You twits just watch the news and drone on about Elon man bad, grow up get out of the city and you might see how much of a difference Starlink has made in the regions.

    • +2

      Elon bad mood - pushes 'X' button and your internet stops - He done that only for military use of his devices. In any other times he would be eveil if he would allow his product be actively used in a war.
      He should have done exactly what OneWeb did. Nothing! Instread he helped Ukraine to defend themselves. And for a significant period paid it himself.

      Elon foul mood - pushes 'XX' button and your Tesla catches fire - I do not know if catches fire, but yes, it stops, if you are a war criminal and get the car despite the embargo. Again, wondering what the reaction would be if he would say, yes, I know russin general use my car, he got the car illegaly despite the embargo, I can stop it, but I will not.

      Elon manic mood - pushes 'XXX' button and your home battery explodes. Where did you get that?? Send link pls.

      NBN - safe bet - great idea. I am going to sell my Starlink I purchsed year ago, and order NBN for my campervan!

  • +6

    Came in here to see if the latest NPC programming is still current.

    It is.

    Electric car man bad.

  • +5

    just here for the drama. f* him

  • I am very interested in mounting a Starlink Roam portable kit to the roof of my car. Do these go on special / ever have deals? I'll have to look more into the mount but there is an image on the website of one mounted to the roof of a vehicle that is moving at 100mph / 160kph. My partner and I both work remotely / passively and so this kit is ideal. If there are folks who have fitted one or someone has examples that would be grand.

    • +3

      I am very interested in mounting a Starlink Roam portable kit to the roof of my car. Do these go on special / ever have deals?

      The mini was on special last December 2024 into January 2025, so they will probably go on special again. It was $299 + Delivery. I bought one during this period.

      I'll have to look more into the mount but there is an image on the website of one mounted to the roof of a vehicle that is moving at 100mph / 160kph. My partner and I both work remotely / passively and so this kit is ideal. If there are folks who have fitted one or someone has examples that would be grand.

      I've fitted my Gen 3 (Standard Kit on Roaming Plan) to the canopy of my ute( and travel 110 down the freeway no worries. My daughter connects to it via her tablet. Even got a mini PC connected doing speed tests and plots it on a map(

      As for mounting, I bought a bolt on mount from Starlink, then bolted that to the pipe which is then secure through the roof of the canopy to the bracing bar. There are multiple options available for roof racks, roof platforms and more available from Starlink directly or third parties.

      • Outstanding. thank you for taking the time to reply. I'm pleased someone else has done it I'll check your links out. Cheers.

        • +1

          Not a problem, any questions feel free to PM.

  • +10

    So sad to see how easily people latch on to fact-free and baseless propaganda.

    Yeh Elon is Nazi… sure… whatever you say… or whatever they tell you to think…

    Lap it up hating the rich guy, hope it makes the bigots feel better about themselves.

    Anyway, Starlink is a truly incredible service and product. And so is the Tesla.

    I take this cancel culture as just a symptom of Trump opposition losing the argument (and the election, and the popular vote).

    • +1

      But it on <insert name> documentary/fact checker/news. I appeal to authority and thus is true.

      Anyone who disagree with me is a snowflake/npc/<insult> I wish to called them by. <insult name> need to prove what they claim is true while I don't. Any proof that goes against my view is fake news/propaganda.

      I support <insert name> that is currently trending. Don't u care about <insert name>?

      We need a centralise authority to combat the misinformation online that question the propaganda being is pushing by the authority.

  • Anyway, anybody seen deals on the Starlink Roam? My parents could really use something like this in the RV when they take it out, but only need to subscribe when they're on the road. Anyone experienced with this type of use?

    • Roaming is the plan, the hardware is what goes on special. The mini was on special December 2024 and January 2025.

      Your parents probably want the Mini which is all in one and can run on 12v. The Standard Kit requires 240v. I have a mini that I use every now and then which is on pause and handy at the moment.

      When they want it, just unpause and away they go within about 15 mins (I always suggest unpausing a day before it is required to be safe).

      I've fitted my Gen 3 (Standard Kit on Roaming Plan) to the canopy of my ute( and travel 110 down the freeway no worries. My daughter connects to it via her tablet. Even got a mini PC connected doing speed tests and plots it on a map(

    • +1

      See my post just above, I ask the same question, got a response! Cheers.

