With The Industrial Strikes Where Can I Get Food?

Usually, I go to the shops to get groceries on the weekend.

As it appears, this weekend there is industrial action going on. I've visited Coles, Woolworths, IGA, Aldi and some smaller local stores but most have little to no stock.

Where can I get food?

Will this end so I can get food soon or will it be like toilet paper situation of covid where I have to buy a bidet (in this case plant cow seeds and grow a burger)

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  • +48

    Just to be safe you should probably start hoarding toilet paper now.

    • +9

      Already got the gurney for my buttocks. No need for Toilet paper

      • +16

        Gerni… there is a whole world of difference between a gurney and a Gerni.

      • Excellent!

      • guernsey?
        then come back and tell us what you saw…

    • -2

      Start your own veggie patch

      • +10

        yeah..and use those special seeds that grow onvernight.

        • +1

          Now you're getting it.

    • +6

      As a survivor of the great toilet paper wars of 2020, I say never again! Toilet paper hoarding is my normal mode now. Costco and Amazon for quick emergency stashes.

      • +15

        Isn’t it interesting how quickly people devolved when there was a sudden perceived shortage of toilet paper? Imagine what would happen if there was an actual shortage of food.

        The only reason we live in a relatively safe society is because there is basically an abundance of necessities like food and water. Strip those away and many people will do things out of pure selfishness.

        • +5

          a difference between a happy contented populace and rioting in the streets is - two days without food.

          • +3

            @Hangryuman: Username checks out. Hangry is a powerful feeling.

      • Have you considered getting a hobby? - or is that it?

    • +2


      OP will be fine.

  • +3

    Use a few of your emergency supplies and restock during the week.

  • Is it time to panic?

    • +12

      all will be good in a week or so, grocery costs will triple, and I'll be eating once every 3 days

      • +9

        Phew, and here I was thinking things would get worse.

  • +8

    No issues in Western Sydney. All supermarkets well stocked and plenty of activity.

  • +8

    I hear that if you find the God Damned Elf in the store they'll bring in fresh stock by sleigh

    • +1

      The elf removed the stock on the shelf.
      Merry Kissmyass

  • +14

    OP … please provide more info as so that we know what you are talking about.
    IF … you are referring to "specific" WW Distribution Centres (east coast +++ pay negotiations) - well obviously it wouldn't affect Coles or IGA … sooo that rules out industrial strikes as to your reasons.

    Here in WA … have noticed sales have been ramping up in the last 2 weeks …
    Stores (for ALL 3 of the majors - Coles/WW/IGA) … have increased the amount they are pre-ordering from their respective DC's - and as it leads up to christmas - usually start to see an increase by almost 200% of the amount of food/stock going to the stores.

      • +16

        No. sorry … you don't get it.
        And it seems no amount of explaining/justifying - will make you see/think any differently … you seem stuck in your thought process.

        I DO actually work within the supply chain (over 15 years) - so do know what I talk about +++ have backend knowledge of the 3 majors.

        But meh.
        You seem to to know better.

          • +2

            @Darude Sandstorm: You have no data though. What you have is a failed ability to understand what's going on, and a very high sense of yourself.

      • So you've been to all the Woolies and Coles supermarkets?

        • -2

          Clearly he has been, he works in distribution!
          He understands how every individual store works and knows that short-term unexpected increased demand means that the stores sell more and stock faster than every before

    • +1

      Unless consumption changes, any change in overall supply will affect overall supply. Plus we know consumers will increase purchases if they perceive a shortage.

  • +1

    Put one of these in your shed

    • Saw these in store, doesnt look like good value. Got baked beans and 'cups of soup' packets instead for 'go bag'.

      My 'go bag' is also getting weighty and more of a 'struggle bag'.

      • There’s a YT video where someone prepared all the meals, surprisingly not totally inedible

  • +2

    Go to your local market.

  • +5

    No shortages here.
    Where are you op, that you are seeing shortages? Your profile says Japan.

    • Preston

      • +4

        went coles greenacre no stock issue

          • +8

            @Darude Sandstorm: Better be quick. NSW is considering closing the border.

