• expired

Bolivia, Peru Single Origins, 1kg from $27.90 + Delivery ($0 with $69 Order, $0 C&C, Delayed Disp Avail) @ Lime Blue Coffee


Hey Oz Bargain Community,

Happy New Year!

Keeping this one short and sweet for you to kick off our first Oz Bargain deal post in 2025:)

We're offering you a 40% discount off our deliciously sweet Peru Chanchamayo Grade 1 Organic Single Origin and our super rare Bolivia Aurora Single Origin. We have a relatively small amount of Bolivia still available, so if you're keen I'd recommend getting your order/s in quick sticks so you don't miss out, more details below:

1) Peru Chanchamayo Grade 1 Organic Single Origin, only $27.90 per 1kg (usually $46.50 per 1kg) and $16.35 per 500g (usually $27.25 per 500g)

2) NOW SOLD OUT Bolivia Aurora Organic Single Origin, only $29.70 per 1kg (usually $49.50 per 1kg) and $17.25 per 500g (usually $28.75 per 500g)

Deal valid for orders placed until 14/01/2025, unless sold out before. Dispatch can happen for you as near as Monday and as far as the last Thursday in June (26/06/2025), only exception being the Bolivia Single Origin which you can delay up until the last Thursday in January (30/01/2025). Once a given dispatch date is at full capacity the green circle will be removed and date will turn red, first in best dressed :)

Some helpful info:

  • You're welcome to place multiple orders scheduled for dispatch at various dates (delayed dispatch) to make the most of this deal, we strive to dispatch our fresh coffee within 48 business hours of roasting
  • We're happy to accommodate dispatch date and click and collect/pickup changes, you just need to select a new dispatch date either via clicking the "Edit or View Your Order" button in the order confirmation page or simply logging into you Lime Blue Coffee account at least the day before the current date you have selected for your order
  • One dispatch per order
  • Please ensure you use the "shipping" dispatch date selector on the cart page if you'd like your order delivered to you and that you use the "click and collect" date/time selector if you'd like to pickup your order. If you plan to pickup your order please ensure you select the "pickup in store" delivery option on the checkout page, as this not only eliminates the shipping fee for you, but also allocates your order to the click and collect system we have in place, so it means you'll receive different notification messaging to assist you towards a smooth pickup experience
  • Any existing orders are unable to be changed from delivery to click and collect due to the different tech systems in place
  • If you select 500g as a quantity please ensure you also select 500g as the packaging option. If 500g is selected as a quantity with 1kg as the packaging selection the product will show as "unavailable"
  • 500g bag packaging (it's resealable) is also available for orders larger than 500g this is an extra $4.80 per kg including the discount (normally $8 extra per kg) to cover the extra bag/s, label/s and time it takes to pack
  • Complimentary gift notes can be submitted via a reply message to your order confirmation email
  • The largest bag size we use is 1kg and it has a zip (it's resealable), for example if you order 4kg with 1kg packaging you will receive 4 x 1kg bags, you will not receive a single huge 4kg bag

FREE SHIPPING for orders over $69. For example, 2kg of our Bolivia Aurora Single Origin packed into 500g bags AKA 4x500g via this deal it's exactly $69 which unlocks the highly sought after FREE SHIPPING. We recommend freezing any excess bags purchased to quality for free shipping, without compromising on enjoying fresh coffee.

  • $0.00 for Click and Collect from 15 Cochranes Road, Moorabbin, VIC 3189
  • $7.99 No Delivery Company Preference Flat Rate Shipping (No Parcel Locker/PO Box/Collect)
  • $8.99 Courier's Please Flat Rate Shipping (No Parcel Locker/PO Box/Collect)
  • $8.99 Australia Post Flat Rate Shipping (Parcel Locker/PO Box/Collect available)
  • $12.99 Express Post Flat Rate Shipping (Parcel Locker/PO Box/Collect available)

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Lime Blue Coffee
Lime Blue Coffee

closed Comments

  • -1

    How is Bolivia ? Anyone tried them?

    • +1

      I like it, one of my favourite beans from Lime Blue (Ecuador Geisha was the favourite), ordered more this time.

      • +1

        Morning @Dmytro wonderful to hear our Bolivia Aurora Single Origin is a real winner for you :)

        Thank you so much for another terrific order, it's sincerely appreciated!

    • Not bad, strong and well rounded, but not great either. Not a lime bule issue, just prefer other varieties/regions with more flavour.

  • -1

    Are you bringing back the half strength beans at any point?

    • +1

      Morning @csi-lk great news is our half strength full flavour range has continually been available since we launched it. I'm not quite sure when that range will next be featured in a deal, so perhaps you could order a small bag at regular price to tie you over so you don't run out of the good stuff :)

  • If this coffee beans or already ground, I'm after ground.

