Why Are Pet Owners So Disrespectful These Days?

Today I witnessed three different people walking dogs, allow their dogs to wander into other people's front yards to do their business.

Two of these people had their dogs on leads, extended leads it would seem. One of these people had their dog off lead and it wandered into my own yard to do its business. While the owners did pick up their dog's poo, when did it become a thing that people let their dogs do this on other people's properties?

Seriously, have some respect for others and keep your dog off other people's property and for crying out loud, keep it on a lead, doesn't matter how close to your own house you are, it's the law!


          • @morse: To be fair, there's a strip at the front which is "crown land" and not actually your own.

    • -1

      If you don’t like my dogs wondering around your front yard call the police

      The owner might not call the police, but might place copious amounts of rat poison in their front yard as it is their property after all.

      • -7

        And they are well within their right to do this. But it takes a very sad heartless human being to want to kill dogs because they touch their lawn. Almost psychotic behaviour. If that happened to my dog I would make sure that house would never be at peice again I would slash their tyres, destroy their car, break windows etc etc you know how it goes. No one kills dogs that way.

        • -8

          I’m not sure they would be within their right to do so. People who kill dogs like that should have their life turned into a living hell.

          • @try2bhelpful: Apparently I’ve annoyed people who want to kill dogs. I’m glad about that.

            • -1

              @try2bhelpful: I'm surprised the 1st post suggesting it is OK with the mods to be honest.
              I don't think you've annoyed any humane or intelligent ppl.
              Just the cowards and the cruel and potential or active dog baiters.

        • +4

          If that happened to my dog I would make sure that house would never be at peice again I would slash their tyres, destroy their car, break windows etc etc you know how it goes

          While we are playing hypotheticals…

          How would you prove the source of the poison with absolute certainty? Being the careless owner you are, you admit you let your dogs wander into any lawn they feel like rather than keep them on a tight leash.

          The property owner might be even more devious, and sprinkle chocolate or cheese which ends up costing you in exorbitant vet fees.

          at peice

          at peace

          I would slash their tyres, destroy their car, break windows etc etc you know how it goes

          So, who is being psychotic now?
          Don't forget the hidden security cameras.

          • -6

            @DoctorCalculon: No face no case..

          • -1

            @DoctorCalculon: Also what’s wrong with cheese? My dogs love cheese. Is it bad for them?

          • -3

            @DoctorCalculon: Ya mean the hidden security cameras that caught you baiting the dog? Now that would be a YouTube that would go viral. Ya kids might have trouble with “daddy the dog baiter” yelled at them. That would be even better than attacking your property. Anyone who baits a dog is psychotic. Next you will say a kid retrieving a ball deserves to be poisoned as well.

            • @try2bhelpful:

              Ya mean the hidden security cameras that caught you baiting the dog?

              You usually hide cameras to catch people baiting..?

              • -1

                @smartazz104: If I had a psycho neighbour threatening my pets I certainly would be putting cameras that could see my perimeters.

          • @DoctorCalculon: You seem to know way too much about poisoning dogs.

        • +3

          Jesus! I think we found the psychotic one!

        • +4

          Out of negs, but you seem far too determined to want to trespass with your dog. Is your own yard, nature strips and dog parks not enough for you?

    • +2

      If they shit in your yard I will pick it up.

      So far, so good. And many would agree. I would not be bothered at all if you used and cleaned up on my front lawn - there is no fence. But If someone says you are not welcome on their property, don't be an arsehole. That is their right. Show a little respect for other people - its not all you.
      If they hose you down, I'll have a chuckle - don't let little things bother you.

      • -5

        I would chuckle to, but you would find almost no one in this country would hose someone down with 2 dogs, would be border line retarded.. but also very funny so don’t not agree with you.

        Unless your that old man that spends all their day yelling at clouds, in which case that’s the human being I suspect OP to be.

  • +5

    Shitty thing to do for sure, but also not a new thing. Selfish people have been around forever. There was heaps more dog poop around on the streets when I was a kid than now. The dogs on leads is others yard is weird though. Maybe a small fence would help even if you don’t want to be fenced in completely.

