Switch Provider for Bonus Prepaid Mastercard (up to $400): Electricity $200, Gas $100, Internet $100 @ Econnex (Exc NT, Ergon Q)


Offers are only available when the switch is initiated through the promotional link on this deal.

Promotion available on qualifying Energy plan and/or Internet plan applications made between 13th March 2025 and 17th March 2025 (“Promotional Period”) and may be withdrawn at any time by Econnex Comparison. Econnex Comparison retain the right to change or alter the terms of this offer.   

  • You (“Customer”) will receive a $200 Digital Prepaid Mastercard® (“the Card”) when you successfully Switch and stay connected for a minimum of 45 days your Electricity plan via given link, subject to these Terms and Conditions. 
  • You (“Customer”) may receive a $100 Digital Prepaid Mastercard® (“the Card”) when you successfully Switch and stay connected for minimum 45 days your Gas plan via given link, subject to these Terms and Conditions. 

  • You (“Customer”) may receive a $100 Digital Prepaid Mastercard® (“the Card”) when you successfully Switch and stay connected for minimum 45 days your Internet plan via Econnex Comparison, subject to these Terms and Conditions.   

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  • +7

    After going to powershop, agl retention called me and offered me $250 signup. So last 80 days were free and now going to agl with $250 + $75x2 from government thingy, im good for next 5 months

    • I thought the $75 from government ended already?

      • +8

        $75 x 4 over financial year ($300 in total) and we are likely getting another one next financial year due to election year.

        The labour gov already extended the free student broadband till end of 2028 for the same reason

        Also havent paid gas for last 6 months (AGL credit) and now going to engie for $200 credit which shall last at least 4 months.

        And the plot twist is i managed to get last 2 water bills credited too from Sydney water

    • sorry who were you with and when? you were with powershop and then moved to agl or were you with agl then moved to powershop then agl called you to stay with them with a $250?

      • AGL $300 credit -> Powershop $150 + $75 referral -> now AGL $250

        • wow how did you get $300 credit? when i signed up to AGL last june they were only giving $200 credit :)

          so assuming you used all your $300 credit, then moved to powershop after - were you in cooling period when agl retention called you? amazed someone called you, i normally have to call them and say "how do i move to another provider" before they try and get someone to talk with me to stay on..

          and amazing AGL offered you $250 to sign back up with them too!

          • @prankster: They called me and offered me $300 to go back to them last time.

            This time they offered me $250.

            Must be to do with having most customers based on location (suburbs). They probably get some kind of incentive from the government

            • @easternculture: ok so were you in the cooling period when you moved to powershop? trying to understand when AGL called you back to get you at $250 credit

              did you get any wiggle in the rates or didn't matter since you were getting credit?

              before when i was with energy australia and a friend did this too, you can call them up to match a competitor but in the end they gave me 25% discount which was the max they could do to "keep me as a customer"

  • +5

    Is there a cooling down period if you are still waiting for another digital mastercard? I'm still waiting for one I signed up for in January.

    • +3

      I think I am in the same boat. Took up the last deal. But need to ride out the 75 days to get the gift card.

      • Where did the 75 days come from?

        You (“Customer”) may receive a $200 Digital Prepaid Mastercard® (“the Card”) when you successfully Switch and stay connected for a minimum of 30 days your Electricity plan via Econnex Comparison, subject to these Terms and Conditions.


        • +1

          That 30 days is to be eligible for the gift card. Further down the terms it states that it takes Econnex 90-120 days to email the gift card to you.

        • +1

          Clearly my brain is cooked. My apologies. I thought I saw something saying that.

          I love these deals ! I need to build a spreadsheet to keep track of my electricity providers. I think it’s 9 changes in 15 months

  • I guess I need to click the "Go to deal" link instead of the cashback links below? The offer, "gift card", is available through directly econnex?

  • +1

    silly Q - so if i sign up via this link I would get $200 mastercard for electricity and then when i view the results e.g. for Powershop it comes up with
    "A one off $150(incl. GST) sign up credit will be applied to the usage and supply charges on your first electricity bill."

    So essentially I would be in the green with $350?

    • That's what I would expect, a cashback/ credit card from a promotion deal provider and credit from the actual service provider. That's similar to what I got from cashrewards + energyaustralia last time.

    • +1

      Correct. That's exactly what I received last time around

    • yup

  • Still waiting for my $100 from switching NBN from many months ago. Any day now?

