FezMonkey » user profile

Member Since | 18/05/2022 |
Last Seen | 17 hours 59 min |
Badges | 3 1 |
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>Don't forget that the way CPI is calculated is fundamentally a scam. It measures what people actually buy, not what the same things cost…

I think that if you look at the impact for individuals, higher rates disproportionately hurt those who can bear it least. E.g. Younger…

Yes, if we collectively can restrain ourselves then we might get more cuts. Fingers crossed

FezMonkey commented on [PC, Prime, Epic, GOG] Free - BioShock Infinite CE, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, Deus Ex: Human Revolution DC & More @ Prime Gaming
Popping in to plug The Talos Principle. My favourite game, incredible puzzler with philosophical story.

Different platform but the Worms games go much cheaper on GOG

FezMonkey commented on nbn FTTN to FTTP Upgrade Questions
The tech did a good job with mine. Asked me where I wanted things, and kept it tidy. Only problem is now now I get regular (several per…

you sound pretty bothered yourself, champ

I recently blocked JV's comments from appearing. Huge quality of life improvement on this site since then

FezMonkey replied to
Succulent on 60 Minutes of Time Play, 200 Powertickets & 2 Prize Games $20 (Mon - Thur) @ Timezone

Does that mean you can't get two players on something like a driving game? Sometimes they also have timers for another player to join.

First they came for the Commodores, and I said nothing.

I had a long streak of dried bird poo on my car. Came back to it one day and it was half smeared off. Someone did me a favour :D Unless I…

FezMonkey commented on Advanced Home Loan Cost Calculator?
I would love one that allows you to set different interest rates for different years of the loan. So you can better plot your own history…

FezMonkey replied to
jollyrogga on [PS4, XB1, XSX] Free DLC - Dying Light - 10th Anniversary Bundle @ PlayStation & Xbox

Really great game. Very fun.

FezMonkey replied to
trixieb on One Dozen Red Roses For $30 | A Single Red Rose For $8 @ ALDI Special Buys

That's meee

Yeah I guess so

>As a result — drum roll, please — Bob enjoyed a cumulative return of over 504%. From 1972 to 2013 — a 41-year period — he grew a…

Don't know how to help but sorry for your experience

Always wondered. Are you M. Skeggs or Ms Keggs. Or something else


FezMonkey commented on Did I Discover The Big Boy Funnel Web First?
Those links are staying unclicked

FezMonkey commented on Recommendations for Steam Co-Op Games
[Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes](https://store.steampowered.com/app/341800/Keep_Talking_and_Nobody_Explodes/)

I got a big system, probably overkill but at least it will cater to future higher demands like family, EV, etc. My average self-consumption…

The olive tapenade is soooo good

FezMonkey replied to
Shane043 on What Constitutes Acceptable/Unacceptable Monthly Download Usage for Home nbn

Flagged for what though? Do the terms say they will throttle you if you do X activity?

FezMonkey commented on How Much Super Do You Need?
Surprised nobody has mentioned Die With Zero given some of the relevant comments here. You can read it for free through Kindle on Amazon:…

They should not be randomly throttling you, I doubt that was specified in the terms?

A couple of years ago they gave away the full Tomb Raider trilogy. It crashed Epic for days due to how popular the giveaway was.

FezMonkey commented on How Are They Going to Prevent People under 18 from Accessing Social Media? (YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok etc)
>if I had to guess they will use the front facing cameras of devices and with facial recognition they can accurately predict age (among…

Don't you just hate it when your bank app requires you to prop up your phone and then walk in a circle to demonstrate your gait

FezMonkey commented on [eBook] The Green Beret Preparation and Survival Guide: A Common Sense, Step-by-Step Handbook to Prepare - Free @ Amazon AU
I eat Green Berets for breakfast