Woolworths Brings Back Australia Day Merchandise

Well, in a back flip to last year, Woolies have decided to bring back Aus Day promos.

Woolworths has announced this year customers will notice more Australia Day signage in its stores than they did last year.

No word of merch specifically, but reading between the lines:

He also said BIG W, which is owned by Woolworths Group, would sell products people might want as they gathered over the long weekend.

ABC Article

Poll like last year to see what everyone's view is this time around.

Poll Options

  • 387
    Agree with Woolies bringing it back
  • 102
    Do not agree with Woolies - boycott

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          • -2

            @try2bhelpful: Right wingers the most sensitive species on earth. Happy to just say and do racist shit , but cave in when called out.
            LOL loving the last part of your accurate observation.Spot on. I'm sure hookers have plenty of stories along those lines.
            Also, they (RW-ingers) moan till their nose bleeds about freedoms and spend a lifetime spewing about witnessing it in action. They confuse free speech with hate speech. Must qualify as a disability, except then they'd be woke.
            EDIT > also they always threaten to boycott, but I we all know they never do.

          • @try2bhelpful: Is the anatomy comment too close to home. WCON.

            • @try2bhelpful: Have you 2 finished calling everyone right wing racists yet? Even ALP voters got tagged in as as far right lol.

              For someone who says they don't really care, you appear to care more than everybody else.

              • -1

                @megaclix: I don’t care about them selling this stuff apart from it being landfill junk. I do care we seen to have a bunch of dog whistlers who get people riled up about nothing. Frankly if you look at the traditional ALP polucues the current lot are right. I never said they were far right.


              • @megaclix: Oh excuse me. So sozz. I completely forgot there's no racists who vote for the ALP!

                (gimme a break)

  • +1

    Too late. With the culture wars, the original cause of the disagreement is irrelevant.

    For many, Australia Day is now associated with "the other", the opposing tribe.
    They are uncouth bogans, westies, inferior classes, right-wingers. We look down upon them, with their cheap flag-adorned clothes, distaste re-inforcing our own self-worth as the moral guardians of this … not nation, that is a dirty word, this collection of autonomous identities. Yes, I'm looking at the usual suspects.

  • +3

    Always good when the clickbait rage machine can rehash news stories and shovel some more 'engagement' into the 24/7 outrage news cycle.

    Woolworths brought back flags and green/gold food items during the Olympics (the exact same items they selling for Australia day) and the same 'commentators' and liberal/national members got to jump on their soapbox to talk about backflips, go woke go broke, virtue signalling etc etc

    Eg was on 5 months ago
    Today show
    Sky news

  • +4

    It's not a matter of agree or disagree for me. It's junk I wouldn't buy anyway.

    Getting upset with a supermarket (that we as a country are largely disgruntled with anyway) for selling or not selling some junk merchandise is an incredibly asinine thing to concern yourself with.

    If you really want some little Australian flags or whatever, support your local dollar store instead.

  • Of course they should stock Australia day merch…. They cater to other ethnic (I'm also ethic.. so come come at me with the racist card) holiday, such as Diwali, Ramadan, lunar new year, end of financial year, so why not an actual day that the whole country can participate in!

    • This is what's so dumb though. Great point about participating in a day for all Australians, but really why does anyone care if Woolworth specifically stocks it or not? Plenty of other places do, if that's what you're after.

      Even if you disagree with the political stance of 'not Jan 26', it's a little sad to stake your own political beliefs on whether or not a supermarket that doesn't give a damn about you stocks cheaply made disposable paraphernalia?

  • +1

    About this time last year at my local Coles I saw a very wide man wearing the Australian flag as a cape. Maybe he will have one less thing to whinge about now 😂

  • +1

    I don't buy any of it.
    In previous years, before Woolworths stopped selling Australia Day merch due to cultural insensitivities, there was complaints the merch should be boycotted as it was all "cheap items made it China".
    I believe Woolworths used the "culture wars" as an excuse for removing it as no one bought any of it.

    • +3

      Woolworths didn't use any excuse, they flat out said it was because no one was buying it. Kmart said they're not stocking it a year before due to inclusiveness and no one seemed to care.

      A bunch of internet warriors (main one being Peter Dutton) decided to get angry about it and called to boycott Woolworths. That's the only reason it's back, not because it will sell but because they're prepared to take a hit on it to look more 'Strayan.

