It’s recently come to my attention that here in Victoria “the first day of Term 1 each year must be a student-free day in all government schools to allow for appropriate planning to take place for the arrival of students”.
Maybe I’m missing the intricacies of teaching but didn’t teachers just have 5 weeks of student free days over the Christmas break? What’s the go with this lark? Why is an extra day required? Do they really just take 5 weeks off and do absolutely no work?
I thank you for your service to the children.
Personally I think you are doing the right thing. Parlay your experience into something like a project management job. Better pay, better structure and better appreciation.
The thing that I find extraordinary is what people who bag teachers think they will do if the flow of teachers stops? As people find there are better careers out there for them, and there is nobody left to teach the kids, then what are the options?
When we have someone on a forum bitching about one day to prepare the school for lessons coming up then we have reached peak petty.