OzBargain Deal Thread - Most Posts by a Single Member on a Single Thread?

If I was to take an educated guess, I would say it would be probably jv.

However, my curiosity was piqued on the Tesla Model Y thread https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/895421 where someone (not jv) is getting very close, if not already there, to 100 posts.

Can the Mods determine what the record number of posts is?


  • +2

    Completely arbitrary as I could just comment 100 times on this thread lol

    • +1

      Indeed - go for your life.

    • I bet mods lock this thread before you hit 100.

  • +1

    Completely arbitrary as I could just comment 101 times on this thread lol

    • You too. 😊

  • +2

    Completely arbitrary as I could just comment n+1 times on this thread lol

    • +3

      Given that you comment on virtually every thread, that would not surprise me.

    • +3

      Obligated to stop at 69,420

  • Are you taking the 5th amendment by not naming them?

    • Top 5 posters on that thread:
      13 /user/82196
      14 /user/124484
      15 /user/230852
      21 /user/220870
      89 /user/323103 (1st-Amendment)

  • Im sure on the political or sensitive topic posts where people have all out reddit like arguments on here ,there would be a few that have hit those numbers.

  • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/211479
    i think i did close to 100
    and also got a store banned
    and got a refund
    then the product turned up 4 months later lol

  • HeWhoKnobs now known as Dr Phil has gone to town on this thread.

    • I would normally punish myself and will follow that link, but Amazingone aka HeWhoKnows aka Dr Phil posts are beyond my limit.

  • known as Dr Phil
    Not sure who loses the most in this name change.
    Take a lot to damage the real Dr Phils credibility these days. If he ever had any,that is.

    • +1

      Won't be long until they are known as Dr Dill

  • I have a thread where I made 212 replies in the one thread… and another for 153 if that's a starting point to jump off at… (but they are not "deal" threads though…)

  • Waiting for @neil to provide some stats :)

  • +1

    Not jv.
    He’s normally blown his load after 15 to 20 comments
    It would have to be one of the really argumentative OzBargainers….
    ….we have plenty of those

  • me

  • Repetitive drivel feels like more comments on first glance 🤮

    JVs' bogan lovechild…

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