          • +2

            @Darude Sandstorm: There is a Preston in nsw in fact the M5 connects Preston to padstow Roselands Riverwood which all have direct routes to greenacre. Lol 🤣

          • +2

            @Darude Sandstorm: I don’t know why you were downvoted so much, I found this hilarious lol.

      • Preston? Wear the fox hat.

      • Preston in Victoria?

        I have only seen shortages of eggs at Coles and that's unrelated to distribution issues. Any evidence of this?

      • +2

        two deaf guys walk into a bar.
        one goes up to the bar and orders drinks which turn out to be very expensive.
        he asks the bar tender why they put the prices up, and the bar tender says a band is playing later.
        deaf guy asks "what's the band?"
        bartender says "Some country and western."

        deaf guy goes back with the drinks to his mate.
        says "we gotta find another bar. there's a band later and the drinks are expensive."
        his mate says "whose the band"
        deaf guy says " Some (profanity) from Preston."

        • -1

          2 pints of larger 2 packets of crisps please

  • I see articles about industrial strikes at Woolworths and maybe Coles. I did notice the IGA near me has bare shelves, but I think it might have to do with them changing owners.

  • +11

    I'm in the Melbourne CBD and I've definitely noticed some Woolies stores with certain shelves empty.

    At the end of the day, workers have every right to strike and companies have every right to take whatever short- or long-term action they deem fit in response. That's the glory of the free market.

    • -5

      workers have every right to strike

      No, its not that simple. It isn't a free for all. There are industrial relations rules. It isn't workers, it is UNIONS, that have a right to strike, and only if they follow the rules.

      • +13

        Yeah - you can be pedantic all you want. My point is, strikes are a legitimate form of industrial action. Just like off-shoring and redundancies are legitimate forms of corporate response. It's all in good fun.

      • +5

        Thanks to Howard workers can only strike once their enterprise agreement has expired. At all other times their only option is to go in and do their job half assed.

        • +2

          All hail the little hairy caterpillar-eyebrows capped-teeth gnome.

          In reality, it has been about 17 years since he was in power. Probably other governments could have done something about it.

          • +2

            @Daabido: If only we had a party that was on the side of unions, which could pass legislation that would benefit workers. Imagine what they could do to fix it if they were in power.

          • @Daabido: I resemble that comment.

      • +1

        It's normally legal to stop work if unsafe. While this is often called a strike, it is an exception to the rules you refence.

        Union is claiming a stop due to safety, and asking for compensation for putting their members in harm's way.

        Dismissing the safety concerns and claiming IR rules apply will cost shoppers more money down the line when Coles and Woolies have significant extra legal (hence financial) burdens placed on them after a few industrial accidents at Woolies.

        But it will make shareholders happy today! Just ask mining!

  • +6

    Panic merchant in full swing

  • I am heading to my local store to pick up some essentials. I was planning to wait until tomorrow for the 10% off, but I decided not to wait any longer.

  • +5

    honestly, don't people here stock pile at least a month or two worth of food?

    maybe it was just from my upbringing where in the 1980s my parents would watch guides on "how to survive a nuclear winter" . and I'd watch because …that's what families do.

    covid-19 toilet paper shortage? LOL I had my regular inventory of ~500 rolls going into that.

    • +10

      How do you stockpile 2 months worth of fruit, veg and meat in the average house?

      • +1

        Don't eat meat.

        Fruit & veg- Canned, snap frozen, freeze dried, preserved .

        A lot of pulses, rice, etc.

        Long term planning.

        I dont understand the question(or why you are asking it) when this is about having a 2 month food supply in case of …..problems.

        • +1

          Guess I'm not willing to fill up my house with freezers or plan to live off that much canned/frozen produce.

          • -1

            @FTTNope: or maybe you just don't have a thorough understanding of how it all works.

            • +7

              @altomic: Or maybe I'm not suffering from the childhood trauma of watching shows about nuclear winters then making snide comments about it on the internet like it's normal

              • @FTTNope:

                I'm not suffering from the childhood trauma of watching shows about nuclear winters then making snide comments about it on the internet like it's normal

                I think that's a whole other forum post

    • +1

      not all of us are from a privileged family

      • Hence why we’re on ozbargain

      • Greed isn't a privilege,it's a choice.

