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VCOM 0.15m Mini Display Port to HDMI Adapter $0.80 Delivered @ oz.squares eBay


Oz Squares are having a big clearance sale and you can get this Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter dirt cheap for 80c delivered. While Mini DP is certainly one of the older/less common plug types I'm sure there's plenty of OzBargainers out there clinging on.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Technological luddite here. Will this be of any improvement to hdmi-hdmi?
    I am a casual fps/rpg gamer with an RTX4060 GPU and 155hz 1440p monitor.

    • +3

      No and I doubt your GPU even has mini-DP output.

    • +1

      Have 2 more cones and just buy it anyway

  • +21

    I know this is a a bargain and peoples’ first instinct is going be to “buy now think later”.

    But just a suggestion, leave stock for those who actually have a use for the dongle.

    I have no use for it. Buying it would be yet another cable to put in the cupboard. So I won’t be buying it. Upvoting but!

    • -7

      But I might need it, and the early bird gets the dongle.
      They should have been quicker

      Edit: why the negs, it's not a community gifting forum. It's Ozbargain.

      • Ozbargain is a community.

        • It's not a gifting community tho is it. Most of us are here to buy stuff.

      • How many of your devices have mini DP outputs?

        • One currently, how about you?

  • Perfect for Surface Pro 4s

  • Not sure if this is active. Was intending on using a male DP to female mini DP adapter to get 4K60Hz HDMI from a SSF PC.

  • Not sure what version DP and HDMI but states:

    Supports speeds of up to 21.6Gbps and resolutions up to 4K@60hz

  • This is just going to be landfill isn't it?

    I've bought stuff like this before

    • +1

      Sure, but it's already been made… So, not like buying it creates a new one

  • Whew almost paid full $1.00 for it
    Thanks for the code OP
    Yes this goes nicely with surface pro (the old ones at least)

  • -1

    Don't need one. But bought one

    • +2


    • That's the OzB spirit!

      • -1

        No it's a wasteful childish spirit. All this does is:

        1) Waste your money.
        2) Waste resources delivering somethig to your address you don't need damaging the environment.
        3) Wastes stock that someone who actually needs the dongle could have brought.

        The true ozbargain spirit should be being frugal, not wasteful.

        • +2

          It’s clear from the deals posted and uploaded that to most users this forum is about consumerism and wasteful consumption, not being frugal.

          I have been reconsidering my participation in the forum with that in mind, because I don’t want to cultivate that kind of mindset.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            It’s clear from the deals posted and uploaded that to most users this forum is about consumerism and wasteful consumption, not being frugal.

            It's a fairly recent change. In the eariler days of Ozbargain being a cheapskate was a badge of honour. Now clowns like pissing away money and find it funny.

            I have been reconsidering my participation in the forum with that in mind, because I don’t want to cultivate that kind of mindset.

            Call it out when you see.

            • @PainToad: I’ve been looking at it from another perspective. For example, I might replace my phone because I see a really good deal here. Instead of using my phone for 4 years I only used it for 3 years. Over a 60 year phone-buying lifetime that’s an extra 5 phones I bought. Maybe I won’t have paid any more, thanks to the discounts, but it is still wasteful consumption. It doesn’t seem right for me to call out somebody for posting a really good deal on iPhones.

              Maybe the solution for me is to hide all non-grocery non-financial deals.

              • @[Deactivated]: @CommuterPolluter the issue isn't what deals are being posted, it's the comments being made.

                To use your example, it would be like there being a mobile deal and someone commenting "brought one, never going to use it, already have a phone and 3 backups sitting in a drawer haha wasting money is so funny".

  • +1

    Cheers got a few

  • Thank you bought two! I bought a Dell Precision 5820 recently and the Quadro P620 only has mini DP, had one converter but I have a tri-monitor setup 👍

  • +6

    Cheaper elsewhere. (Yes, I literally went looking to see if an 80c deal could be had for even cheaper)

  • +1

    Got it from AZAU sale, 4k 60hz is a lie… Had to get "plugable" brand active adaptor from Amazon that works fine

    • Yep, they only do 1080 60hz for me

  • +1

    “Hi there, We regret to inform you that due to a stock discrepancy, we do not have current stock to fulfil this order. 
    With that in light, we have cancelled your order and processed a full refund for you…”
    Ah well, worth a shot

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