Do You Open/Consume Items from a Store before Paying?

So Bilalwentwild's family seems like they open icecreams and eat from supermarkets before they pay for the items.

Just want to check if this is normal/ok?

What stops someone doing this then if security guard sees they'll pay, and if no one sees, they put the opened icecream box back onto the shelves? Risk free theft?

I was always taught to pay for something before I open/eat/use etc. I know some stores specifically mention not to open until payment and a lot of places have a process in place for people that is in a hurry to pay and open then go back into the store as the security guard will have a sticker to indicate the item has already been paid for.

FYI, no other countries do this.

Do you pay before you open?

Poll Options

  • 753
    Pay before use
  • 15
    Use and dont pay
  • 112
    Use before pay


  • +129

    I personally think it's disgusting. Just like those people that decide to catch up with mum on speakerphone while doing the weekly shopping. FFS.

    • +44

      Apply that speaker phone shit to anyone yelling into a phone on speaker anywhere, any time.
      We don't need to hear some other vanity units discussion.

      • +37

        I purposely try to join in on loudspeaker conversations since it's clearly for everyone near them

        • +4

          I do exactly this too

          • -1

            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: I have to use speaker since an update lowered the volume on my iPhone to barely audible. I hate using it but I can’t hear them otherwise.

            • +3

              @iCandy: Use earphones?

            • @iCandy: Your problem seems valid and genuine but also need to consider people around. Just a thought, not being rude.

            • +1

              @iCandy: You either change phone or use ear devices (medical if that's your problem, or normal earphones).
              With all due respect, shitty excuse to annoy everyone around you.

      • +10

        From my years of commuting on a train, 99% of the time it's people of certain demographics talking on speaker phone along with playing music and games on speaker and is becoming increasingly common with the recent increase in those demographics.

        • Pretty sure I know who you're referring to there. Schoolkids, tradies and corporate workers who think hybrid wfh means they can sleep in and squeeze in a meeting during the commute.

          • +1

            @crentist: No, he's referring to older entitled women, yacking away at full volume because they are halfdeaf

        • +1

          What demographics?

          • +3

            @arcticmonkey: increasing demographics

          • @arcticmonkey: Probably ethnic/racial. Not worth mentioning in public and getting into arguments.

            But, nothing, absolutely nothing, IMHO, can be generalized.

        • +1

          Ooo closeted racist comment. Rare.

    • +4

      Negged by that person.

        • +6

          Everyone hates you Karen.

      • person(s)*

      • +14

        Fair enough. How about annoyed with a selfish arsehole.

        • -5

          What's it to you what someone else is doing in their contract with the store?? Isn't making it theirs everyone else's business the very definition of selfishness?

          • +4

            @wisdomtooth: If you mean the eating of the store's food in the store, it can be disgusting when they leave fruit peels and cores on shelves or on the floor. It can be disgusting when you realise later that you've bought (or about to buy, as I noticed at the checkout last week) a pack of something that has been opened and sampled.

            • +3

              @kiitos: Don't think that's what they meant. Eating is not the same as littering and pilfering.
              The original question was about paying on the way out, which means acting in good faith and requires holding on to the rubbish for the barcodes.

              Some stores give free fruit to children in store. You're probably finding their old peels lying around

            • @kiitos: Not to mention the grubs make the touchscreen dirty after eating fruit and abandoning it in an aisle shelf.

        • +3

          Hard word. I did once I was crazy thirsty and open bottle and drink in store and paid at counter, Am I selfish disgusting arsehole? How all this connected with this poll?
          I have seen people bringing outside coffee cup leave at clothing store that call selfish and disrespectful.

          • @Zonty: Try this then, your disgusting hypothalamus told your selfish cerebral cortex to act on the rest of your ahole body to sip on life saving water.
            Jokes aside, I did it once too when I was a prickling youth. I doubled down and stared back at other shoppers giving me the disgusted looks. Once was enough.

      • +6

        Disgusting as in 'entitled', considering the majority of the population don't consume the product until they pay for it.

        Also, I'm good thanks. Cheers for asking.