    • +2

      Hey @slugsandsnails never hurts to check!

      At present we're exclusively dispatching beans. However, we do have a couple of coffee grinders on special right now, so it might be a good opportunity to take the plunge to grind the coffee freshly yourself. Silver lining is by grinding on demand you should hopefully improve your coffee experience ten fold compared to using pre-ground coffee :)

  • Soon this will be the price of a coffee. Paid 7 for a chai latte yesterday at a cafe… soooo done with buying out.

    • Yep small soy flat white was 7 the other day. Coffee was one of the best I've had in a while but not paying that on the regular.

  • Thanks, ordered, but your deal prices and free shipping didn't line up for 1kg of each :)

    • Terrific, thank you so much for the order!!!

      Appreciate the double check. There's a number of combos to unlock free shipping, however, the only example I can see I've written is "2kg of our Bolivia Aurora Single Origin packed into 500g bags AKA 4x500g via this deal it's exactly $69 which unlocks the highly sought after FREE SHIPPING. Could you please let me know where in the deal you can see it say "1kg of each unlocks free shipping" so I can correct the messaging?

      • Oh, it doesn't, I misread it, my mistake

        • :)

    • Annoying, for sure. They did line it up for 500g packs, however. I ended up going for 3x 1kg bags - two Peru one Bolivia.

      • Thank you so much for that terrific combo order, it really is appreciated :)

      • Haha, I did 2.5kg with 1.5kg Peru to get the shipping, but I did misread initially.

        • :)

  • How do you recommend/ any tips for freezing?

    • I’ve only done it a couple of times (all due to not wanting to miss out on LB deals, of course) but I found splitting a 1kg bag into 4 large zip lock bags, rolling up with a rubber band around it and stacking them in the freezer has worked well.
      Open to suggestions if someone has a better method.

      • I do similar distribute the kg bag with aluminium bag but don't even freeze it. Just store in container and in a cabinet. Been doing it for years, Even with tipping the beans into the grinder I just leave it in there and it lasts 2 weeks. and it still tastes fresh each cycle.

    • +1

      I just throw the original unopen bag in the freezer and take them out 48-72h before I use them

      • -1

        You can use them straight from the freezer. No need thaw first. (just dont put them back in the freezer again)

        • +1

          I found there is a bit of moisture if I use them straight up so I let them thaw and dry out before I use them
          but that probably because I am lazy and leave it in the original paper packaging, maybe vacuum seal bags or seal jar will keep the moisture out

          • +1

            @MrMarket: Better to let them defrost (e.g. less harsh on your grinder), but you don't need 48h. 12h is enough.

            • @Gav: Yet there is a water spritzer bottle for coffee bean hoppers!!.. alledgedly reduces static.

              Beans get hot when ground, so this may offset it.

              Summary, haven't noticed any change straight out the freezer.

        • +1

          Its best to let it get back to room temperature because if you open up the bag straight away, the moisture gets onto the beans and can ruin them

    • +1

      All you need to do is tape over the valve and then chuck it into the freezer

    • Open the freezer and put it inside. Close the freezer.

  • Disregard, found C&C info :)

    • :)

  • Bolivia 1kg out of stock, 500g still available.
    Colombia no longer listed FYI

    • Hey @McCloud nice detail pick up, all fixed now, thanks for keeping me on my toes!

      Bolivia availability is getting super duper low, but I've rejigged the SKU availability so both 500g and 1kg bags have availability.

      I just checked the Colombia and it shows up on the site; can you please have another check on the Colombia to see if you can see it?

      • the 1kg option is gone again. Is it sold out?

        • +1

          Just rejigged the SKU again, 1kg is available again, but I'd recommend getting the order in quick sticks as there's only 2kg still available of our Bolivia SO :)

  • Hi @LimeBlueCoffee, Happy New Year! I tried your edit order functionality today for the first time and found an interesting "glitch". I had ordered 2kgs of coffee in my previous order, and it came up as 1 SKU (i.e. 2kgx1 coffee). Because of that, I couldn't drop it to 1kg (well, unless I wanted to revert to full price by cancelling 2kg then adding 1kg at current pricing) - I could only remove the 2kg SKU. Not sure of the back-end systems, but only solution I can think of is, if someone orders bulk, have the order split it into 1 SKU per 1kg. So in my case 1kg x 2. Pretty rare scenario so probably not worth the effort, but thought you might want to know.

    PS - Unless it was hiding in Change product options quantity or size. I got spinning wheel if I selected Modify next to the 2kg SKU.

    • Hey @Gav I really do appreciate you taking the time to reach out, thank you!

