Woolworths Brings Back Australia Day Merchandise

Well, in a back flip to last year, Woolies have decided to bring back Aus Day promos.

Woolworths has announced this year customers will notice more Australia Day signage in its stores than they did last year.

No word of merch specifically, but reading between the lines:

He also said BIG W, which is owned by Woolworths Group, would sell products people might want as they gathered over the long weekend.

ABC Article

Poll like last year to see what everyone's view is this time around.

Poll Options

  • 387
    Agree with Woolies bringing it back
  • 102
    Do not agree with Woolies - boycott

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    • +1

      Absolutely. Let’s not go down the American model.

  • +2

    Ah yes, a good old bias poll with loaded answers. What could go wrong?

    • +1

      When you see the word woke thrown around with self anointed authority( and only after the comments warm up, and without the conviction to use it in the OP) you know you have the same old agenda.

  • +1

    Shops sell things I like or I don't like. That's normal. As long as it's not selling at excessive price I am happy. More things to choose is better than less.

  • +2

    All the YTs here be like ' I'm not racist '

  • +1

    In other words:

    "We came to the executive decision and conclusion we lost money last year, but there's money to be made. We somewhat care what Australian's think but also we care more about our profit margins."

  • +1

    Need a "Who cares" option.
    Not because I hate or love Australia Day, but because it's a non issue.

  • +1

    Need a "who care" option

  • +1

    Kinda cheating to sell through marketplace.

    • That's what you get for back-flipping on a sound initial decision.

  • +2

    Corporate PR stunt to distract from actual price gouging.

    And you got people eating it up.

  • +2

    Must we go through this every. single. year? The sky didn't fall when the government said sorry. The sky wont fall if we move the date to the winter solstice and celebrate the southern cross instead. Then we could have a proper winter christmas or solstice or whatever.

    • what if we add another date, pick a date for when the first Aboriginal people arrived in Australia and add another public holiday to the roster?

      • Watch Dutton go mental about it.

  • +1

    Time for a Click Bait option in the reports. 3 strikes and the post is binned.

  • Bring it back before the Easter stuff is on display

    • Hot cross buns are already in the store.

      • Jesus Christ

        • They usually turn up on Boxing Day.

        • He turns up at Easter.

  • Who cares. It's just junk anyway that goes to landfill the next day.

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