        • says the white rowdy bogans…

      • It is always the trend that matters. Care more or care less, and day by day you get more of whatever direction you're pointing in.

        From my perspective there clearly isn't enough disgust.

    • -5

      Should split this into 2 separate comments.
      They are 2 disgusting issues but unrelated

    • +2

      Please add people blasting their tunes on Bluetooth speakers in public spaces

    • -2

      What's the difference between that and speaking to someone next to you in the shop?

    • -3

      haha, wait til you got a restaurant where you sit down. I reckon you'd vomit to death finding out they pay well after they've eaten

  • +24

    I feel that if it's a pre-packaged item and already priced with a barcode, as long as you pay for it you can eat it whenever. Enjoy your icecream cone.

    If it's grapes, cherries, etc then pay before you play.

    • +15

      I don't want entitled AHs dripping crap all over the supermarket floor and neither does the supermarket. If you can't wait, eat first before shopping

      • +2

        And leaving wrapping, seeds or peel hidden on a shelf

        • +15

          It's feral behaviour and entitled shit

      • +4

        Or just buy the item, go outside and shove it in your face like the animal that you are.

      • -2

        ^ This.

        Eat, or drink, or blow your nose, or give your toddler a treat, or have a random snack BEFORE you go out shopping!

        The fact that this is even being raised as a serious question is dumbfounding!

        Might as well take a poll asking Do you always wipe your arse after having a shit?


        • +2

          I've had hungry toddlers decide they want a snack right when we start shopping, something about all the food and drink that is so appealing.

          We pick out snacks, pay for it, then they eat their snack while we shop.

          Keeps them quiet and then we just show the receipt when we are paying for the rest of the groceries. I don't get what is hard about it?

          That being said I worked for years as a cashier and so many parents would give me their gross, slobbered on yoghurt pouches or half drunk juices and expect me to be happy they paid for it. Yuck, No thanks.

          • -1

            @sheebies: Keeps them quiet and then we just show the receipt when we are paying for the rest of the groceries. I don't get what is hard about it?


      • -2

        Wait til you walk just outside of Coles, Karen, and see the bakery, someone getting a sausage roll then walk into coles eating it spilling crumbs.

        • Why I carry an ice pick

          • -1

            @Protractor: More than likely don't leave the house if you haven't seen someone eat while not being stationary or eating in public

            • @Darude Sandstorm: You can stretch out your comedy routine even longer if you want, but I clearly said ,
              I don't want entitled AHs dripping crap all over the supermarket floor and neither does the supermarket.

              Feel feel to eat like cookie monster in the car wash if it blows your hair plugs back.

      • +1

        Then your issue is with sloppy people that make a mess, not ideologically with anyone eating one of their bulla crunches before checking out.

        Just remember to scan that item last if you are self checking out, otherwise you need to flag the attendant

        • No, the whole entitled and bogan "I have a right to…" who then go on to ruin it for everyone.It's a growing cohort.The feral part is just the next natural evolutionary path.

    • +1

      I think the problem becomes, what if you get to the checkout and find you have no cash and your card isn't working or you just plain forgot your phone/wallet or you get an emergency call and have to leave without your shopping, it happens. Are you gonna vomit it all back up and wrap back in its package before leaving? The only time I have opened/used anything was a box a tissues as I desperately needed to blow my nose, but in general until I have paid it is not mine to open.

      • +5

        It’s not the end of the world if you can’t pay right there. You just leave your details and come back later.

      • +1

        Do you forget payment often? Maybe you should pat yourself down on the way into the store, or as you leave the house.
        What do you do at restaurants? How can you order a coffee knowing that you might be setting yourself up for disaster in mere minutes?

        • How can anyone in their right mind think it's ok to eat food before they pay for it at the supermarket. Parents saying its the only way i can get through my shop if i give them a treat etc is the epitome of being self entitled. I have 3 kids and have never had to do this.