  • Cue the Elon haters 😂😂 show us where the electric car man touched you!

  • +1

    Does it come with a signed Nazi flag and swastika badge

    • +3

      Does it come with a signed Nazi flag and swastika badge

      No but Lefties in their wisdom will happily paint swastikas on them thereby creating far more harm to holocaust survivors and their families than an awkward wave ever could. The lack of self awareness of these nutters is off the charts.

  • +1

    So many simpletons on OB ><
    No doubt a reflection of the society we live in.
    Trump and Elon FTW!

  • +4

    Is it ozbargain or wokebargain?

    • +5

      I am slightly disappointed with political comments with deals. Tech sites, bargain sites, hobby sites, etc should put this aside.
      I am here for the deals, not for a political crap. I didn't like Musk beofre, don't like him now, but there is no replacement for Starlink right now.
      So let's talk about the deal and not about politics.

    • Once any site goes mainstream, all the kb warriors wants to come and give their 2 cents about their world view from their basement. When you call out someone else as being brain washed, you are really just being brain washed by the other side. The media has their own agenda, the more violent, controversy, hate and conflict, the better for them.

  • +2

    I'm back for the comments… and it doesn't fail me.
    seriously though - guy stepped on many toes. he's a big boy. he can look after himself.
    don't try defending a billionaire - you reap what you sow. ying yang. we all got a choice.

  • +2

    For some people have no choice.

    If you do have a choice (my parents have decent fixed wireless) I'd go fixed wireless rather give money to Elon. He's be gouging profits for too long.

  • -5

    Luv seeing lefty nutters and wokes getting upset

    • -5

      I thought American lefties were bad. Look at the Australian equivalents.

  • How do they define regional/rural and areas that are congested?

    I put in my address which is rural/regional for every other metric but they’re trying to charge $549 for the setup and $139 a month (it won’t let me see the $99 a month plan?). But even then it won’t let me progress to an order.

    I’ve got no copper, no fibre, no HFC and I tried to do fixed wireless NBN but I can’t see the tower so it doesn’t work. I get one bar of Telstra so they won’t sell me 4G Internet and Sky Muster is a joke. I was hoping this would work.

    • Whats your post code?

      • +1
        1. I never realised how far east the postcode covers though (just looked it up), so I'd say they're lumping the west of the postcode in with the Sunshine Coast if they do it by postcode. Damn.
  • +3

    Seriously though, this is NOT for people on FTTP, FTTC or FTTN but this craps all over Fixed Wireless and Skymuster which is a large percentage of the countryside.
    Nothing else comes close.

  • +5

    Too much politics. The truth is there is no replacement for Starlink for now. Going to Outback, or live in a area without proper NBN, you need it. And people who say thay would rather live offile - please try it for few weeks. Then come back and share your experience being without a phone and without an internet for few weeks.
    It is everyone right to choose what product they will buy or not. But some comments are just silly.
    I was not a fan of Elon back then, I am not particular fan of Elon now, but I purchased several Starlinks before his new "role", especially in times when I, as a former EU citizen, really hated the hard push for EV - and Elon with his Telsa was the main figure for EV movement. And yet, I choose the product becuse it was the only reasonable choice I got for my need.
    Politics aside, for who is interested - the standard kit easily gets over 450Mbps download (and that was on a roam plan, not dedicated bandwidth you got with home connection). It is quite reliable, as long as you got clear view of the sky. I used to be a radioamateur and my guess is that Elon must be loosing money on the terminal itself, as it is a masterpiece of technology. 20 years ago I would not beleive such tehnology would be in reach for an average person.

    • that's what i think to, fifo worker like me relies heavily on starlink. Cant function proper onsite without it

  • -1

    I guess all the anti-Musk posters would be happy for Star Link to stop officering services to Ukraine's army in their defense and let Putin take the whole country?

    Separate the man from the politics, you don't have to agree with his opinions and politics, but you can't deny his companies Tesla, Star Link, Space X have been very successful and moved the world forward.

  • +5

    Wow, I used to enjoy Ozbargain for the deals, and occasionally the feisty comments.
    But the intense statements being made here are making me rethink staying in this community!
    What happened to people being able to post a deal and the rest of us choosing to buy it or not?

    It seems at the moment if you want to post a deal, you have to double check if the what side of politics the supplier is on.