      • -1

        They took a gamble to play to identity politics, and it failed, then they backflipped and used declining sales as the umbrella excuse.

        If it were due primarily to declining sales they would just cut the lines that aren't making money, and there would be no announcement required.

        From article:

        A Woolworths Group spokesperson confirmed there would be no additional Australia Day-themed merchandise sold across its supermarket or BIG W stores for the 2024 public holiday.

        They cited a “gradual decline” in demand for the merchandise over the years and “broader discussion” about the January 26 date and “what it means” to different parts of the community

        • They took a gamble to play to identity politics, and it failed, then they backflipped and used declining sales as the umbrella excuse.

          The article is from Jan 10th, before Australia day. How had it already failed before it began?

          If it were due primarily to declining sales they would just cut the lines that aren't making money, and there would be no announcement required.

          There wasn't an announcement. The media asked them and Woolworths confirmed it. Thus the use of the word "confirmed", the media went to them.

          This is the actual press release they put out, two weeks later.

          This year, however, they're out in force pandering, putting out press releases. The hilarious part is they're not even changing anything, the flags they always sold are now made in Australia, Woolworths will be selling "Australian food" (so… sausages and prawns?) and their marketplace will sell the same crap it always sold. But you're treating it as a backflip.

          • -1


            The article is from Jan 10th, before Australia day. How had it already failed before it began?

            Because they've brought it back. The 10th of jan article states due to declining sales and broarder discussions re the 26th date. I.e identity politics. If it was due to declining demand alone they reduce the lines and no questions are asked.

            There wasn't an announcement. The media asked them and Woolworths confirmed it. Thus the use of the word "confirmed", the media went to them

            Because they culled the whole merchandise line in one hit to make a political statement.

            This is the actual press release they put out(woolworthsgroup.com.au), two weeks later.

            This year, however, they're out in force pandering(woolworthsgroup.com.au), putting out press releases. The hilarious part is they're not even changing anything, the flags they always sold are now made in Australia, Woolworths will be selling "Australian food" (so… sausages and prawns?) and their marketplace will sell the same crap it always sold. But you're treating it as a backflip.

            Of course because they got it wrong, and lost punters. The article you posted literally says :

            “broader discussion” about the January 26 date and “what it means” to different parts of the community.

            I guess it would be nice to see what the spokesperson said in regards to the 10th Jan 2024 article

  • +7

    Where's the option for who gives a shit?

    People politicising irrelevant crap. If they don't stock it there's a hundred other stores that do. There's serious cost of living issues and people are getting upset they can't buy a $1 cheap shitty flag at the supermarket.

  • -1

    Woolworth 2024: Oh yeah - let’s eradicate Australian celebration of history and culture in one day - one fell swoop!

    Australians: !!!!!$&&)&(@@&$-@))!!! 😡😠

    Woolworth’s 2025: haha sikes! (And scared shitless for their public perception)

    • -2

      Rightwingers trying to cancel people for making a commercial decision on what they sell. The same people who wail about personal responsibility and business autonomy. Ya can’t make this up. WCON.

      • +1

        Were any right wingers suggesting the Government step in and force woolies to sell these? People of all political persuasions support the use of social pressure to enforce norms.

        • -2

          Why make the fuss in the first place? There are plenty of alternatives to buy the tat from. Why on earth did the Opposition leader wade into it? Well that is political. An unbelievable beat up to force a company to sell landfill tat. They made a commercial decision and then the rightwing warriors waded into it. What we haven’t seen in the past is a huge leftwing hoo hah about them selling this stuff in the first place; even though the issue of landfill is a much bigger problem than going elsewhere to buy rubbish. This was not social pressure this was an OTT campaign which involved the Opposition leader and the rightwing media.


          • @try2bhelpful:

            They made a commercial decision

            Having read the original statements I don’t believe that is true. Otherwise you might as well say they’ve made a commercial decision to bring them back.

            This was not social pressure this was an OTT campaign

            Potato potato.

          • @try2bhelpful: Why sell all the rainbow flag junk?

            • @Cheap Rich Guy: Maybe they only sell a small amount and it makes a profit. What I haven’t seen is a mass of rainbow flag junk leftover like I have with the Australia day merch. Personally I dint think we should have any of this junk because it is all landfill fodder.

