[PC, Epic, Steam] Free Copy of Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced Edition if previously owned GTA V (RRP: $44.95) @ Epic, Steam


If you've previously claimed the free copy of Grand Theft Auto V Premium Edition given away by Epic Games, congrats! You've hit the jackpot and now have Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced Edition in your Epic Games library, for free as well!

If you bought your copy of GTA V, you get the consolation prize: the enhanced edition for free for spending some monies with Rockstar.

If you haven't played GTA V, it is now available for purchase on Epic Games Store for $44.95 or Steam for $47.92.

Epic Games Store: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/grand-theft-auto-v
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3240220/Grand_Theft_Auto_…

Migrating your Story Mode Save from Grand Theft Auto V Legacy to Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced on PC: https://support.rockstargames.com/articles/38915199675411/Mi…

P.S. Servers are getting hammered. If the Enhanced Edition hasn't appeared in your library yet, the Rockstar launcher claims your Rockstar account does not have the game or you have trouble transferring your character in GTA Online, try again later. You can download, install and update the Rockstar Launcher in the mean time: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/rockstar-games-launcher

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  • and what extra do I get now? I've never played the epic version I claimed all those years ago

  • +1

    and what extra do I get now?

    It is the same as GTA V with all the DLCs, including those that were Xbox and Playstation exclusive, but with improved graphics. Essentially a taste of GTA VI.

  • +4

    Nice. I completely forgot about this. Just clicked on the link to log into my account and I can see that I have Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced already in my library.

  • For those wondering, if you owned GTA V on Steam - you should now have 2 separate versions of the game in your owned library. You should see GTA V legacy and GTA V Enhanced. Interestingly, the enhanced edition is about 20GB smaller than the legacy game version at ~91GB now.

    You can keep the legacy edition installed if you are running it on something inferior like a steam deck but to get the enhanced edition you’ll have to download the entire new version of the game which for Steam; is a separate game.

    • For those wondering, on my Epic account I had the free giveaway of GTA V (thumbnail says Premium Edition but game title is just "Grand Theft Auto V") and next to that is "Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced" and the thumbnail says "Enhanced".

      Counts in Epic as a separate game.

  • So can I use the liberty city gta 4 map mod with it?

  • +1

    Am I missing something.

    I have GTAV premium edition: https://i.postimg.cc/pL5K3zqS/image.png but enhanced is asking for $$: https://i.postimg.cc/RVDcPXQf/image.png

    • +2

      Maybe takes a while to roll out to everyone (remember the original Epic Games Giveaway had more than 2000 votes considering Ozbargain had a smaller user base back then), but you should be seeing this: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/416516/120164/gta_v_en…

      • Yeah that's true - thanks for the clarification. Will sit tight and see what happens.

        Also just realized I had actually bought GTAV on Steam when it released so have it there anyway!!

    • same, have premium but $$ for enhanced

  • Thanks! Mine automatically showed up in my epic library

    • Same but I couldn't remember I added it.

  • It doesn't load

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