  • +9

    If they're picking up after themselves, they're not being disrespectful. If the owner drops a hot on on the azaleas while making eye contact, you might have something to complain about. In the meantime, suck it up and stop being a whiny little Karen.

  • +14

    Some of the people in these comments should be on a watchlist.

    If my dog takes a dump on the nature strip, which you might call your front yard but is actually council property, and I pick it up and dispose of it properly, what are you having an aneurism about?

    Yes, people who don’t pick up are dicks, but it’s a bit of a stretch to consider animal murder as a solution for that.

    • +3

      Agreed. I walk my dog on the nature strip and if he does a poo I pick it up and put it in the bin when I get home. What's the problem?

      Why would I walk my dog on the hot dangerous road? The nature strip is the equivalent of a public walkway. People need to stop getting angry over nothing.

      My front yard joins up with my neighbours (no fence) and their kids regularly run onto our side. Who cares.

    • -1

      Watchlist? Yes, almost a case for plod to request a few extra details and do just that.

  • +2

    Society in general….. going downhill.

    Nothing new to see here.

  • +2

    My neighbour's dog (Jack Russell) barks all day. Every time my kid goes to back yard he keeps barking and irritates him a lot (he is autistic). I spoke to neighbour and his response was he can't control it.
    Spoke to council and was asked to record 30 days of history so they can take Acton.

    I'm on border line in loosing my cool.

    • Get a very repetitive recording of dogs barking. Put on the stereo full bore, go out for the day. Do that a few times.
      Let the problem come to you.
      Councils are parasites designed to herd rate payers into a cul de sac, and charge for the privilege..The $$ it cost to field your enquiry could easily be used to contact the neighbour and enquire about the barking NOW.W*nkers.

  • +5

    seriously you are whining about people that pick up their dogs turds? seriously? I can understand complaining about the aholes that don't but those that do ARE being respectful. wow you must be a delight to be around socially Karen.

  • +2

    You realize that they are an animal and they will go when they need to go. We try and curb our dog to only go on footpaths to do their number two's but sometimes it just impossible to tell if they are about to do a number two and it's just to late. We always pickup after our dog but it is what it is. As for number one's, dont see the issue. It's just a wee. Dogs Mark territory. Not much we can do about it. Bigger things in life to be concerned about really.

    Id be more concerned about the inconsiderate owners who do t clean after their dogs and you end up stepping on their dogs business.

    • -2

      That's what a leash is used for, keeping your dog on the path. Pretty simple concept really.

      • +3

        Ah, the path, where it's harder to collect the crap that gets smeared into the path and people will step on it anyway… As long as they pickup after themselves, I don't really care personally.

      • Almost as simple as the concept of communicating with the person directly.
        This rare action contributes to 'learned behaviour' and has been known to assist in changing behaviour.
        Give it a go sometime.

  • +1

    Put a sign up that you do the same in their yard. So then go into their yard and do your business in their front yard.

  • +1

    This is a common occurrence where by pet owners always let their pet do the job in other people’s garden and not their own. Kind of selfish

  • The bike riders with dog on leashes are also the worst culprits. They let the dog do the poo while cycling.

  • +6

    I get the shits with people who think everyone loves their dogs and walk them with no lead.
    I let them know I am not interested in knowing them or their stray dog when it wanders my way with a few choice words that normally gets their head spinning. I'm a dog owner too and would never allow my dog to be so disrespectful. There is a rule there to walk your dog on a lead for a reason.

  • -3

    Sees a couple of dog owners letting their dog to roam around into his front yard, proceeds to conclude that all pets and pet owners are evil.

  • +1

    I dont mind if they piss or shit, as long as the owner cleans it up right away. CCTV makes them do the right thing.

    • +1

      How do you want them to clean up dog piss?

      • +4

        I think it's called a piss-take.

  • Pet owners are disrespectful because swat came into their house, disrespected their family.