      • this happened to me for the first time in at least 10 years the other day, google spontaneously decided that my phone was too old and wouldn't support payments, and I didn't have my wallet on me. To add insult to injury it was 9pm and the shop was closing. They were nice enough to take my basket and put it in the cool room and I came back the next morning and paid and took it. Only issue was they didn't let me take a couple of perfectly good clearance items because they were use by the day before, was tempted to come back later and dumpster dive

    • +1

      Idk. You don't own the item until you've bought it. It currently belongs to the store before you exchange money for goods. Also other issues such as payment declining after you've eaten the food or lack of funds (unlikely but possible).

  • +53

    Maybe if I was about to drop dead of thirst I might open a drink before reaching the checkout. But extreme circumstances aside, why would you? Pay first then consume. It’s not yours until you pay for it.

    • +1

      Far too logical 😂

      Can’t imagine what circumstances one would even want/ need to do that aside from as you suggested- a drink if your dying of thirst (and imo, you should be standing in line to pay when you crack it open)

    • -1

      Many service providers allow for this. If you left your bedroom at your mum's house and ate at a restaurant and not in front of a keyboard from Amazon ordered instant noodles you'd know it.

      Woolies gives out free fruit to kids to eat in store.

      Some truely shocking comments from OzBitches here.

      • +5

        R u ok? 😂

        You came to a forum discussion about whether people were for or against this and are shocked that not everyone shares the same views as you?
        (In fact - going by the poll, most people don’t)

        When it comes to kids, it understandable they might eat or get samples. Adults generally have self control.

        All that said and done, Im not against an adult eating in store - i just don’t understand why you would need to.

        • -6

          My comment addresses this line:

          Pay first then consume. It’s not yours until you pay for it.

          It's factually not correct with evidence in my post.

          If a supermarket wanted to introduce a rule as mentioned by the poster then we should all obey that rule, else be asked to shop elsewhere.

          Consuming before paying is absolutely fine. It's very easy to be respectful if you do it right because you need to take the trash out with you (as it has the barcode).

          I don't care if people disagree with my opinion - but if other posters are going to go around calling others 'feral' for that kind of behaviour, it's gloves off with the remarks about each other then.

          • +4

            @eddyah: It isn't an opinion, it's the law.

            You haven't legally entered into a contract to exchange money for ownership of the goods until you pay.
            Damaging goods or consuming them before you have paid is unlawful, the retailer may not choose to take any action, which is up to them.

            As for restaurants and other services where you pay after the good or service has been provided or completed that is either clearly stated or implied when no payment is taken after you place your order. Many restaurants do require payment upfront to mitigate risk.

            • +1

              @OzzyBrak: A valid contract doesn't require consideration to be given when ownership is transferred.

              Consideration is only a promise to pay. Consideration does not have to pass for a valid contract to be on foot.

              • +2

                @Muppet Detector: While true, that is like me saying a container ship can’t float in your saltwater pool and you respond with container ships float in saltwater all the time.

                As an example if you leave Woolworths or Coles with a reusable shopping bag full of meat. You can’t tell the police that ownership doesn’t require consideration to be given, and in your mind you’re on 30 day terms.

                Payment transfers the goods to you and your receipt is proof of ownership. Prior to that the goods aren’t your property and any dealings with them would be unauthorised.

                There are 3 types of regulatory offences:

                Unauthorised dealing with shop goods where the value is $150 or less. Includes:
                * shoplifting
                * eating or drinking something in a shop without paying
                * changing price tags (eg by swapping them)
                * removing price tags
                * crossing out the price.


                Edit: Unfortunately the simple version actually loses the intent. Here the actual legislation as linked that makes it explicit.

                Unauthorised dealing with shop goods
                (1)Any person who, with respect to goods in a shop of a value of $150 or less—
                (a)consumes them without the consent, express or implied, of the person in lawful possession of them; or

                • @OzzyBrak: If you eat them before you own them or form a contract to buy/sell them, how does the seller withdraw the goods from sale after you've eaten them?

                  When customer takes item off shelf, he is making an offer to the seller. The seller then gets to accept or reject that offer. Acceptance in supermarkets generally occurs when customer presents goods for payment at checkout. Seller can reject offer or withdraw item from sale at any time before acceptance.

