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Pro Racing - Simulator Stand $65 + Delivery @ wholesale-superstore eBay


Generic tubular steel style racing stand, with gear shift support upright from base.

alternate model that folds down over itself with a gear stand mounted to the wheel platform here


for $69

I've got what is either the same or a clone of the $69 one and it works fine, little bit wobbly. There are supports you can buy to brace it here -


but never felt bothered by it enough to spend the dough.

Supports nearly ALL popular racing wheels (more details below)
Steering platform height: 55-67cm
Gear shift platform height: 35-48cm
Gear shifter platform can be mounted on left or right hand side
Hand-fasten locking bolts - easy tool-free adjustment
NOTE: Selling STAND ONLY - racing controllers not included in sale

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closed Comments

  • +4

    $85 shipping to WA!!

    • +14

      Yeah you do live a long way from civilization. So it'll cost a bit of money to get stuff to you.

      • -1

        Should charge them INTL rates

      • And Sydney is better? Lol

        • -1


      • -3

        Mardigras dont mean you are more civilized it means something else.

        • +1

          lol I don't even live in Sydney buddy. Relax.

          • -1

            @serpserpserp: I am relaxed, not your buddy and yes you do live in Sydney. There is no need to be ashamed.

            • +2

              @Spendmore: Champ. I know where I live, it isn't Sydney. But you do you lol

              • @serpserpserp: Champ🤣…people still say that?
                Yes you do man dont be ashamed, no need to keep lying.

                • +3

                  @Spendmore: They sure do buddy! I'm not ashamed about where I live. I've lived in many places in Australia, including Sydney and it is a pretty great there, but I have not lived there for ages.

        • +1

          What does it mean?

        • Best thing I ever did, was leave Sydney… mind you the best thing I previously did was move to Sydney… when I could've bought a unit for $150k in Hunters Hill.

    • Can you do C&C instead? /s 😉

  • +3

    $80.90 postage to Tasmania

  • +1

    Postage kills it, removed from cart!

  • $40.50 postage to SA

  • Slightly cheaper shipping on catch.com.au
    $97.6 to Melbourne.
    Potentially $10 off $100 spent with code chrissy10

  • oh 22 to NSW, not bad.

    Then I'll wait for the T598 now.

  • +2

    $22 to syd for me

    these guys are in newcastle so i expect postage is proportional to that

    to me it doesnt look like a sturdy design but i mean what can you do with a few bucks worth of mild tube steel

    every time you shift the steel pole is gonna go 'sproing'

    • How do I make it go "ptsschhhhh" like a WRX?

      • +2

        Beans, lentils usually does th trick.

  • +1

    bought a similar thing for $84 delivered last week on amazon

  • +7

    Cheap doesn’t always mean bargain

    This doesn’t look any good for anything better than a Logitech wheel.

    I personally got this one off eBay for $120. About as good as the name brand NLR 2.0 stand (which retails for $350)


    • I'm using mine with a T300-RS and it's very stable side to side, never given me any reason to think it's problematic to use. It's not perfectly stable if the wheel is pushed or pulled at all for any reason, or if you use the shifter without a hand on the wheel. But you're not often doing that in the first place.

      Ultimately it's held together by a pair of reasonable sized bolts through a steel frame and it's going to be pretty difficult to sheer through them.

      • do you have the exact same one? I wanted to get one as well, do you think the wheel base can be moved downwards so its easier for a 5 year old to reach the pedals?

        • I think the $69 one I'm using is a clone of the one commonly sold as "Vevor folding" (or it's the same factory out different door). Mine's either a clone of that or a real one, I got it second hand with the wheel so I don't know for sure. The wheel platform can be moved up and down (or rather, on a diagonal slide that moves it back and down / up and forward). I'm not sure the exact range but 56-78cm as listed seems about right.

          • @stimutacs: Oh ok, I thought u had the one KvotheMMA was using.

    • I personally got this one off eBay for $120. About as good as the name brand NLR 2.0 stand (which retails for $350)


      I wanted to get one as well, do you think the wheel base can be moved downwards so its easier for a 5 year old to reach the pedals?

      • +1

        I adjusted mine initially and haven't made any changes since. The product link says wheel height is adjustable between 60-85 cm, and you can change the angle of the wheel face towards you as well which can effectively lower it a little bit more.. idk if that answers the question. (no idea how tall 5 years olds are to be able to accurately answer that question lol)

    • how'd you get it for $120?

    • I have this existing model. You are pretty right, though at least its stable so if you have a cheap (non DD wheel) its ok I guess

      I now use mine to hold my sim pc and the buttkicker as well as hold the keyboard to the right of my NLR setup, so it came in handy.

  • Pfft … parking simulator with no driving seat

  • +1

    This doesn't store nicely does it

  • Will this work with a Simucube 2 Pro and Active pedals?

    • Technically yes if you turn the FFB down

  • +2

    It's cheaper direct from their website for WA, possibly other states too. https://www.wholesalesuperstore.com.au/racing-simulator-stan…

    • lol yer right. $148,000 to ship to 6018

      • Weird, $38 to 6153 (vs $55 via eBay). Must be because you are all the way NOR ;)

      • Yeah mine dropped to $22 delivery from $27.
        But still no stock

  • +3

    Regular price, I had this on my watch list and it has always been the same price and the delivery killed it for me. There has been heaps better deals before.

  • +1

    I realise it isnt cheaper… I use a sit-stand desk. Its good for sim racing if you can figure out the chair. Also saves me space as a 'need' a desk anyways.
    Height adjusting the desk top suite the wheel helps.

  • Dearer than before when I was considering this before I settled for a Vevor

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