  • True Aussies would have their Australia day flags and merchandise kept from previous years or just get it in some off market place like eBay and Temu.

  • +3

    The funny thing is, once Woolworths entered this debate they can never be right.

    Remove the stock? People who support Australia Day get very upset.

    Return stock to shelves? How dare you, supporting Invasion Day!

    Does anyone actually care, beyond Twitter activists? Has anyone here ever purchased a small Australian flag from a supermarket, or thongs with the flag on them? I haven't, and I see all the stock selling for half price on 27 January.

    • +4

      Yep I buy the stuff and wave the flag because our country is great. Corporations should not take moral/political stances as they only act in self preservation, not actual conviction.

      Agree however that the outrage economy fuels a lot of nonsense and it's tiresome.

      • +1

        Corporations should not take moral/political stances as they only act in self preservation, not actual conviction.

        Well said. I care far less about whatever stance they choose to take and more about the fact that it’s inherently disingenuous. They’ll say anything if they believe it will boost their bottom line.

  • +2

    how about don't care? They removed from selling as it never sold enough to be worth it, fully support that decision, however they were morons and announced it which made it appear to be more political and the bringing it back is definitely political. Woolies can sell it or not sell it, but they should stay the F out of political discussions about Australia day one way or the other.

  • +2

    Yes, bring it back, and no, im not saying 'sorry' to anyone. Its everyones land, not just one particular people. Sharing is caring.

  • Each store will have 5 of each items to keep the media happy

    • +1

      That would still be more than they sell of this garbage.

  • The fact that they stopped selling Australia day merch last year is nothing to do with it being cheap landfill crap from China, half their store is full of that kind of thing and they are still happy to sell it.
    In my opinion (and obviously a lot of others due to the backlash they received), it was a political statement because they believe we should not have a celebration of Australia's diverse society and landscape, its achievements, and its future, reflect on the nation's history and to consider how to make Australia an even better place.
    Rather those first colonies should not have settled and we should not be here.
    Yet they are quite happy to profit from the very same people they think shouldn't be here, bank and build on land that they say is not theirs and reap $millions in profit due to our forefathers and our ongoing efforts to create such a successful and prosperous society.

    To the people who don't care, apathy towards the erosion and destruction of your culture and values is leading to exactly that.

    • -1

      Or they could just be sick of having a whole bunch of plastic crap that barely sells, even when substantially discounted. Most of this shit is landfill fodder one way or the other. That is the beginning and end of it. Most of us really don’t give a shit whether they sell it or not. The people who want to buy this crap have lots of other options so why get their knickers in a twist if one company doesn’t sell it? What gives them the right to dictate how everyone behaves? Entitlement of the highest order.

      Frankly Australia’s history is complex, like all cultures are. We have done great things and terrible things. We need to learn from all our history. Acknowledge our mistakes and try to improve the situation for all our citizens, particularly those that have suffered intergenerational disadvantage. Unfortunately we have too many people that respond to the dog whistle of manufactured outrage.

      The fact the rightwingers think Australian culture is based on a bunch of cheap disposable rubbish is just pathetic. When I was at school we studied the Eureka Stockade so I stitched myself a Southern Cross flag. I took the time to consider what the rebellion meant and what the flag meant to the people involved. I didn’t buy some cheap Chinese knockoff crap I then out in the bin.

      If you really want to celebrate our culture then create something that speaks to our history and cherish it over the years. Right now you are celebrating profits going to a foreign country and crap going into landfill.


      • +1

        yeah thats why WW continually run promos giving away collectible plastic crap. Cause they care about plastic waste.

        See you're trying to dress this up as an environmental concern, but you have overshared here and told us that you really don't like it for political reasons. Thats fine, just don't make up BS reasons for your objection.

        • I object to the rightwingers making it a political decision. I think Woollies has a right to decide what they stock. Actually I think it has been a while since Woollies ran a plastic crap promotion as well. Do you have a date on their last promotion like that?


          • -1

            @try2bhelpful: It’s irrelevant. WW originally stopped selling Australia Day merch to appeal to progressives, but they seriously misjudged their customer base and the Australian public.

            Even people who have never bought the stuff and will never buy the stuff objected to a supermarket playing politics. The voice failure probably scared ww mgmt.