                • @OzzyBrak: You're kind of quoting the relevant law but you're incorrectly interpreting it.

                  Ok. Shoplifting is wrong. IMO eating before paying is dodgy. Intending to permanently deprive the owner of a thing without consent is illegal.


                  Ownership passes when it is intended to pass. Possession of a receipt is proof of payment, not proof of ownership.

                  For supermarkets, ownership is intended to pass at cash register when you pay. This is when the contract is formed. Those are the terms of that contract.

                  A person who removes an item from the shelves with the intention of offering to pay at checkout is in legal possession of those goods right up until the pass the point at which payment is required.


                  FWIW Woolworths has a policy where they allow you to munch while you shop as long as you do pay at the register.

            • @OzzyBrak:

              It isn't an opinion, it's the law.

              lol, no that's not the law.

              Unless the store has some kind of sign saying 'do not eat until you pay' then there is no problem with having a nibble on your way to the cashier.

              The shop doesn't care when you eat it as long as you pay for it.

              • @trapper: Legislation provides limitations for eating while you shop. Shop does not have to display a sign telling you this. That's akin to them being required to provide a sign informing you they expect you to pay. Any other laws about which you expect them to educate you?

                The fact that you speed doesn't make it legal just because you don't get caught.

                See signs saying speed kills etc, don't think you see signs saying speeding is illegal or informing you about the laws relating to driving a car on public roads. Doesn't mean they don't apply just because there was no sign telling you not to do it.

                When was the last time you saw a sign that says Do Not Murder? By your reasoning, it's ok to murder cos no one provided a sign telling you otherwise.

          • +3


            It's factually not correct with evidence in my post.

            You offered no evidence, only opinion.

            @OzzyBrak summarised the situation nicely.

            Eating in store is, in my opinion - no different to if you were to hold items you’re going to purchase in your pockets or backpack.
            Nothing stopping you, but why would you?
            Supermarkets don’t care as long as they are paid right?

            if other posters are going to go around calling others 'feral' for that kind of behaviour, it's gloves off with the remarks about each other then.

            1) Thats contributes nothing meaningful to a conversation. Its just childish.

            2) You didn’t even attack the right person 😂

            • @El cheepo: Now you can't put stuff in your backpack before buying it? what's the world coming to?

              • -1

                @Jackson: Bunch of dumb armchair lawyers having too much time on this website obviously.

                If someone like @OzzyBrak told me I was breaking the law for letting my daughter eat an unpurchased yogurt in store I'd walk off and laugh at them on the spot. Next you'll tell my I can't open a box to inspect a product before buying it.

                You offered no evidence, only opinion. @El cheepo

                I do this all the time. It's first hand evidence which I'm presenting. You can choose to believe it or not. It's not some hypothetical situation and I've never had a problem with any supermarket staff with that behaviour.

                @OzzyBrak you've probably never dined at a restaurant where you don't have to pay up front. But there are places that aren't named McDonalds or KFC where they bring you the food and ask you how it was before paying for it.

                • @eddyah:

                  I do this all the time.


                  It's first hand “experience” which I'm presenting.

                  Fixed it for you.

                  You can choose to believe it or not.

                  Never doubted you.

                  I've never had a problem with any supermarket staff with that behaviour.

                  I wouldn’t care enough to stop someone stealing a trolley full of meat let alone tell someone not to eat in store if i was making minimum wage working at a supermarket.
                  Doesn’t make it right, but who could be bothered 😂

                  Anywho, i am not anywhere near as invested in this fight as you or others are.

                  At this point I'm just here to stir the pot.

                  • -1

                    @El cheepo:

                    At this point I'm just here to stir the pot.

                    Obviously - pretty weak to say stuff online and not in real life

                    • @eddyah:

                      Obviously - pretty weak to say stuff online and not in real life

                      It’s weak to state my opinion on an online forum asking for opinions on the matter?
                      Okie dokie then 😂

                      I would happily give my opinion if asked in real life too, however i doubt that anyone is ever going to ask in RL as it is such an inconsequential matter that only people on the internet with free time like to debate about 😂

                      Thus, i shall continue stirring up the easily enraged online until a better offer arises.

