Do You Open/Consume Items from a Store before Paying?

So Bilal's family seems like they open icecreams and eat from supermarkets before they pay for the items.

Just want to check if this is normal/ok?

What stops someone doing this then if security guard sees they'll pay, and if no one sees, they put the opened icecream box back onto the shelves? Risk free theft?

I was always taught to pay for something before I open/eat/use etc. I know some stores specifically mention not to open until payment and a lot of places have a process in place for people that is in a hurry to pay and open then go back into the store as the security guard will have a sticker to indicate the item has already been paid for.

FYI, no other countries do this.

Do you pay before you open?

Poll Options

  • 126
    Pay before use
  • 4
    Use and dont pay
  • 13
    Use before pay


  • +27

    I personally think it's disgusting. Just like those people that decide to catch up with mum on speakerphone while doing the weekly shopping. FFS.

    • +6

      Apply that speaker phone shit to anyone yelling into a phone on speaker anywhere, any time.
      We don't need to hear some other vanity units discussion.

    • +1

      Negged by that person.

      • Or by people no longer willing to indulge Karen policing…

      • person(s)*

    • -1

      'disgusting' is a very strong word for something that doesn't cause physical or emotional hurt to anyone else….

      Are you ok?

      • +1

        Fair enough. How about annoyed with a selfish arsehole.

      • +2

        Disgusting as in 'entitled', considering the majority of the population don't consume the product until they pay for it.

        Also, I'm good thanks. Cheers for asking.

      • -1

        Will you apply this to every behaviour you dislike no matter their race also?

        From observations westerners are still very sensitive to any internationals behaviour if it’s abit to much over the normal level like rowdiness..

  • +4

    I feel that if it's a pre-packaged item and already priced with a barcode, as long as you pay for it you can eat it whenever. Enjoy your icecream cone.

    If it's grapes, cherries, etc then pay before you play.

    • +4

      I don't want entitled AHs dripping crap all over the supermarket floor and neither does the supermarket. If you can't wait, eat first before shopping

      • And leaving wrapping, seeds or peel hidden on a shelf

        • +2

          It's feral behaviour and entitled shit

  • +13

    Maybe if I was about to drop dead of thirst I might open a drink before reaching the checkout. But extreme circumstances aside, why would you? Pay first then consume. It’s not yours until you pay for it.

    • Far too logical 😂

      Can’t imagine what circumstances one would even want/ need to do that aside from as you suggested- a drink if your dying of thirst (and imo, you should be standing in line to pay when you crack it open)

  • +4

    I don't do it myself, but does it matter?

    If someone wants to steal something, they will steal it one way or another. If they are honest, they'll pay on their way out even if they opened it. Sometimes it stops the kids from screaming if they can have a $1 chocolate bar right this second.

    I worked checkouts for 5 years and can't imagine caring, because it's $3 or whatever, and in many suburbs junkies will be running out the fire exit with a $400 trolley of meat anyway and nobody is going to touch them..

  • +9

    I have a 2 y/o, and the only way I get through the weekly shop is by giving him a single serve yogurt/custard to eat in the trolley. Once he's done, I drop the empty squeeze packet next to the other (unopened) ones in the trolley.

    I win because I got through the weekly shopping in one visit, and the shop wins because I was able to stay in there and buy more.

    FWIW, the cashiers always offer to throw out the empty packet once they've scanned it - and regularly say "we see that all the time"

    To anyone who says "buy it first", have you ever gone back into a shop with an item you've already purchased from them? Keep the receipt, show the staff, try to convince them it's not a second one that you've just stolen. It's all just as painful, and probably more suspicious to be frank.

    • +1

      Same here. Win win. Lol

    • +1

      Isn't this why the supermarkets have free fruit for kids though?

      • +1

        Yes, but were they adequately washed? Does it suit all children, every time? Toddlers can't eat most fruit on their own, but can suck on a baby food pouch.

      • Not all supermarkets do

        For fun, next time you see a little kid eating fruit in a supermarket I want you to ask yourself "how do I know that they took that from the 'free fruit basket?'".