            On the topic of objections to the date, I have zero faith that people who oppose Australia Day will stop opposing it if the government moves it to a different day. They dont have some weird calendar hangup. They object to what Australia Day represents no matter what’s date it is celebrated.

            So move it, but the protests wont go away. You have to be naive to think they will.

            • -2

              @lunchbox99: It isn’t irrelevant. Woolworths continued to sell Australia Day food so to say it is politics is just crap. The rightwingers just wanted to be outraged, they always want to be. They are the ones obsessed with identity politics and culture wars. Nobody is allowed an opinion but them. They are the ones running with cancel culture. Why couldn’t they buy their tat elsewhere and not actually give a toss? Just pathetic frankly.

              Actually if you move the date the protests about the date will go away. That is how it works. The protests about the mistreatment of aboriginal people won’t go away but that is a bigger issue.


  • +2

    3rd option - don't care

    They stopped selling as nobody bought it.

    • +1

      They didn't want to support Australia Day at all, that was the issue.

      • No, it was " due to a decline in demand "

        You interpret that as being woke.

        Every time I go down there after aus day they were trying to offload it

      • -2

        Rubbish. They are in the business of making money. If they were making good profits on it then they are certainly going to sell it. The issue is that a bunch of people who could’ve bought their tat elsewhere went ballistic about it. Ya think those people might have some bigger issues to be concerned about.

  • +1

    Australia day is a day we should be proud of, this is one of the best nation on the planet to live despite what the hater say we should be proud of what we have achieved and united in a better future together

    • +1

      Jingoistic empty tosh.. We are a great nation but we should always be striving to be better. You don’t have to be a “hater” to want us to learn from our past and try to not make the same mistakes again.

      • -1

        We are a great nation but we should always be striving to be better

        lol no one ever said that Australia is perfect. Nothing ever is 🤦🏻‍♂️

        The bigger question is, do you think if it’s okay to celebrate this ‘great nation’ via Australia Day or nah, there’s nothing to celebrate, end Australia Day altogether?
        Feel free to suggest an alternate viewpoint Ofcos.

        • +1

          Why do you think the issue is so black and white? So either you accept it all blindly or you are a “hater”? I have no problem with an Australia day, I just think we should look at a more significant day to celebrate. There are plenty of alternatives. I also think spending time reflecting on the past should be part of the package. We should acknowledge our successes and failures.

          I feel free to express my opinions without your permission.

          • -1


            Why do you think the issue is so black and white?

            Sometimes it’s not and that is exactly why I finished my comment off by saying “Feel free to suggest an alternate viewpoint Ofcos”
            I couldn’t have been more clear.
            You keep letting your feelings get in the way.

            I have no problem with an Australia day, I just think we should look at a more significant day to celebrate

            But what’s wrong with celebrating it on Australia Day though?

            I feel free to express my opinions without your permission.

            Look at you, what a strong and independent wom..
            All this sassiness and yet you made that rubbish point about ‘black and white’ when I clearly left room for an alternate viewpoint in this conversation.
            You keep letting your feelings get in the way.

            • @Gervais fanboy: Honestly mate is “feelings” the best you can throw at me? Your answers are much more emotional than mine. The “rubbish comment” slur has given you away.

              The question about celebration isn’t black and white and that is the point I was making. As I also said there are better days to celebrate than the current day so why not pick one? If the entire idea is just a celebration then pick one that is significant to Australia as a country, not one specific to NSW. How about when all Australian citizens got the same rights and responsibilities? There are options in the 70s and the 80s.

              I provided a list of options elsewhere. Why not just pick an alternative. After all this day has on,y been significant since the 1930s?

              • -1


                Honestly mate is “feelings” the best you can throw at me?

                Any sense of disagreement and you claim that you have been ‘attacked’.

                Your answers are much more emotional

                And yet you manipulate, neg comments and threaten to report people.
                All Stereotypical behaviour

                The question about celebration isn’t black and white and that is the point I was making.

                Okay but who said that it was ‘black and white’ in the first place.
                You conveniently imagine a false premise so you can argue against it.
                So stop digressing and actually answer to the point for once.
                Where did I say or even suggest that this was a black and white matter?

