From 20 September 2024, the full pension is available, under the assets test, for homeowner singles whose assessable assets are under $314,000 – for homeowner couples the number is $470,000. The numbers for non-homeowners are $566,000 and $722,000 respectively.
Once assessable assets exceed the lower threshold, the pension reduces by $3 fortnight for each $1000 by which assessable assets exceed the lower threshold.
A single homeowner can have up to $695,500 of assessable assets and receive a part pension – for a single non-homeowner the higher threshold is $947,500. For a couple, the higher threshold to $1,045,500 for a homeowner and $1,297,500 for a non-homeowner.
Please note: Calculated answers include all supplements and if calculated for a couple is the joint pension. It is also assumed that both parties are of pensionable age.
So what is assessable assets? Is a PPOR an assessable assets?
For example 1: A is single and retiring he has PPOR worth $750k, small super of $150k with no other income or savings, $150k is all he has. Does that mean he is not eligible for the pension or even part pension until his $150k is gone?
What about example 2: B is single retiring with PPOR worth $500k, no SUPER, saving of $100k. Then he is able to get part pension?…
More detailed list of assets are here…