      Happy New Year :)

      I'm not a tech wiz when it comes to coding, but from the small amount I know/use I've found it better to make very small changes at any given time as it lowers the risk of a "one step forward, two back scenario" and also increases the viability of the change; so your feedback is helpful. Things that look to be a small tech tweaks can require a lot of work to achieve. For example, I was speaking with a developer the other week about creating a simple (or so I thought) drag and drop ordering system, they said they'll work on it/explore achieving it but it wouldn't be as simple as it sounded as they knew from their time at Shopify the first drag and drop order system Shopify created took more than 30 engineers to get the job done. Anyway I digress, back to your query I believe that's already a feature we added a while back via the "change product options…" tab, did you go to that specific tab or the "change product quantities" tab? Safest bet is to order a single item and multiply it at the checkout if you think you may want to edit the order before dispatch, e.g. 1kgx2. If you ever run into a similar scenario could you please do me a big favour and send a reply email screenshot of what you are experiencing? That way I can check it and if it is indeed a tech glitch then I can forward screenshots with time logs to the developers to check/fix/innovate as that's another thing I've discovered as the most efficient path to tech fixed as opposed to me sending an email with a worded description and not event time log. Thank you again for your input and I hope my response is somewhat helpful for you :)

      • Dropped you an email instead of boring people here. ;)

        • Received and replied!

          I'm sure more than one of my replies have a "boring people" well and truly covered haha :)

  • Currently working through a bag of the Peru Chanchamayo, reliable daily driver through the Aeropress for anyone wondering.

    LimeBlue do you have sample packs whereby we can get a sample of each bean to see what we like? Say 20g of each.

    • Hey @zfind music to my ears to know our Peru Single Origin is reliable winner for you, thank you so much for the fantastic vote of confidence!

      That's a terrific question/idea; it is on my "to think about" list and I have thought of a few ideas to achieve that option, but I haven't thought of a winner yet. I need an option that scales well from a fulfillment perspective and achieves the goal of customers getting a good idea of which coffee/s will be to to their liking. 20g is a good idea, but does run into a few fulfillment issues and may not be enough of each sample if someone is testing using an espresso brewing method as they'll need to dial in each coffee. I've though of other ideas like a taste test kit, where people are sent taste concentrates and aroma paper e.g. They is a paper square that smells like the Peru Single Origin with accompanying instructions to put 3 drops of sweet and 1 drop of acidity in water, smell the card then drink the water recipe to get an idea of what each coffee would be like without needing to dial in a grinder, but that idea also has a few hurdles…any ideas spring to mind for you?

      • If I had my way I’d be able to buy a pack of all current beans (or say pick 4 of current offering) for max $20 posted and receive 20g total. This would allow me to get three pulls of each from the aeropress, enough to land on the right grind size and brew time for each and really get an indication of the flavour. This is driven by me committing to a kilo of beans from a good provider and finding out they tasted like office automatic machine coffee. I love exploring new beans but even the smallest packs are cost prohibitive when postage is added.

        Love your work and commitment to customer service 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼

        • Wrapped to know we're in your good books and I promise we'll keep working hard to stay there!!!

          All duly noted, but I think if bean samples were the go they'd have to be a bit larger to be viable for those who use espresso machines with 20g dose shots. I'll keep thinking to over in the background to see if I can come up with an ideal solution :)

  • $6, more for 500gn bags on 1kg Bolivian

    • I just checked Bolivia on our site and it's $4.80 extra per kg via this deal for the smaller 500g packaging. I'm happy to investigate this further for you, could you please let me know where you're see the $6 different?

  • Great products as always. Ordered.

    • Wonderful to hear, thank you so much for another order and that terrific vote of confidence, it really does mean a lot!!!

  • Nooooooo I missed out, rip was just about to order

    • Our Bolivia did sell out at close to lightning speed, but our deliciously sweet Peru Single Origin still has some availability :)

  • Waiting on that Sao Paulo sale ;)

  • Any plans for the Columbian SO any time soon? I"m due a restock, my 3kg is nearly out! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    • Never hurts to check!

      No plans to or not to, we tend to focus on one deal at a time. We do have our Colombia Single Origin currently available at regular price, so perhaps you could get a small bag not to tie you over and cross your fingers it's featured in a deal before you run out :)

      • I still have a couple of bags of the Sao Paulo but I wanted to buy some for family and friends to try! Unfortunately most of them are out of state so I can't just make them a cuppa

      • Thanks for the reponse, I've gone and placed an order for 1kg of each. 2+ kg of something I haven't tried has bit me in the bum before so hopefully I don'd mind it!

        I'll do a delayed dispatch if you get a deal going for the Columbian SO anytime soon :)

        Columbian SO has been my go to for years, I just love how punchy and rich they are!

  • I don't know much about coffee, but I drink a lot. Anyone know if these to well with cold brew?

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