    • +3

      It'd be nice to see upvotes and downvotes only for the quality of the actual product or service in the deal!

      Starlink is probably the way many OzBargainers in regional parts of Australia access the forum, simply due to it being far quicker and more reliable than many other available options!

    • +4

      What happened to people being able to post a deal and the rest of us choosing to buy it or not?

      Fascism happened, that's what.

      • "Fascism happened"

        YEP, lefties are fascists at heart.

        Whenever I hear 'leftist' or ‘progressive’, I think ‘fascist’.
        That's coz all forms of ‘progressive’ think they know what's best for everyone else & seek to impose it.
        That descends into fascism in no time at all.

        "The Left is a waiting room for fascism." Léo Ferré 1971

        • "…what Trump’s gonna do is just declare victory, right? He’s gonna declare victory. But that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner. " - Steve Bannon.

          Do you think that Trump is going to leave the White House when his term is up? What will that make him?

    • +7

      Almost like everyone hates fascism these days :(

      • -3

        Almost like everyone hates fascism these days

        The irony is that the ones claiming to be 'anti-fascists' are the one most engaging in fascist behaviour. You can't make this stuff up…

        • +1

          Yeah you can, you just did.

  • +1

    Pretty sure once Trump is finished using him he will be thrown under the bus just like all of Trump's ex advisories. In the mean time, the media loves to have a public famous face for everyone to hate, they can sell more newspapers and subscriptions behind all that emotion. Humans are easily manipulated.

  • +3

    Nice I'll just get a swastika tattoo while I at it. Ceo is a massive c word.

  • +4

    Great deal since he throws in the rapid democratic backsliding for free.

  • +6

    "New research suggests that the latest generation of Starlink satellites are leaking even more potentially disruptive radiation into low-Earth orbit than their predecessors, which could disrupt astronomical observations"

  • +6

    Oh yeah, I'd love to have my service switched off for a post supporting Ukraine or Palestine, or calling his Mango Mussolini pet a fascist. Nazi Elon Punks F**K Off!

    • +1

      Ukraine itself relies on starlink for military communication. It is part of the US military support so you know.

      • +1

        Yep. And that is a massive benefit for Ukraine… for now. If Zelenskyy decides he doesn't want to give up rare earth minerals or does any other infinite number of things that damage ol' Don's or Muskrat's ego, well… One flip of a switch and they're in total darkness.

    • -2

      They destroy everything they touch.
      A very special talent.
      Truth is not a leftist value.
      Feelings, not facts.
      Beliefs, not data.
      Equality, not freedom.
      Anyone who disagrees is a racist, or a Nazi, or even worse, a racist Nazi, or much worse than that, a deplorable Trump voter!
      If it’s bad, Trump caused it.
      He’s a climate arsonist too.
      Leftist climate “science”;
      If it’s unusually hot, it’s climate change.
      If it’s unusually cold, it’s weather.
      The world will end in 12 years, according to the famous leftist high school dropout, and Climate Perfesser, Great “thundering” Thunberg.

  • +6

    Starlink is not safe guys, my friend used it and his PC was infected with a malware called MAGA and now plays an old German national anthem on a loop :(

  • +4

    Elon dumb

  • +4

    No thanks

  • +1

    Looks like we need more deals for hemorrhoid creams seeing how butt hurt Musk haters are.

    • Not the cheapest thus not making a post for it, Tucks Md Cool Hemorrhoid Pad, 100 Count @ for $24.31(

      With this, hopefully all those hate musk and those who find anti-musk's comments offensive should be heal and made whole. I can vouch for it effectiveness.

      It ok not to support a company base on moral ground. We shouldn't be attacking individual if they have a different stance.

  • As vile as Elon is, if Starlink makes your life better just get it. He makes more money in a minute than you will spend on Starlink in a lifetime and it won't make any difference to his life either way.

    The people I know who have gotten it in rural areas have said it is infinitely better than the alternative.

    • +1

      it won't make any difference to his life either way.

      It makes a huge difference when his attitudes are rejected. If, for example, Tesla want to survive they may need to ditch Musk.

      • -1

        It really shows who just jumps on the Musk hate bandwagon without knowing anything about him.

        Tesla is thriving and is months away from eating the entire ride sharing market.

