Car Door Ding Protection

Hey OzBers,

I am reaching out to your cumulative wisdom, seeking a refuge from the torment of the evils of car door dings…

These days, people have been so nonchalantly swinging their car doors without an iota of a fk for the car parked next, dinging their doors and just walking away like no deal. My car has been dinged several times, few times while I was still inside, others I wasn't. And never ever have I seen an apology or a note for the mistake.

What do people do to protect their cars? This is driving me absolutely nuts, almost getting anxiety to park the car anytime I go to any malls. Do door ding protectors really work? Are there any dashcam solutions for this, if my car doesn't have built-in side cameras like Tesla's? Even then, getting my car to repairer for door dings would mean, I would be lodging claims frequently and keeping my car at the repairer for weeks. So prevention is most preferred.

Edit: thanks for replies, adding some constraints for clarity - budget for the solution preferably under $1k and allows me to reach my destination in reasonable time (Trains and buses auto disqualify being in Melbourne, due to PTV's horrid punctuality and coverage). Also, getting a personal bikie for the car to intimidate people from parking next is a good option but haven't found any that meets budget constraint of $1k for life time.


  • +28

    Buy a Citroen cactus.

  • Take up two parks, it saves from dings, but increases the chance of keying ;)

    Just park further away! Or get a cheap run around for shops!

    • +13

      Even parking further away there's always some boomer in a massive suv that has to park next to you.

      And the millennials in their rangers at bunnings. No way your car is getting out of there unblemished

  • +4

    Bound to happen when parking your car publicly.

  • +21

    Park under cover close to a pillar to give a bit extra space and furthest away from the shops.

    Learn where the wider spaces are or park in the end of the row right on the line.

    Last resort parking on the roof level, usually plenty of spaces there.

    • +3

      Yeh my local strip of shops I’ve got a selection of favoured parks, either near the edge or are for some reason much wider parks
      People are animals with their car doors,
      Protect your car by finding the safer spots (no where is 100% safe)

      • There definitely are 100% safe spots - for example, the coveted 'between 2 poles' spots. Chatswood Westfield have a few parallel park spots on each level in the undercover parking, and there are spots with a pole on one side and nothing on the other.

  • +13

    My care came pre-dinged. So I don't really care.

    • +4

      Main reason we don't buy new cars anymore. get something with a few minor dings and there's no heartache when another appears.

    • yair - and a pre-dinged car gets given more space in peak hour traffic - if a shiny new expensive car sees your crappy dingbat and realises you don't care, they gonna give you more space - sweet as, bro' …

  • +4

    Leave the car at home. Walk, ride a push bike, catch public transport or get a ride in someone else's car.

  • +10

    Wrap your car in bubble wrap each time you park it.

    • Line one of those car shade sun protector thingies (look like a fitted tarp you drape over the car) with bubble wrap.

      • i glue pool noodles at thigh height along each side of my car.

  • I wrap my door with XL condoms for extra protection, just like it says on the box

  • +1

    Buy a motorcycle ⁉️😅

    • That won't get dinged, but falls over.

  • +5

    Park in the furthest part of the emptiest car park you can find
    Don’t drive you car if you don’t want it dinged.
    Hire someone to stand there and watch it
    Take a bus, train or Uber
    Bicycle it.

    • +2

      Park in the furthest part of the emptiest car park you can find

      Almost guaranteed to make someone come & park right next to you (leaving all the other spots vacant)….

  • +1

    My car has been dinged several times, few times while I was still inside

    Interested in what you did? Did you speak to them about it?

    Leave a dent in their car?

    • +3

      One time, the lady completely denied it, even though I told her I felt the car shake when she dinged the door. She was in utter denial, claiming the ding I showed her must be pre existing!

      Second time, it was a kid who just jumped out of the car next parked, I told the dad he dinged it, he said no, he doesn't believe the kid could have opened it that far. Luckily, it was a superficial scratch which I was able to run it off with a damp soft cloth. Moral of the story - assume people will just deny the ding. So I am curious as to what practical recording solutions are available that can help. I got dash cam after incidents, but it doesn't record sides, only a single channel front cam.

      • +3

        Yeah not unexpected responses, people are crap.

        I feel a few dings with your door in return would have been worthy after they left.

      • -4

        he doesn't believe the kid could have opened it that far. Luckily, it was a superficial scratch which I was able to run it off with a damp soft cloth

        if the ding was superficial it must have been soft thus I could totally understand why the dad thinks it wouldn't open far enough.

