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Which Finger Do You Use for The Mouse Scroll Wheel?

Last edited 30/12/2024 - 17:53 by 1 other user
Poll Options
- 574Index
- 271Middle
- 14Other
- 1
- 2
You people are using your fingers?
Nope… just the one…
No options for 2 fingers?
I thought you were just joking but my wife said someone at her work does it….. freakkkkkkkkk
Are we still talking about scroll wheels?
What does she think of it?
God. My whole life I’ve thought index was normal. Poll is too close for comfort atm
Cmon peoplehuh i thought the middle is the right answer
The reason I use middle finger is because it's faster to use my left click again if I keep my index on it while scrolling with my middle finger. I don't encounter many situations where I follow a scroll with a right-click, and in any case that I do, speed doesn't matter. This is unlike in some games for instance, where I use scroll wheel to change/select a weapon and then left click to confirm/fire. If I'm too slow, it's game over.
I feel like I'm misunderstanding all the positions here. For me it's:
Pointer: Left
Middle: Wheel
Ring: RightThis is the way God intended
Pointer: Left
Middle: Wheel
Ring: Right
This is the way God intendedFor the life of me I could not get that to work - then realised your God must have intended for everyone to be right-handed.
Vanishingly few people use the mouse in the left hand whether they’re lefties or not.
Can I ask how you come to this conclusion?
From personal observation, confirmation bias or some real research?
Can I ask how you come to this conclusion?
From personal observation, confirmation bias or some real research?
From my vast experience of not living under a rock. You’re welcome to look at the surveys yourself.
@[Deactivated]: As a middle-aged lefty, using the mouse right-handed comes from the olden days of computer labs, where all wired-mouses were setup to the right of keyboard.
Added benefit, it leaves your left hand free for more active pursuits (like writing).
From my vast experience of not living under a rock. You’re welcome to look at the surveys yourself.
So, as you've not noticed something occurring then it just doesn't exist I guess.
And we all know surveys are such a scientific way of determining what is really happening.
@Grunntt: Surveying a population is an incredibly common technique in “science”. I’m not in a field in which I’ve ever needed to use surveys but they seem like a perfectly reasonable way of ascertaining mouse usage patterns. Why so aggressive?
Surveying a population is an incredibly common technique in “science”
I don't disagree - I have been in a field that utilised surveys (in a scientific field) and they had to be incredibly well structured to achieve anything meaningful from them.
I just don't see the type of survey you are likely to come across about mouse click preference is anything other than the quick grab for views online/magazines type of pop survey. Fun for confirmation bias but not what you could rely on for science. (btw - no need for quotes around the word science)My apologies if my comments came across as aggressive - that was not the intent.
Vanishingly few people use the mouse in the left hand whether they’re lefties or not.
When I was younger and played games more often, I would use my right hand for gaming and switch to my left hand at work to prevent RSI.
I can do that now, but for a long stretch of time, I was using one of those small travel mice, and having three fingers on at once was uncomfortable so I have an inclination towards just two
Pointer: Left
Middle: Wheel / Right (switching between)
Ring & Pinky: Mouse control on right side of mouse
Index finger on left click, middle finger on scroll wheel, ring finger on right click.
This is the way, but I wonder why it's not the norm
Is this a generational thing or something?!
I think its because you don't get 'taught' how to use a mouse these days.
GAMING may also play a big part on this too !
Hence the generational difference too.Generally speaking, gamers (who play often) tend to use middle finger on scroll wheel … Whereas non-gamers (or occasional once-a-week gamer) tends to use index finger.
Just my personal observations when playing with others … Also, I voted for index finger - but then I rarely game.
Heres a poll done on reddit a few months ago, 122 grip beat out 131 quite easily.
@simplystu: Also similar to this, where do rest your hand on the keyboard when casually using the computer.
For a lot of PC gamers it's over WASD, even when not gaming.
But it's intuitive isn't it? Constantly switching your index to the scroll wheel and back to the left click is cumbersome.
Constantly switching your index to the scroll wheel and back to the left click is cumbersome.
I don't find it cumbersome as my fingers move all the time when typing anyway, so they're very used to that small motion.
I think some people find it easier to do fine movements like scrolling a wheel with their index finger rather than middle finger as their index finger might have greater independence, while others find it totally natural to use their middle finger. It depends on the individual's tendons and is probably something people can train up if necessary. Unless I actively prevent it, my ring finger also slightly moves when I do a scrolling action with my middle finger which sometimes clicks the right mouse button by accident.
What the? Index finger on left click, index finger on scroll wheel, middle finger on right click.
Roughly how old are you?
I'm Gen X.
The only way. Been doing it like this since the scroll wheel was invented!
Same Gen X, use index for scroll and left click.
I think we grew up without a scroll wheel so don't do it the way someone who starts with a current mouse does.
It was a big enough change going from no mouse to a wired single button mouse that used a ball to track the movements.
Then just as you get used to that add more buttons and scroll wheels.