        • +2

          So you agree with Musk's statement that a British cave diver who had helped rescue a group of trapped soccer players was a "pedo guy".

          You'd like to defend that would you?

      • There are Tesla alternatives so my advice would be different if this was about Teslas. The internet is a huge part of our lives these days and for some people Starlink is their only good option.

        • That may be so.
          It isn't true though that Starlink would survive if people chose not to use it.

    • +5

      He makes more money in a minute than you will spend on Starlink in a lifetime and it won't make any difference to his life either way.

      Wasn't it trump that says he is so successful and is a billionaire himself yet crowd sources funds to fight his legal cases from ordinary Americans?

      Rich people count every penny.

  • +5

    I would prefer not to do business with Starlink due to its affiliations. Deal may benefit those who need it though

  • +4

    Thanks OP - good deal, Starlink is awesome

  • -1

    Well done Musk.
    Most of the US are really appreciating all the work you're doing in the US
    Trump has got a great team. Have you seen the new press secretary?! A star!
    Keep it up!

  • +8

    Can't support this obvious nazi.

    Obvious nazi salutes.
    Hangs out with people who support nazis.
    Supports far right political parties.

    Reposts a message saying "“Hitler didn’t murder millions of people. Public sector employees did.”

    If it quacks like a duck…

    • +2

      A Israeli loving Nazi?

  • +6

    I'll never intentionally pay money to Elon. The man's gone crazy with power.

  • +6

    Do we buy this to fund Elon's 50 kids?

    • +1

      He can take them all and go to Mars

  • +5

    Ozbargain has transformed into advertising with extra steps, i.e. botted upvotes.

    • U do know we can view all those who voted up/down and see some basic stats on those members.

      I am hoping your comment is backed because u have reviewed all those who voted for and against it and not because you are against the post.

      Edit: if you did spot bots, please report them and thus clean ozbargain from bot. If it's an assumption, maybe more people appreciate the deal then u expect.

      • +2

        I think sock puppets for fascist is more likely.

        • Interesting.

          USAID and SEC unaccountability is more in line with facism. USAID it's expenditure and corruption. SEC is their continual fabrication in their lawsuits to destroy business and industries they opposed. And yes, I was aware them before musk brought them up.

          From what I see, musk action in the US politic field is harming fascist. If I am wrong please correct me on why.

          • +1

            @User7699: Notwithstanding issues with any organisation, it looks more like Musk wants the SEC off his back since they charged him with securities fraud over his tweets about taking Tesla private. Musk eventually settled the case by paying a $20 million fine and agreeing to step down as chairman of the company.

            BTW, Trump just signed an executive order to abolish the Department of Education, which is appalling.
            If abolishing education isn't fascism, I don't know what is.

            • @RecklessMonkeys: Maybe u aren't aware, but from my recollection of my education in Australia. There is lots of propaganda being feed to me from primary school to university.

              Only in the last 5 or so years did I manage to see it for what it is. Even a few days ago I spotted so called facts being added to during a one day course.

              Edit: having a single body deciding what to teach to kids is a scary idea. Like having a single authority on deciding what is the truth. It's is the questioning that shouldn't be suppress.

              • +1

                @User7699: So therefore abolish the department of education, and replace it with something that Trump, a convicted criminal and serial liar, likes?

                • @RecklessMonkeys: What you are doing is straw man fallacy. U are atking trump character. Sure, I see issues with trump too.

                  • +1

                    @User7699: Nonsense. You were trying to justify his actions by claiming 'propaganda' in your own Australian experience.

                    • @RecklessMonkeys: I am saying having a single body deciding what to teach is itself more in line with facism. I was using my experience to illustrate why it dangerous.

                      I ignore your assumption that musk went after the SEC for revange.. for all I know it could play a part in his decision.

                      I don't attack any individual to prove explain my point.

                      • +1

                        @User7699: That's akin to arguing that a federal government should not exist, since it is a single body, when in fact it takes input from a multitude of stakeholders.

                        • @RecklessMonkeys: There is lots of corruption in government and it not as democratic as you think. The government system is distorted from how it was design. As time progress it will get worst and worst.

                          Edit: yes, we were taught how it was ment to be. Now I can't even watch what happen in parliament due to the continual insult.

                          • +1

                            @User7699: One doesn't fix democracy by abolishing democracy.