                • @eddyah: Why would I tell you? It’s not my store, I’m not an employee there. I provided factual information that it is definitely illegal in QLD.

                  The NSW crimes act 1900 has more in it about stealing cattle than from a shop. I’d say in NSW it’s a bit grey, however still a scumbag move.

                  The rest of your comment is nonsense and not worth responding to. I will say that personal attacks weaken your already weak argument. Do better.

                  • @OzzyBrak:

                    Why would I tell you? It’s not my store, I’m not an employee there. I provided factual information that it is definitely illegal in QLD.

                    Ahahaha last time I checked jaywalking was illegal in NSW.

                    It's factual information as well which is largely ignored and not policed.

                    Words are one thing. Real life experiences another which you clearly lack.

                    • @eddyah: You owe it to yourself to be better than this.

                • @eddyah: When you open a box to inspect the contents, you can return the goods to the box and leave it in the store if it didn't suit your needs/meet your expectations.

                  If you consume something edible, how are you going to put it back if you decide you don't want to buy it?

                  For fast food, terms of contract require you to pay when ordering. Note you now own that food even though you are not yet in possession of it.

                  For restaurants, terms of contract require food first and payment when agreed - usually at time of exiting restaurant but just as often if a person is the in-house guest of a hotel, they may have the option of putting it on their hotel bill thus delaying payment of that meal until you permanently check out of the hotel.

                  Contract is formed when the waiter takes your order a term of the contract is that consideration has not yet passed but will do so in the future. Note here, you have neither ownership or possession of the food at this time. Possession obviously happens when the food is given to you. Ownership is suspended until you pay.

    • +2

      There's heaps of reasons to do this, your kid is nagging you and you need to shut them up with a yoghurt, you're hungry but still have a full 30 minutes ahead of you to finish the shop, the block of chocolate is way cheaper than the chocolate bar that is at the front counter, a can of coke in a box is way cheaper than the cans they sell in the fridge at the front, woolies gives away free fruit and your kids are hungry.

      I think really the entitled feeling is that people feel like they should be in other people's business when they aren't really hurting anyone

      • -2

        There's heaps of reasons to do this, your kid is nagging you and you need to shut them up with a yoghurt

        As i said above, a kid is understandable.

        But the rest of your reasoning is nonsense, you can’t last a 30 minutes with out eating or drinking? 😂

        Nobody is in your business, do as you please.

        As i said above

        All that said and done, Im not against an adult eating in store - i just don’t understand why you would need to.

        And I still don’t understand why you would…

        Who the hell is cracking into a full size cadbury block while wandering around the supermarket?😂

        And this

        a can of coke in a box is way cheaper than the cans they sell in the fridge at the front,

        While true, who the heck wants a warm coke? 😂

        I think really the entitled feeling is that people feel like they should be in other people's business when they aren't really hurting anyone

        You are barking up the wrong tree with this one.
        I don’t care what people do in the supermarket.
        Each to their own.
        I will how ever judge 😂

        • Who the hell is cracking into a full size cadbury block while wandering around the supermarket?😂

          honestly, not me, however when I was a kid we didn't have a lot of money, so we'd cool a couple of cans of a six pack in the freezer while we shopped and then drink those with lunch so we weren't getting fleeced on the "cold" cokes out the front. I still find people doing this from time to time when Ibuy a frozen good, lo and behold there's a strategically placed drink behind it

          Also, we agree on the kid part, and as it wasn't specified in the poll I'm expecting 99% of the voters voted that was because of kids, so it's a bit straw man making out that adults are doing this all the time (not accusing you of this, but the responses clearly aren't considering this in the numbers)

          • +1


            so we'd cool a couple of cans of a six pack in the freezer while we shopped and then drink those with lunch so we weren't getting fleeced on the "cold" cokes out the front.

            This is another practice that warrants its own discussion haha.

            But personally, i have no problem with it.

            Ngl, if I'm going to be in the shop a while and going somewhere like the beach etc directly from the shops and plan to eat there i would throw a 2ltr coke in the freezer while i shopped and grab it as i head to check out.