                How about when all Australian citizens got the same rights and responsibilities? There are options in the 70s and the 80s.

                Okay, interesting.

                I provided a list of options elsewhere. Why not just pick an alternative

                This might surprise you but I haven’t actually gone through every comment under this post. Sorry if I made you repeat yourself.

                • @Gervais fanboy: So you resort to sexist tropes and do minimal research. Sums up your arguments.

                  • @try2bhelpful: More digression as expected

                    Anyways, I ask you again, where did I say that this was a black and white matter?
                    Also, my research is limited because I didn’t read all the comments under this post?
                    With logic like that you just keep reinforcing them stereotypes
                    Well done

                    • +1

                      @Gervais fanboy: Your comment.
                      “The bigger question is, do you think if it’s okay to celebrate this ‘great nation’ via Australia Day or nah, there’s nothing to celebrate, end Australia Day altogether?”

                      You are the one who tried to bring it down to a black and white matter by reducing it to one simple hyperbolic loaded question about celebrating Australia Day. I provided an answer saying it wasn’t black and white as to what we should, or shouldn’t be, celebrating. You are the one who then digressed into snide remarks and sexist insults.

                      I have always put forward the following points.
                      - no company should be subjected to a campaign to force it to sell landfill tat.
                      - that the current Australia day date is a reasonably modern concept.
                      - a little bit of research shows the history of Australia Day and the alternatives that would be more suitable.
                      - I wonder how many people complaining here have bought any Australia Day rubbish in the last few years, if at all.
                      - if you want Australia Day merch then make your own.

                      Simples. However you then go on tangential screeds of blather throwing in a bunch of personal insults on the way. Honestly there is no way you are using “sassy” and “emotional” to talk to men. Particularly if they are 6 ft tall and standing next to you at the football. However, I doubt you would say these things to my face in a crowded room either because then you would have to personally own them.

                      Frankly just stick to the topic you are arguing in a succinct manner. Right at the moment you are only pleasing yourself.

                      • -4

                        @try2bhelpful: Yes, the mother load of integrity right here. Deliberately stopped quoting me when it became inconvenient for you.
                        “Feel free to suggest an alternate viewpoint Ofcos.”
                        ^^ Me saying this automatically opens the possibilities for other viewpoints,

                        Why are you like this?

                        Frankly just stick to the topic you are arguing in a succinct manner.

                        Right, like bringing up political parties in a conversation that’s got nothing to do with that?

                        reducing it to one simple hyperbolic loaded question about celebrating Australia Day.

                        No, not hyperbolic at all. I listed two of the most common arguments out there when it comes to discussing Australia Day.
                        What do you want me to do instead? Write a thousand word essay listing every person’s individual opinion ever?
                        I even invited you to mention yours, I couldn’t have expressed myself any better.

                        Again, you still keep letting your feelings get in the way.

                        You are the one who then digressed into snide remarks and sexist insults.

                        Snide? Yup, maybe.
                        Sexist? Never. Just that some stereotypes already exist and you seem to perfectly mirror them every time. I only made an observation,

                        I have always put forward the following points.
                        - no company should be subjected to a campaign to force it to sell landfill tat.
                        - that the current Australia day date is a reasonably modern concept.
                        - a little bit of research shows the history of Australia Day and the alternatives that would be more suitable.
                        - I wonder how many people complaining here have bought any Australia Day rubbish in the last few years, if at all.
                        - if you want Australia Day merch then make your own.

                        I asked you for your opinion, you’ve shared them. Cool, I never argued against any of that.
                        Again, you create false premises in your head and start arguing for the sake of it.
                        Keep letting your feelings get in the way.

                        Honestly there is no way you are using “sassy” and “emotional” to talk to men.

                        I do but ‘statistically’ that happens way way less. I wonder why lol.

                        Particularly if they are 6 ft tall

                        You could be 2 feet tall and my default approach would always be a polite and civil one, though I do tend to respond in kind when someone like you keeps interrupting to only get everything wrong anyways.
                        For example - your imaginary liberal party BS yesterday, you falsely accused me of ‘abusing’ and ‘attacking’ @grue the other day.
                        So Ofcos I don’t care about being polite to you anymore.