    • Me too but for electricity and gas. It’s been 48 days since I switched.

  • +1

    Pull the plug! Energy Australia seems more expensive than Origin, but the $200 switch bonus plus the $200 welcome offer makes it tempting.

    • depends on your address/location - it varies

  • I switched to OVO last month and got a big fat $0.00 due to failed tracking. Waste of time.

  • I think you have those connection fees to take care of as well, though depends on the retailer. They can be as high as $140 for both electricity and gas. If you add these expenses, you will have to see how the math stacks up

    • +4

      No connection fees for churning

      • Okay. Got it. Because we are switching.

  • Is EA plus Powershop the best for welcoming offer?

    • +2

      yes - make sure then once connected to move to the lower Powershop plan with lower rates as the plan that Econnex pushes is their most expensive plan.

      • Thank you! I think this is same as EA as well switching it back to Flexi plan?

        Also, will changing plan affect any cashback?

        • I have done it twice - got the cashback and the gift card both time.
          No problem at all - you still fulfill the criteria of staying connected with said provider for x days.

  • I have been using this to switch to engie.
    Gift card and retailer discount stacks up.(Bill credits)

    Received the gift card around 95th day of signing up.

    • Wow that’s quite a wait. I’m on my 48th days and thought it should be any day now.

      • It say on T&C that gift cards would come after 90Days

  • I received the following page after submitting the application. Hopefully, it doesn’t mean the tracking failed again!

    Page not found.
    Sorry, we couldn’t find the page you’re looking for.'

    • I got the same 404 error. Looks like someone from Econnex was a bit lazy and copied the February version of this promotion as the weblink is trying to reach "promo-february" which doesn't exist. If you got the confirmation email you should be fine.

  • Does this bonus prepaid mastercard offer work for both electricity and gas if we switch to one provider for electricity (e.g EA) and another for gas (e.g Engie) or do we need to switch both utilities to the same provider in one go?

  • +1

    What are people's experience with churning to another provider after the 45 days connection period is fullfilled but before you have received the prepaid MasterCard bonus from econnex?

    Essentially churning once the credit from sign up is exhausted

    • Left after about 32 days and still got my gift cards.

      Also they used some random mobile number but eventually fixed it for me - I thought the cards were gone almost for sure.

  • I'm confused…

    A)if I use the topcashback link, topcashback give $200 for COMBINED gas and electricity transfer…. am I right thinking going this way won't get me the econnex promotional offer of $200 prepaid mastercard for electricity and $100 prepaid mastercard for gas?

    or am I misreading, and the situation is….
    B) If I use the topcashback linkfor transferring gas and electricity I get BOTH the topcashback $200 AND the econnex $200 for electricity and $100 for gas?


    • +2

      The offers cannot be stacked so you can choose whichever has a higher benefit.

  • Raiz energy is giving 150 for electricity and 120 for gas,and the plus point is staying in for 30 days

  • Do I need to serve a notice period with my current provider? How is the billing settled—do I have to wait until my billing period is over, or can I switch anytime? This is my first time churning for Gas.

  • For those interested,

    Redemption of the Mastercard® Digital Gift Card is subject to the standard terms and conditions, which can be found at https://www.karta.com.au/terms-conditions   
    The Mastercard Digital Gift Card requires activation/claim within 30 days from the date of issue.   

    Once the Mastercard Digital Gift Card is issued, the Mastercard Digital Gift Card can be accessed by using a code used for verifying the recipient’s Karta App and/or during the identification verification check, within 60 minutes of receiving the code. If the recipient does not enter the code in time, they can request a new code to be sent.   

    The Mastercard Digital Gift card will expire 90 days after activation. 

  • Has anyone received their Gift Card from the November promotion? I am yet to received mine and its has been more than 90 days

    • I think around then I did. Search your email and spam for Karta

    • A week ago I received the $200 from electricity switch from the Late November promo,

      I haven’t seen the $100 from switching gas’s providers in the same transaction , but the connection date for the gas ended up taking a few weeks longer than elec , so I am putting it down to that at the moment

      I am going to use this promo again

  • +2

    Can you get this if you signed up for the deal last time?

  • Can you switch out (but after 45 days) with the electricity provider and still be eligible to receive the giftcard?

    Or do you need to wait until you receive the giftcard before you churn?

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