  • +1

    I love a sweeping generalisation that is wrong on so many counts. It must be wonderful to live in a world where this is your biggest issue. Me, I just walk around the crap and let nature break it down. Most people I see pick up after their animals anyway. So when was this golden age when people with animals behaved more respectful than now? Do you have an exact date?

    • +1

      It must be wonderful to live in a world where this is your biggest issue.

      This is the crux of 90% of forum posts on OZB crying about sth.

      • +1

        Absolutely. It is a real pity there are so many people with no resilience or perspective.

  • +2

    back in my day!

    Yeah nah mate, even in the past 20 years the amount of people who pick up after there dog has gone from frack all to a lot, maybe even most.

  • +3

    Most dog owners at least take responsibility for their mess. Cats are let roam to crap and piss wherever they want and kill native wildlife while they're at it.

  • +4

    I have an automatic sprinkler - motion sensor

    • Sounds like a sensible option.

  • I dont think its pet owners perse, its just people in general. The larger the population , the more dog eat dog world we get into. These same people probably also let their kids do disrespectful things as well as they themselves are just disrespectful. But if you think thats bad, I have seen a dog owner, walk into my folk's front yard , go onto the grass patch (to the side of the driveway) with a dog on his leash. let his dog do the business and then leave without picking up the business.

    Sometimes its just jealousy, perhaps they are jealous of the house or something else with the owner and other times they just dont care about anyone but themselves.

  • -1

    I reckon you need to chill OP, if they pick it up what is the matter?

    • +2

      No 'ability' to confront the issue at the time,perhaps?
      Desirous of outrage? Need for attention?

      "Oy mate, don't let your dog shit on my lawn"

      " Excuse me,I'd prefer it if you DON'T let your dog enter our property. Let alone shit on it."

      The biggest eye opener in this thread is how many people have a hate for dogs,(when it's the owners fault) and there's even discussion about poisoning someones pet as a solution. Sick.

      • Yeah I agree! Bizarre

        • Karma doesn't need a scope.

  • +1

    someone didn't get their christmas bonus lol

  • -3

    It's what happens when one culture is slowly being replaced by others and there is so much emphasis on accepting everyone elses instead of retaining your own.

    • +1

      Or it's an earned destiny for a culture (species) who worships the net and the connectivity with and via tech, while abandoning the real world.
      In a society where 'influencer' is a thing, we got what we asked for. We force feed ourselves shite.

  • Get over yourself, if they picked it up you're just being a dick.

  • -1

    I make sure the dog shits all over the nicest lawn on the street, and I feed the dog only wet food so it's extra sloppy

    • +2

      Add extra salt and they'll be shooting water out of their behind!

  • -1

    I don't really see what the issue is with leaving it if your dog is fed good organic nutrition. It breaks down fast, is good for the soil, and will accelerate any plant growth.

    • send me your address and ill take a dozen of dogs fed with organic foods to shit at your property then tell me what is the issue. deal?

  • +2

    It’s always big dog owners too, often times when you see a shit left around its massive

    • Probably the owners you can see.

  • It is the bank's property, not yours. So entitled!

    • I think my cat’s have squatters rights.

  • that's better than some in my area who don't even care to pickup. all they do is looking around to make sure no one around then walk away. I witnessed once and saw a lady was looking around after her dog done his business and noticed I was there (I was bypassing for 30mins daily walk but intended to see what the owner was going to do), so she pretended to pickup the poop but actually she didn't as the poop remained where it was when I returned home passed the same spot.

    I often see dog's poop along the canal and walkway around my area.

    some even leave their dogs block a walkway while some let their dogs sniff people then make a disgusting look at them like a pathetic.

  • Service dogs poop on command in a designated spot. Not sure why others can't train their pups to do the same.

  • Wahh. Dogs goto go when they need to go. If picked and disposed of whats the big issue?

    I wouldn't encourage going onto property but the closest grass is often the place required. If theres a better alternative a time than of course thats the best place.

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