                        • @Gervais fanboy: Anyone reading your latest screed can see my points writ large. Can’t you coalesce your thoughts into a couple of succinct sentences? I haven’t been the one with the personal insults as anyone who bothers to read your diatribe would notice. When was the last time you actually called a man sassy? I suspect you are just straight out lying now. You don’t even recognise when you are being sexist. Not surprised by that either. However, I don’t know why you are continually wasting your own time. Can’t you summarise your own points like I just did? You obviously have nothing better to do.

                    • @Gervais fanboy: Actually you are the one who started the digression by making the snide comments about “libs”.But then you always digress to make insulting personal comments, then always complain people are off topic. You are the one that asked a question then complained when I said the answer wasn’t just black and white. If you decided the issue was ambiguous then why put it as the “bigger question”? Why not just form it as a discussion point.It was a pathetic attempt at a gotcha that I didn’t fall into.

                      In all honesty the “bigger question” is why didn’t the people making a fuss not just buy their landfill tat elsewhere? Why is Woollies decision as to what they sell even a thing? Woollies certainly sold Australia Day food options through all of this so why wasn’t that enough?


                      • +1

                        @try2bhelpful: " why didn’t the people making a fuss not just buy their landfill tat elsewhere"
                        Because they don't buy it,period. (Being seen with that imported crap would be beneath them) It's as much about what they don't want (anybody not straight/white etc) somebody to have.
                        That's why they always rage about shit that doesn't affect them. Like changing the date. They see this as a win for indig ppl, and they can't have that.And the reality is,pro rata more non-indigenous ppl want the date changed. Because that cohort accept the facts in our history as Australia's to own.

                        Even on marriage equality, the needy conservatives had to revert to 'I'm not making a cake' logic.

      • I'm sure he meant to say>
        On top of the undeniable 2 centuries of harm that dispossession has wrought. And the deliberate racist policies (some still enacted) on First Australians, what about the just over 240 years with all the so called colonial wisdom and superiority, political and social structures,law,technology advanced agriculture,industrial might etc, the Cornucopia of pristine ecology , how are we doing?
        The ecology is floundering in most places and collapsing in many more.(look at extinction rates) Depleted or tainted groundwater, diseased forests,dead and polluted rivers ,thinning fisheries,hundreds of sq/kms of dead salinised soils ,all neatly wrapped in the erasure of the anthropological truth.And on top of that we still are in total denial and of the latest impacts of climate change and our population continuing to overtake the ecological capacity of the fractured environment. Talk about the goose that laid the golden egg.

        • +1

          On top of the undeniable 2 centuries of harm that dispossession has wrought.

          name a nation in the OECD that doesnt have some level of racism or some kind things to be 'ashamed' of in its past or present?

          a nation like a person is not perfect but we have a good life here in Australia seems too many people take that forgranted - could we do better? of course but we should be a proud nation united, all people who hate Australia want to do is divide the nation

          • -2

            @Trying2SaveABuck: Name the countries who deny their history and whinge about changing a date, that would have zero negative impact on the loudest whingers.

            • +2


              Name the countries who deny their history and whinge about changing a date, that would have zero negative impact on the loudest whingers.

              what? this question makes no sense esp in the context of Australia 1st nations history is taught in Australian schools and there is sections dedicated to it in most musems

              • @Trying2SaveABuck: It was pretty straightforward.
                Also do acknowledge that you admitted there are things in our history you are ashamed of.

          • @Trying2SaveABuck: The point is some of us are doing better than others, some don’t have such a good life. Intergenerational disadvantage needs to be addressed. What is dividing the nation is that some people are doing very well and some people are doing badly.

            You don’t have to hate Australia to want some people to get a better deal. In fact it shows you love your country because you want to work on it being even better.

            • @try2bhelpful: It's called empathy."Walking in somebody else's shoes".This post is the antithesis of that concept. Australia used to be a player in the empathy stakes.Not any more.Half of the country(and growing) is about self entitlement.
              That says a lot about the motive of this post.

            • -4


              You don’t have to hate Australia to want some people to get a better deal. In fact it shows you love your country because you want to work on it being even better.

              do they not get a better deal?

              for the almost 2 generations now 1st naitons have had access free education, priority health care, prioirity social housing, native title payments, softer punishments when bracking laws, extra childcare benefits etc

              despite having advantages no other personal on the planet (let alone Australian) has, yet they are wanting more?

              i have no issue with them have access to extra support but it has hit a point where you cant keep pulling the 'we are disadvantaged' when you actually are very privliaged compared to the rest of us

              • @Trying2SaveABuck: You honestly think they’ve had advantages “no other personal on the planet have had”. So the multigenerational children of the Uber rich have much less advantages than people living in substandard housing in the outback? Just wow.