                            • +1

                              @RecklessMonkeys: True

                              Edit: let end it here on this agreement. It good how neither of us resort to insulting each other. If u want u can add whatever ending remark after this.

  • Wait Elon is a nazi but he wears dog tags that says "Bring them home" in solidarity with Jewish hostages?

    The same guy who has kids with a half Indian woman?


    • -1

      It doesn't have to make sense, as long as their leaders tell them to think a certain way, they will.

  • +1

    It's funny how previously whenever anyone on the right would comment on the incompetence of Biden and how all the media ran cover for him over the last 4 years when it related to an ozb deal the response from the left was always something like "why bring American politics to Australia?!?"… Now the shoe is on the other foot and they don't like what's going on in the leader of the free world, all of a sudden the screeching doesn't stop.

    But hey, as they say, if lefties didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any ;)

    • There aren't equivalent mate.

      The political landscape there is something else and I couldn't give two sh*ts about it but what I ultimately care is Australia.

      Trump et al will likely harm our economy.

      Look at what they did to Canada. At something we need unite like Canada against Trump et al if they try to harm our country and its interests.

      • Who cares if Trump's policies will harm Australia, we need to do better if someone else's policies will kill our economy.

        Not to mention, where is the outrage on all the BYD and Chinese EV deals when China introduced policies that were specifically designed to harm our economy? I don't remember the lefties screeching over that.

        That whole argument is just a straw man to cover for unhinged leftwing idiots whinging about someone who's politics they don't agree with.

        • I don't remember the lefties screeching over that

          There’s literally a list comments critisting china and Chinese made cars on all Chinese EV deals here…you see what you like and ignore all evidence of otherwise. It’s pretty clear.

  • -1

    that's going to be a no for me, E**n

  • +5

    Funny how Elon haters never say a negative word about China who murdered 4 Canadians today. I wonder why 🤔

    • -1

      Is it maybe because it is off the topic of Starlink and this deal?

      Create a post about it and I can criticise China all day long too, but hey, let’s conflate the two issues into one.

  • +6

    The Left-Wing crying on this page is insane 😂

    • -7

      Actually we're having a good laugh every time your Nazi overlord loses another billion 😂

  • +3

    Look at these comments. cry me a river

  • how does Residential Lite [$99] compare to Residential [$139]

    • Unlimited deprioritized data. Speeds may be lower than our Residential service at peak hours.

      • i did see that was hoping for user experiences, also found something on their site with more detail(

        Speeds should range from 50 - 100 Mbps (as compared to 150 - 250 Mbps for the Residential service plan)

        so i'm guessing expect a 3rd of speed during peak

        i'm personally more concerned of upload so hopefully that isn't affected as significantly

        i heard ping is better on lite plan

        • Speeds should range from 50 - 100 Mbps (as compared to 150 - 250 Mbps for the Residential service plan)

          But on the Residential Plan you can get 200 to 300 Mbps in Australia.

          i'm personally more concerned of upload so hopefully that isn't affected as significantly

          Upload is an overall downside to Starlink unfortunately.

          i heard ping is better on lite plan

          I don't see how….. Ping on Residential is like 20 to 30ms. I don't see how it would be lower.

          Maybe I need to trial this on my Starlink Mini and see what it returns.

          • @geekcohen: in middle of the night i get 400-450mbps sometimes

            throughout the day one minute it's 80mbps the next it's 250mbps

            for upload it's low as 4mbps but sometimes seen it 27mbps max 37mbps

            i have a feeling lite plan maybe more predictable consistent

            i do a speed test every hour, my averages are quite high

            data from past week average

            221.06MBps Download
            21.12MBps Upload
            44.25ms ping

            data from past month average

            209.49MBps Download
            19.71MBps Upload
            53.21ms ping

            i think ping could be better for similar reason why idle ping test and loaded ping test is slower, whether starlink optimises artificially limited connections im unsure

            i only read from one source about better ping but felt it made sense

            • @mantra: I know about speed tests because I run them every 5 mins(

              The ping doesn't make sense to me for being on Residential Lite. Like, ping in ping, how it can be lower just because of the plan? Anyway, something to test on my mini I think.

              As for your ping, that is very high! Your averages are lower than mine, so you must be away from either the Sydney or the Perth POP. I am in VIC.

  • +1
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