      • Luckily, it was a superficial scratch which I was able to run it off with a damp soft cloth.

        But how was the car?

  • +2

    Wrap with rubber like bumper cars?

  • -1

    You can get multi-channel dashcams

    • +1

      Is there any that can reliably record sides while parked?

    • +1

      got my tesla dinged by a kid getting out of a car next to mine - all I got on those 4 cameras are their faces looking at the ding, looking around, and then car leaving. No licence plates were visible on any of the cameras - left camera is looking back, front camera has recording of a right side of that leaving car.
      So that does not really help for dings

      • +2

        Yep. People think that having a dashcam recording gets everything that happens but you've shown that it doesn't.

        It also won't help with people dinging it with trolleys or bags.

      • +1

        Were you reverse parked? Need to be parked head in so you see their number place on the side camera as they drive out. Sucks cos I prefer reverse parking.

        • yes, reverse parked

      • Even if you had the kid's details, there’s no way he could pay, so it wouldn’t make a difference.

  • take the bus

    • Train

    • Then we'll have a thread about how to deal with crackheads.

      • Cracked heads when crack heads crack your head open.

  • +1

    i've been thinkling bout getting them strips of door dingers for sides of the car

  • +9

    Buy a few spare doors and keep them at home.

  • +6

    Unfortunately, other than parking within the lines or next to a wall, there's not much you can do.

    This is the only reason why I like driving my oldish car. I don't really care about it.

    Brush against it while you walk past? Thank your cleaning the dust.

    • +2

      I had a long streak of dried bird poo on my car. Came back to it one day and it was half smeared off. Someone did me a favour :D

      Unless I did it myself without realising :(

  • Smart (not the Geely) one made cars with plastic panels (painted although it was before matt black got popular). People could ding it and it would bounce back into shape. You'll get some of the paint off but it won't rust. Recyclable too.

    But you know why it didn't take off. Where is the industry in that?

    • Assuming it does bounce back and doesn't crack. I feel like there's a middle ground there of steel being easy to panel beat back into shape whereas you need to replace the entire plastic panel.

      GM made a plastic car in the 90s and it didn't work out so great for the obvious reasons. No one wants gaps in the panels and warping, which would create more noise at speed. The bigger the car, the bigger the panels, the more warping and noise - you could get away with it on a Smart car but probably not the average SUV today.

      I don't think there's a conspiracy for it, car manufacturers would make more money if people replaced plastic panels they made and I'm sure big oil would love it if American cars stopped using imported steel and instead used their plastics. But it seems hard to make at volume.

  • +4

    Wouldn't spend more than 10k or so on a daily beater - just needs to get you from A to B and anything more expensive is just pointless keeping up with the joneses. So any dings are a mild annoyance.

  • +3

    the only way to prevent damage is to leave the car at home.

    Failing that if you must go to a shopping centre, which is by far the worst place to take a car, you can decrease the risk by doing several things.

    As someone who has recently bought a brand new car with a paint colour that's impossible to fix (Mazda Soul Red) I do the following if i have to go to a car park:

    1) I park as far away from the general flow of people as I can. If people have to go by your car to get to theirs with a trolley, you're opening up the possibility that they will swipe you. You'd also have more people coming and going closer to the entrance to the shop, by parking further away you limit the number of "door opens" you are exposed to
    2) You have two sides to your car, so try to eliminate one by parking against a wall.
    2a) This is even more beneficial because you can park super close to the wall and leave even more room on the other side to give you more gap between your car and the one parking next to you
    3) Look at the car you're parking next to. If it's beat to all hell, maybe pick another spot

    If you are really worried about the paint, then you can PPF the door panels but it's not cheap.

    I'd be wary about getting anything to protect the door that goes on the paint itself. It will definitely scratch it. Even factory things like "car bras" damage the underlying paint, I can't imagine an aftermarket thing.

  • +3

    These days, people have been so nonchalantly swinging their car doors

    Not 'these days' its just how it is and has always been.

  • Thinking about this 4 channel dash cam, with decent coverage for sides. Anyone here tried?

    • -2

      Bit much for a decade old camry

      • +2

        Camry has been sold years ago, but thanks for the valuable insight.

    • +1

      Remember you will still need to hardwire the dashcam so that it captures all the dings when your vehicle enters parking mode.