                There are Aboriginal people still alive who were part of the stolen generation. There is still inherent racism in how aboriginal people are spoken about. Do some research you will see they were treated differently up until the 80s.

                How do we take a people’s who were custodians on this country for tens of thousands of years, take their land off them, treat them poorly for centuries then expect them to toe the line with a couple of perfunctory preferences. We declared Australia Terra Nullius so they didn’t need to be paid for the land that was taken. They were considered part of the wild life or vermin to be exterminated. They were denied their language, culture and religion, and much is lost. So your answer is “buck up”?

                Me, I don’t have the solution to this. Frankly I wanted the Voice to get up precisely so we could ensure the Aboriginal people were involved in redressing the issues they are experiencing. That they would be tasked with the guidelines on their own solutions. However, the rightwingers shot themselves in the foot by voting no. It is still on us and we are really bad at it.

                • @try2bhelpful: and fiscally more money will be invested in the wounds we keep creating and dragging us all backwards at the same time. I guess that's the price of racism.

              • +2

                @Trying2SaveABuck: do **they not get a better deal**

                There it is.Back to his same old ball to kick around the yard.
                He tried so hard to dress it as a thread about Woolies merchandise backflip, but his fave target was always there in broad daylight.No reading between the lines required
                Just like the rigged poll about booing at the footy. This post was always about creating space for hate speech. It's a modus operandi.

            • @try2bhelpful: Billions are given to the Aboriginal industry every year. Aboriginals who want to make a decent life for tnemselves do just fine.

              • -1

                @Cheap Rich Guy: And billions more subsidise families that are already doing OK. How much do you think it would cost if we gave them a fair price for all the land we have taken? If we did that we wouldn’t need to subsidise them at all. Also you still didn’t address all the issues I raised.

              • @Cheap Rich Guy: An industry with 95% opportunistic not indigenous ppl at the trough.That does not include the loss of sovereignty via exploitation of resources which every year increases in $$$ value owed, on top spiritual connection lost, which is inestimable.
                What is given is nothing compared to what is owed.

    • -1

      Haha…Jingo bells,jingo bells…
      Let me guess, as long as you & those supporting your viewpoint get to build the goalposts on our history?. I believe the 'multi fork tongued' John Howard patented that very move.You'll need to slip him Royalties.

      BTW there was and is multiple nations in Australia that predate colonisation.And they precede the naming of the entire landmass as 'Australia" by tens of millenia..
      Even the High Court agreed.

      By the way, that's the American flag and a bent dude convicted felon in your avatar.

    • +1

      I agree we need a day like this, so why do so many insist we instead celebrate the day the poms arrived?

      We are basically the only country retarded enough to celebrate another country’s achievement as a national holiday. It’s embarrassing.

    • Australia day is a day we should be proud of

      Agreed, but exactly how much overseas made merchandise containing or defacing our flag do I need to wear to prove my pride? And do I get extra points for wearing an additional flag as a cape?

      • -1

        Agreed, but exactly how much overseas made merchandise containing or defacing our flag do I need to wear to prove my pride? And do I get extra points for wearing an additional flag as a cape?

        it isnt the point it is the fact a major Australian company chose to ignore a national day - it was sheer woke BULLSHIT - this is the 'same' company that openly supported the Voice and other woke rubbish but the moment they get called up for price gouging the pulled the 'we are a private business, not a socialist company' bullshit!

        i go no issue if people want to have an adult discussion about changing the date, hell i got no issue about having an adult discussion about changing the flag

        but it needs to be 'a day' and for ages it has been Jan 26th - that day now repersents citizenship for 100s of 1000s of Australians it is special to them

        the 1st fleet arriving is a historic day in this nations history regardless of what you think about our past it set the course for our nation

        • +2

          *it was sheer woke BULLSHIT *
          Thanks. I just completed yet another game of RW bingo .