        • +2

          With the fruit it's all the same stuff. There's no advantage to taking the "not free" ones.

          But yes, when you see a parent giving their child a yoghurt, you certainly don't know if they will be honest and pay for it. Some will but some don't.

    • -6

      Why oh why would you take a two year old with you on the weekly shop?

      • +8

        Yep, just leave him at home alone for a couple of hours, I'm sure he'll survive.

      • -1

        To inflict screaming tantrum misery on the max numbers at once?
        Have a wing-man to blame things on?

  • +2

    I would never open something unless I'd purchased it. But I've also worked at a supermarket before and quite a lot of people will eat something in-store (usually a drink, small bar of chocolate, or a small snack for kids) and just give me the wrapper. As far as I know, the store doesn't care as long as they get their money. What's worse is when people grab something from the cooked chicken area (like fried chicken) and leave it half-eaten in the aisles.

  • +8

    I like to try on the condoms for a perfect fit before I buy them

    • Having trouble finding an XXS that delivers on the promise?

      • Got to be sure before purchasing a lifetime supply.

        • I just got a pair of kids size latex gloves and cut the five fingers off. Works a treat.
          Not sure what to do with the second glove though

    • are you used to getting the regular ones that fall right off?

  • +4


  • +1

    *a lot

    I don’t care so much about this if their intent is to pay for it, than I do about the shit (fropanity) kids who go straight to the self serve bag-&-weigh display and just grab a hand full of lollies to walk around and munch on because mum said “yeah, it’s ok, just grab some…”

    • +1

      Also: noone and countires

  • +2

    Lots of people in this forum love policing and judging others without spending much time thinking about other people's motivations.

    • FTFY
      Lots of people in this forum love policing and judging others without spending much time thinking about other people's motivations coming here for tribal judgement, village permission to be an arse and for universal validation.

    • OzBargain has been infected with Karenism. The landfill police is the worst offender.

  • +4

    I don't believe in the death penalty. Well, except for 2 reasons.

    For people that clap when the plane lands. And, for people that consume items in the store before paying.

    It's just weird.

  • +1

    I start drink my slurpee before i pay

  • +1

    So Bilal's family seems like they open icecreams and eat from supermarkets before they pay for the items.

    No they paid at Coles.

    • This comment suggests they do what OP is asking about.

  • +1

    Do You Open/Consume Items from a Store before Paying?

    I'm getting a bit tired of the condom posts lately…

    • +1

      1000 in 12 hours is a bit too much.

    • You win this one

  • More poll options please
    Don't eat in supermarkets

    Eat before you shop,it's not a diner, DH

  • I feel safe knowing that OP is across international law regarding eating of items prior to purchase.

  • Reminds me of the Holly's restaurants in Kmart. Yes I'm that old.

  • This is the rules at Kings Cross. Taste before pay.

  • Not generally, I think maybe once or twice when I was really thirsty I've grabbed a drink and had a few sips before paying at checkout

  • +1

    yes pay b4 use, but not always.. some local fruit shops let you try the stuff before buying so why not

  • +1

    I sometimes do this with water bottles if I'm very thirsty. Food feels different due to mess and such but also, why not.

    In fact, I think eating in store might be a really good idea. The stores spend a lot of money planning out where to put groceries so we walk around longer than we need to and buy more crap we didn't need.
    If I'm feeling hungry and they're making sure I pass a bag of bacon cheese rolls on the way in, why not scarf it down before I reach the chips aisle.

    This would save a TON of money

  • +1

    I will admit that every single time I do the big grocery shop, I consume an iced coffee before I reach the checkout. As long as the consumed item was paid for before I left, I thought no theft has occurred.
    However, I just looked it up,… and possibly I am a criminal after all, right up until the time that I do pay for it. From now on I might play it safe. Buy the iced coffee, then go back in to do my shopping.

    • +1

      eating or drinking something in a shop without paying

      So eating at a restaurant is shoplifting till you pay the bill? C'mon, that's not what that means.