            I would not break any packaging (ie: open a carton of coke) to do it.

            But thats a different discussion.

  • +45

    I don't do it myself, but does it matter?

    If someone wants to steal something, they will steal it one way or another. If they are honest, they'll pay on their way out even if they opened it. Sometimes it stops the kids from screaming if they can have a $1 chocolate bar right this second.

    I worked checkouts for 5 years and can't imagine caring, because it's $3 or whatever, and in many suburbs junkies will be running out the fire exit with a $400 trolley of meat anyway and nobody is going to touch them..

    • -5

      So, just give up and let thievery win?

      And while we're at it, pander to brats and turn them into entitled arseholes…..

      • +1

        Obviously you don't have a toddler, a hungry one at that. With both parents working these days, sometimes it's hard to ensure their physical needs are met at all times. You're speaking quite entitled.

        • -2

          Oo, naughty me! I'm "speaking entitled" am I?

          Listen Buttercup, you obviously know all about entitled. You think you're entitled to assume who and what other people on forums are and what they do.

          And "when both parents are working it's hard to ensure their physical needs"??? Are you fing serious?!

          Nvrmnd, I think I know what bs you'll say about that…

          • +1

            @Moi Too: Well they picked it before you even went on that unhinged rant

            • -1

              @xrayed giraffe: Don't worry, xrayed giraffe. After you've been on Net forums for a wee bit longer, you'll actually know what an "unhinged rant" is.

              Be patient, and don't give up. You'll figure it out eventually.

        • +1

          Don't understand why your comment got negged. I don't open anything for myself in store before paying, but it's a bit different with young kids, they can eat a lot and get hungry at different times depending on their level of activity.

          It happened to me to pick up my kid at around 5.30pm from the daycare, visit Colesworth on the way and be home for dinner at 7pm. As they have afternoon snack at around 3.30-4pm, at around 6pm my child is hungry and I don't see it a big problem with opening a pack of say, croissant and give my kid one and pay for it at the checkout later, as it gives me 30 mins of peace to walk around the store to complete my shopping. As my kid got older, it's easier to discipline her to wait until I pay, but with say 3yo, it's a different story.

      • +1

        Not at all. I'm saying opening a packet isn't theft until the point where they don't pay. Walking out with the item still in the wrapper and not paying is theft.
        Yes, if someone eats the chocolate bar and puts the wrapper on a shelf and doesn't pay, then they should be charged.

        I would actually advocate for more policing of thefts if it's more than 1 item / 1 instance of theft for sure. Sometimes it is hard being an honest person when so many crimes go unpunished these days. Why work for a day to buy a trolley full of food when Bogan McIce-Pipe doesn't get in trouble for lifting 10kg of eye fillets?

        • Personal morality and ethics are a thing.

          "Bogan McIce-Pipe" Now that was funny. :)

      • thievery

        the action of stealing another person's property.

        If you knowingly let them take something and make no effort to stop them is it stealing ?

        • It's only stealing when you take something without consent with the intention to permanently deprive the person of the thing.

      • swap chocolate bar for yoghurt, feel better?

    • -1

      So spot on! If someone is filling a trolley with a hundred dollars and they forget so scan a yoghurt for their kid, so what. If they do, then fine. People seem so over the top on this one. Who cares.

  • +60

    I have a 2 y/o, and the only way I get through the weekly shop is by giving him a single serve yogurt/custard to eat in the trolley. Once he's done, I drop the empty squeeze packet next to the other (unopened) ones in the trolley.

    I win because I got through the weekly shopping in one visit, and the shop wins because I was able to stay in there and buy more.

    FWIW, the cashiers always offer to throw out the empty packet once they've scanned it - and regularly say "we see that all the time"

    To anyone who says "buy it first", have you ever gone back into a shop with an item you've already purchased from them? Keep the receipt, show the staff, try to convince them it's not a second one that you've just stolen. It's all just as painful, and probably more suspicious to be frank.

    • +2

      Same here. Win win. Lol

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