I currently use a Logitech MX master with multiple buttons and 2 scroll wheels.
I feel like I was taught this when I was young…but still ended up using index for left click and scroll, middle for right click.
I'm going to try switching to index / left click, middle / scroll, ring / right click - it seems more efficient on paper.
How would it be more efficient, though? It's akin to pressing the brake and accelerator at the same time while driving; I'd suggest left clicking and scrolling at the same time would be just as unlikely (or is it some PC gamer thing?).
It's akin to pressing the brake and accelerator at the same time while driving
And that's how racing drivers can go so fast :P
It would be incredibly minute, but essentially not having to move your index finger between the left mouse button and the scroll wheel. That’s about it haha
One finger for everything with an Apple Mouse. Now if I could only pay for my carpel tunnel surgery.
I am using this way, before the scroll wheel, I used to have a 3 button mouse in late 90s.
Middle finger for primary click, index for wheel, tilt, and secondary click.
I'm a leftie lol, probably should have added that info
Now this is how it should work.
thats what she said
Depends on what website I'm browsing.
agree. sometimes i cant click or scroll because the right hand is busy.
"right hand is busy"
Like, left hand?
If I'm actively clicking on things or in a game, middle.
If I'm just scrolling aimlessly, index.
I use a trackball:…
So always the thumb ;)
It’s been so long since I’ve used a computer that I can’t remember the last time I used a mouse.
third leg…
I just think about the action and the cursor moves and clicks as I wish, like Sylar.
Index for clicking, middle for scroll, third finger for right click.
This one -🖕
Our children had a primary school teacher that pointed with her middle finger, oh the hilarity particularly as they said she'd get upset about the giggling
With all those votes on the Index finger the next question is what are you using to left click? Thumb?
I really wonder if they're a slightly younger generation, chucked a mouse and just expected to know what to do with it?
i've been playing since before the scroll wheel even came about. always used the index switch between left click and wheel
Still the index. I just move it across the scroll wheel when required. Three fingers on the top of the mouse feels too cramped for me.
Small mouse? I use a DeathAdder Essential and there's plenty of room to fit the hand comfortably.
Logitech G Pro Wireless
Use the index for both left-click and scroll. You don't often do both at the same time?
Where does the middle finger go when holding a mouse then?
I use both my index finger and middle finger depending on the situation.
My mouse doesn't have a scroll wheel but he enjoys peanut butter
Is this a question about masterbating?
No, it's a question about spelling.
Are you a master bater?
I use trackpad and touchscreen so no clue
Pointing finger, just like my typing….
.I'm with @SnowDragon, index if I'm not gaming eg. just browsing OzB but I do find myself swapping over to middle finger if I'm playing an FPS or something.
I use the down button on the keyboard and watch it make its way down to the bottom of the page.
That takes up most of my days workFinger? Why would I want to bend down to use my foot pedal?
I am left handed so index is very close to wheel, slight flick left and I can easily left click with same finger
This is so thumb :D
I identify as a ambi-fingerer.
When I first started working a desk job and we all got wheel mice, I quickly started getting RSI in my index finger.
Took about 3 months to become an issue.
So I switched to the middle finger and never looked back.
RMB pointer - Index finger, LMB - Middle finger, back|fwd buttons - Ring finger
When I stared using mice, Apple Macs and Next PCs had a single button, Commodore / Amiga / IBMs had two, very few computers had a scroll wheel and even those didn't function as a button until later, so people would get accustomed to that arrangement, much like Function keys that date back to the earliest (vertical) keyboard layouts but many new users today don't utilise those buttons.
For the record, I'm a southpaw, but like most of us leftie sinners, I use the same button order as a right-handed, which makes ocassionally switching hands easy.Which finger do you use?
Brings up a host of potential new (banal) topics.
I know for a fact I was an index scroller, and have never realised I somehow evolved into a middle scroller…. why would you make me think about this??!!
Tf so many people doing scrolling with index finger? Your middle finger is already resting on it lol
my middle finger rests on right button….. feels cramped using three digits
.Then the mouse you have is too small for your hand. Fourth finger should be on rmb.
Mice are not one size comfortabley fits all."should be"? I didn't realise there were rules governing mouse use ;)
managed to get through 20 years of CAD work with they way I do it without any issues using pretty much the same type of basic wired mouse
now that I am paying attention, I use my fourth finger to grip mouse (opposite to thumb) for left movements. pinky does SFA
so confused about whether it is the younger gen or older gen using an index finger for both left and middle buttons…
It's gotta be the older..those who call the computer case the "CPU"
I worked in tech support as a young fella and they used to call the computer the "hard drive" when I talked with them.
Mouse, my laptop is so old it has a “nipple”
The finger next to my thumb on either hand.
I seem to use index for day-to-day use and middle if playing a game that uses it, in which case I grip my mouse differently.
Taught myself to mouse lefthanded.
which mouse
- 1
- 2
No poll option for tongue?