      If someone does ding your car with a shopping trolley (for example), you may capture their face as they slowly disappear.
      But still won't able to hold them accountable unless you pay a bikie to hunt them down.

  • +1

    Use to drive an amg45s, constantly worrying about that crap

    Now just drive a 3rd car with sh** paint to shops, highly modified engine, so dony need to worry about paint work, never felt better and also way more comfortable

  • +2

    Something like this maybe

    • 100% anything that sticks to your car with magnets is going to scratch the clear coat over time, so have fun with that.

  • Merged from Dent Cover - New Car

    Hi, I just purchased a new car (ex-demo), and given the amount of car park dings my last car got I wanted to see if it's possible to get a paint/dent cover.

    Any services people recommend would be appreciated.



    • +3

      Message my grandma

    • Leave the car at home and take public transport

    • -2

      Just hawk tuah it. She'll be right.

    • spend the money on things that bring your life more meaning so that your car getting dinged no longer matters to you…..

    • If your car is getting dinged at car parks it's you. You need to park further away or somewhere else entirely.

    • Could try
      and see if they will cover a demo car.

    • Usually the dent/paint cover do not provide a full respray which would be the ideal fix. They only provide options to touch up / fix etc. I feel its a waste of money due to this reason.

    • Plot twist - op sets up a security camera in the driveway only to discover he's the one damaging his own car at night while sleepwalking

    • preventative measures will be better than dealing with it afterward

      i gave some advice in the other thread someone linked on this.

      As well I guarantee if you read the T&Cs of any dent cover protection, they will exclude 99% of what you think you'd be covered for. After all, correctly fixing dents usually involves re-painting, do you really think an insurance company is going to do that?

    • +1

      Damn how many dings you got on your previous car? I've had 3 cars in the last 2 decades and can only recall like 3 small dents that's not worth fixing.

      Also fixing mini dents through insurance is most likely not worth it.

      • Bloke must be shithouse at parking.

    • +6

      Guess you’ve never paid the equivalent of someone’s FTE in cold hard cash for a new car, parked it perfectly every single time, and come back to find it dented? I have, and it sucks that people don’t hold themselves accountable when they damage someone else’s belongings. Even worse, we have people who go on to blame the owner of the car for simply having it, like you’ve done here.

      So I obviously bought a car that I can afford. Am I allowed, in your mind, to complain about other people damaging it through carelessness?

        • +4

          Na, it's peoples lack of care for others property that is the issue here.

          • -5

            @Mr Random: It’s not really that common to get dinged. It seems like the common denominator is OP, who is likely leaving insufficient space for their neighbours to access their cars.

            If OP is going to spend more than they can afford on a car they should take proper car of it, which includes parking it responsibly.

          • @Mr Random: That's an issues with car park spaces and car sizes, if there were 2m extra on either sides of cars it would rarely be an issue, but given there's more people and cars now spaces are smaller and the closer the cars get the more likely these things happen. It'sjust the nature of the beast of living with other people, not so much lack of care. Sure there are instances of vulgar carelessness, but most instances it is not.

            What OP is complaining about, is just the nature of living with other people, and now he has traded his old for a newer one he suddenly cares about this (which I naturally understand as well). But he shouldn't really, it'll be an old car soon anyway.

        • +2

          Its the principle! And their blatant disregard to your own personal property!

        • Its happened a number of times to me.

          About a decade ago I saw one happen as I was on my way back to the car. The guy quick as a flash started apologising, whipped out his license and let me take down his details. A quick google revealed he was a doctor at an ER in the city. The cost of the repair wasn’t going to be a problem for either of us.

          That car wore the dent with pride, and it demonstrated to me that at least some people have respect. I sold the car with the dent still there, and it reminded me whenever I saw it that not all people are selfish pricks.

  • +1

    I understand big dents being problematic. But small dents and scratches are a part of life and you should get used to it. The one way not to get them is to not drive it out.

  • You can get it PPF wrapped, maybe look at DIY Bushwrapz as a cheaper alternative. This will be effective against minor scratches and dent. Also potentially look at wheel flares, side guards/mouldings too, or side steps if your car allows for it.

    What I typically do is to park further away (where possible), and walk abit more, rather than directly at the entrance of shops. This minimises the risks of getting dents.

    Hope this helps.

    • The PPF will protect the paint to some degree then with luck it can be smooth out by someone with PDR skill.

  • Yeah no solution. Just park somewhere quieter if poss :(. MOST people these days dont give a frak.