      • Bullet points two and four are different, Bullet point four is for restaurants

        • +2

          Notice (2) says without paying, not before paying 😉

          • +1

            @wisdomtooth: Ok fantastic, I won’t lay awake at night wondering if the police are after me

            • -1

              @loulou1: Tbs, I asked CGPT:

              In Queensland, consuming items in a supermarket before paying could potentially be considered shoplifting, depending on the circumstances. Under Queensland's criminal law, shoplifting involves dishonestly taking goods without intending to pay for them. If you consume an item before paying and there is no intent to pay, it would be considered shoplifting.

              However, if you consume the item and subsequently pay for it at checkout, it is generally not considered theft. That said, some supermarkets may have policies against consuming unpaid goods on their premises. To avoid misunderstandings, it’s advisable to pay for items before consuming them or seek permission from store staff.

              Yes, rest easy 😊

  • no other countries do this.


    • Educate us. Which countries do?

      • I asked AI in which countries is the name Bilal popular.

        The results are….

        Saudi Arabia
        United Arab Emirates

        So I'm guessing it is acceptable practice in these countries*

        *Probably not

        • I believe in a lot of those countries shoplifters will be separated from their hands.

      • Italy, India, Brazil, parts of the US, especially Massachusetts, Virginia, California… jurisdictions in which theft requires intent.

        • Go Australia, you civilised beauty
          The USA situation is so the lawyers don't go hungry, same in India, except it's all around class structures.
          In Italy the Mafia makes the rules, in Brazil sort of similar.
          If I was a gambling man I'd say we will be (almost there) the equivalent of the worst of them as far as social norms, in no time. We might be the lucky country, but no-one wants to lift a finger or speak up to keep it that way.
          Politically we are being dragged towards USA at the speed of light.

          • @Protractor: "being dragged"?? Australia has been US territory since WW2!! It's part of Roosevelt's loot of the British Empire!

  • +1

    Generally, always pay first. However, with my 3-year-old, I would always open a pack of yogurt pouch for her to consume and pay at checkout.

    • You know shops actually have fruit bins for kids to eat healthy while parents shop?

      • You know shops actually have fruit bins for kids to eat healthy while parents shop

        Aldi needs to get it together then!

        If a shop does offer free fruit I only let my kids have banana's… Who knows who has touched a Pear or Apple before your kid bites into it.

        • Not to mention the pesticides!

        • Aldi apple has been man handled by grubby customer fingers well before Little Johnny gets a chance to wrap his laughing gear around it.

          • @Protractor: That's why one should always wash produce before putting it in the fridge.

            • @wisdomtooth: Aint any nasties on Aussie fruit maaaaaaate!
              We are 100% clean and friggin' green.Safe as shouses. She'll be right.

  • +1

    So Bilal's family seems like they open icecreams and eat from supermarkets before they pay for the items.

    Nothing wrong in this. as long as you pay for it, its not theft.

  • How do you rip the wrapper off a chup a chup to eat while you shop and preserve the integrity of the bar code so that you can pay for it before leaving the store?

    • That's the exact point. It's also why they keep more near the counter. To preserve at least some stock for paying customers.

  • @niggardly did you actually read the post?

    The original OP bought the icecreams from Coles..


    • The word 'alleged' comes to mind.

    • +2

      As I mentioned above the icream dude mentioned in his thread that he regularly opens stock mid shop. That's why his wife never challenged scanning a half open packet of ice creams.

    • -2

      MS paint explained it perfectly. Bilal's wife scanned the opened icecream box while the kids eating the icecream. Likely she is used to Bilal and co opening things whilst still inside the shop.

      • Youre making a lot of assumptions when its there in black and white

  • I used it do it if I was walking in just to get a bottle of water or soda, but can't anymore due to the weight scales. Icecream is a bit much lol

  • I thought everyone’s learnt now you aren’t the shop police, so go suck yourself? Mind your own business!

    Edit: same for people getting quick to judge how someone shops because of their race.. either you’re a effin racist and can kindly F off!

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