          Game,set agenda.
          ** it was sheer woke BULLSHIT** and the 'same' company that openly supported the Voice expose the other obvious truth that this entire post was all about the same bigoted motivation as most of the inflammatory dog whistle posts that ruin Ozbragain.

          HINT: Don't use a divisive narrative to criticise Woolies while calling them divisive in actions, and you won't show your true colour..s

          • @Protractor: This comment tells me everything i need to know about you - it isnt that i dont understand where you are coming from, I just do not agree with you

            Have a good life

            • @Trying2SaveABuck: Thank god for that.

            • -1

              @Trying2SaveABuck: I love it when people misuse a word like “woke” it makes it much easier to assess how well reasoned their opinions are. I can think of “oh, you are one of those people”. Thanks for the short cut.

        • +3

          the 1st fleet arriving is a historic day in this nations history

          But…that's wasn't January 26th :)

          • @SBOB: You don't expect ppl who use the word woke to be across fact do you?

        • +1

          major Australian company chose to ignore a national day

          Chose to not stock/sell some range of items and were dumb enough that their PR team thought it was press release worthy. Pretty sure they openly sold and had sales on lamb that week :)

          The only reason it caused outrage is because the media, pundits, and politicians told people to be outraged. And many lapped it up, engaged in the clickbait outage, like the critical-thinking anti-msm intellectuals they are.

          • @SBOB: Yup, the usual suspects took at the dog whistle and the perpetually outraged answered the call. However, apparently it isn’t “cancel culture” if they indulge in it. Apparently free choice is only possible if it is their choice? They couldn’t just find an alternative supplier for their soon to be landfill they had to force a company to sell this sort of tat.

            • +1

              @try2bhelpful: free choice is only possible if it is their choice
              This is their constitution.

  • +2

    so go woke go broke is not a myth

    • Woolworths, Go woke go broke.

      Also Woolworths, record profits, price gouging and 37% market share.

      <Insert 2 buttons meme>

      Pick a lane :)

    • -2

      I suppose recognising injustice, particularly racial, won’t make you as much money as catering to rightwing prejudices. After all that is the basis of Rupert’s argument as to why the family trust should be thrown out and Lachlan allowed to make all the decisions once Rupert is dead.

      • +1

        Family and trust. 2 words you don't hear in the same sentence from RWNJ unless it's the money /tax evasion version.

  • +3

    This is all so obviously a result of the Trump Effect. Corporations everywhere are back-pedalling as quickly as they can on the woke/DEI/ESG stuff as they realise the political landscape has shifted rather rightward since the election.

    Personally, I just want Woolworths to bring back Samboy Atomic Tomato chips.

  • +2

    It all just gets thrown in the bin anyway.

  • I can't believe this is news. Should be a poll option for I don't care!

  • Don't go into Woolworths or Big W expecting to find Australia Day merchandise (except for flags) as it's only available online through their marketplaces.

    Background information attached to the media release:

    • In July 2024, Woolworths began selling Australian-made Australian flags in store in all Woolworths supermarkets. In November 2024, Woolworths also introduced Australian-made Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags to its range. Customers can find all flags in the general merchandise aisle of their local Woolworths or the party section of BIG W.

    • Australian-themed merchandise is available online through Woolworths’ sites BIG W, My Deal and Everyday Market.

    • Perfect for Australia Day sections in Woolworths supermarkets will be solely focused on great specials on food perfect for the day for those celebrating with family and friends. Green and Gold donuts are also being sold in the bakery section in January.

    • Whilst I appreciate your detailed comment, the reality is this>
      The grown ups have figured all that out.
      They're sorted, and aren't here whinging like toddlers about an issue that doesn't impact them in any way.

    • Thanks for the update.

  • Not buying from them anyway

    • They removed rainchecks. The one i go to sometimes matches the fresh produce prices at the nearby fruit shop but with higher quality produce. That's the only way they get my money

  • +1

    Who cares? These sorts of issues are a distraction.

  • +1

    I"m fine with any store stocking what they want, but I won't be buying that crap and adding more garbage to landfill. I'm not a bogan wanting to wrap myself in the flag and carry on with some jingo-istic conspicuous patriotism.

    I don't think Mum even does flag serviettes at the barbecue, IIRC they're some Australiana with wattle and possums or something llike that.

    I'd rather return to being a country of non-flag wearers.

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