  • put side steps. depending on height of car, they get dinged first

  • +3

    Tip for all-day parking e.g. parking in a lot for work.

    I park next in between cars that have already parked. Firstly, you can find the most spacious lots this way. Secondly, the cars next to you are only going to depart at the end of the day, so there is only the chance of being dinged when the adjacent cars depart. On the other hard, parking between two empty spaces means arriving cars could ding you when they arrive or depart. Thirdly, my guess is that generally dings happen when cars are arriving, not departing (opening your car door from the outside you're more aware of the space between your car and theirs vs. opening a door from inside the car)

    Also park up against a wall or at the end of a row of car parks. You can usually park much closer to a wall giving you more space between the adjacent car and yours, and also it reduces the chances of a ding to 1 side of the car.

    • This is the way, parking at the end reduces your chance of a ding by 50%.

  • For smaller dings, PPF should help provide some protection to the paint.

    For bigger dings where there is a dent, you have to claim insurance. Try and get a decent dashcam with wide angle and parking mode operation. If a dent is created, it should be enough to trigger the dashcam, and at least you can get plate numbers to claim with your insurance company.

    If you're taking all the precautions suggested above such as parking away from high traffic areas, and you have PPF and Dashcam, the rest is just down to luck.

    • PPF the doors. Then look for a PDR if dents happens.

      Even better, Bull bar on all doors.

    • Honestly I think a not-at-fault insurance claim for a ding will raise your premiums over time more than just paying for a PDR repair.

  • Didn't read the comments. I have a FREE solution for you. TIME. Give it a few months and you won't care anymore. Been there.

  • This is expected everyday wear and tear.

  • I haven't been dinged in 2 years, and I wash my car weekly so I notice every scratch and ding. I try my absolute hardest to park in spots with nobody next to me. For example, at shopping centres, you can find parallel park type spots, or spots between two poles. There are always spots with nobody at all next to you. I'll circle for 5 mins to find a non-dingable spot.

  • +2

    People have no respect anymore, I wouldn't stress over it too much. I got a new car in 2023 and in the second week someone smacked their door into my car and dented and removed like a 3mm radius of paint off my car.

    Sure I was annoyed at first but I brought some touch up paint and blended it in as much as possible. Yes the dent and touch up paint is noticeable but only if you are next to the panel and looking up close.

    I just stopped stressing over it.

  • you literally have no control over whether it will get dinged or not. Even if you park in the furthest corner of the carpark in the widest spot, some numpty can/will park really close next to you and swing their doors.

    short of taping a pool noodle along each side of your car, there is nothing really to prevent damage (however minor). Even if you PPF your car, a hard enough swing from someone will leave a dent.

    Dents WILL happen. It's whether you let it bother you sufficiently to pay to either fix them (over and over) or leave them long enough so it doesn't matter any more.

  • +1

    I use this door ding protector from Aliexpress.

    Much cheaper than other alternatives sold here in Australia. Seems well made, and even comes with a handy drawstring bag to store it when not in use. I live in an apartment, and my fat inconsiderate neighbour keeps touching my car when he opens his door so I only bought one, for the left side of my car. Sticks well with magnets and also comes with a rope that goes into the car that has a rubber suction cup to attach to the window.

    In use:

    • Hwo to stick it to side of door? Couldn't someone just steal it

      • It sticks with magnets, but yeah you're right, it's possible to steal it. They just have to cut the strap.

  • get upset about it.. but not quite enough to post on OzB

  • The more people that they are cram into our once very liveable suburbs,
    the quicker it’s becoming worse ,
    in the last year my once pretty half decent older car has been deliberately trashed it looks like,
    and talking to locals in the area it’s having to everyone,
    So they park on the street not the supermarket car parks.
    Also as they redo places they also shrink car parks sizes to make “room” for more cars
    I’d like to blame ai or chat gpt but it’s probably in defence mode and I don’t want them to shrink the spots any further ..

  • There was once a guy that dinged me quite hard while I was in the car.

    I stepped out and he got immediately very defensive. He didn't even bother to check on the damage!

    As soon as he went into the shops I returned the favour as hard as I could, even kicked my door hard to inflict as much damage as possible.

    Funny thing was that if he had just apologised I would have just laughed it off and showed him the huge scrape on that door that was getting fixed…

    (Before anyone says he might have seen it, it was dark and the way he was cursing and blaming everything under the sun for dinging my door shows he didn't see it).

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