        • greed is owning more than 1 house when you can only live in 1 .

          bulk buying food which you are going to eat eventually is called planning.

          • -1

            @altomic: Bulk buying in a shortage isn't planning. Buying more than you need in that situation, or when there is a foreseeable shortage is self interest, aka greed.
            Food wise ,planning ahead is one think, taking advantage to place yourself ahead of others is greed.
            I agree with the RE observation.

            • -1

              @Protractor: Most people that have an established plan aren’t bulk buying during a shortage, they’re buying a couple of extra items per shop. It is the ill-prepared that are panic buying in bulk during a shortage.

            • +1

              @Protractor: so i should only buy exactly enough food to last me till the next time I go to the supermarket?

              I now feel guilty about buying a 100 pack of teabags.

              • -1

                @altomic: If you were a triangle, you wouldn't be acute.. You know exactly what I mean.Hoarding and undermining other ppl food supply in times of shortage, is not the same thing.

                But if you DO feel guilty, your rice shopping just took a dire turn.

      • +6

        I'm far from privileged.

        The private school i went to in Sydney is not even in the top 3. My first car my parents gave me was the previous years porsche. My parents did say theyd bought it for me to learn in, and theyd buy me the newest one when i did get my license..but basically child abuse.

        I've done it rough.

        • I'm far from privileged.

          The private school i went to in Brisbane is not even in the top 3.
          My first car my parents gave me was the previous years porsche (ice).
          My parents did say they'd bought it for me to learn in, and they will buy me the newest one (all electric porsche macan, tayken, cayenne pepp) when i did get my license..but basically gave me brand spanking my24 Telsa model Y. I want my Porscheye now! Electric Porcshceye of course. Will not drive a ice porscheye! Period

          I've done it rough. Kinda ;)

          • @milanoxpress:

            in Brisbane

            speaks volumes 😂

            • -1

              @altomic: (Brisbane) Also imports volumes.
              QLD . They should be mining coke, not coal

        • -1

          Sorry but your two hundred metres inside the privileged compound,mate. Near the lap pool

    • +1

      Where the hell do you store a months worth of food, let alone all other supplies, in a 1 bedroom apartment?

      • a 1 bedroom apartment.

        so your bedroom is separate from your lounge/dining / kitchen?

        • +1

          Yes, about 50sqm, for two people.

          Like physically we could fit a months worth of supplies, buy a few chest freezers and stack tins of beans from floor to ceiling, but I have no idea how you'd do it without living like a hoarder

          • @Jolakot: i don't use chest freezers. I just have a regular 500litre fridge freezer.

            it's also about packing well, 530 cans of tinned goods is the same size as a dishwasher.

            that's a lot of cans - that could easily feed a person for a year .

            so a month would be ~50 cans of various contents.
            add in some pasta and rice, tortillas, cous cous, some potatoes and onions, flour.

            that's not much.

            if everything (society) went bad then you're not missing store bought Camembert, you're sitting in your one bedroom apartment surviving - eating practical foods.

          • -3

            @Jolakot: wow. rich.
            If you were like most of us you'd have it all in the same studio with the kid and the missus

  • +1

    Markets, Coles, Aldi, IGA, QLD, WA….

    Or the back of your cupboard

  • -1

    Let them do their gimmicks like the rest.

    Go to Tongli, heaps

  • +2

    Askizzy if you're really struggling. But maybe don't vague post to begin with. Went to woolies today and there was plenty of stock in western suburbs of Melbourne.

  • Go to Aldi. Unaffected.

    • I did a shop at my local Aldi and so many shelves were empty including half the freezers. I asked the guy at the checkout and he said they have all the stock out.
      Could be the knock on effect of all the people who usually shop at Woolworths coming to Aldi.

  • -8

    Judging by the catastrophising exaggeration it has to be said>
    Is that you Dutto?

    Reminds me of a very tragic story.
    46 YO single guy goes shopping wearing his Mums glasses.
    Finds himself in a women's sex toy shop.
    Shops anyway
    Returns hope (broke) with his salad mix.
    Chokes on what should have been a zucchini

    Be careful out there peeps.

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