This was posted 3 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Diablo II: Resurrected - $22.95 @


On sale for Black Friday, not sure when this was last on sale. Other Blizzard games are also on sale at Up to 67% off through December 2

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

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closed Comments

  • +3

    No deals for WoW. Disappointed.

  • +9

    In response to "not sure when this was last on sale"… D2R regularly goes on sale for this price throughout the year. Normally a handful of times per year. Often just before a D2R new ladder season (next one starts Dec 7th).

    • +1

      Interesting, thanks. I've considered purchasing this a few times since release but thought it didn't go on sale often.

      • +4

        Looking back through my Battle.Net sale spam emails it looks like these were the sale dates this year. D2R has been on all them from memory for $22.95. You usually get a couple of weeks per sale window.

        Nov 21 (Black Friday)
        Sep 18
        Jun 19
        Apr 3
        Feb 14
        26 Dec '23

  • +8

    Still remember playing Diablo II like 20years ago….
    Together with other great games at the time like Age of Empires II , Battlefield 1942
    Time flies :(

    • +9

      They did a very good job with Resurrected IMO. The remaster is very nice visually. In terms of gameplay they've added somethings too like Terror Zones and some new runewords to spice it up a little as well. You can still play the "classic" versions (pre-Lord of Destruction expansion) as well… with the new graphics.

      • +2

        I also like how you can quickly revert back to the original graphics with a keypress - I don't remember it looking half that bad!

    • god how good was AoE II

  • +5

    Stay a while … and listen!

    • +2

      Stay a few hundred hours, and magic find a little

  • +6

    Still better than d4

    • anything is better than D3 D4….

  • +4

    Yes I still play this game

  • +2

    path of exile comes out next weekend guys, dont bother with this!

  • Op, you play this game too?

    • +1

      I haven't played it in over a decade.

  • +3

    Path of Exile 2 comes out in 8 days :D

  • +3

    and Path of Exile 2 is free !

    • $30 USD for early access. Wouldn't expect the free release to be available for at least another 6-12 months.

      • Oh no playing 12 months of a game that is already 900x better than D4, how will people survive!

    • -3

      "Free", people jumped up and down about D4 charging certain price but keep telling me the 480 USD package in POE2 is cheap….

      • +3

        Whoever said that is an idiot.

        But you do get a lot of value if you want to support the game. The $480 pack comes with every tier of previous pack and equiv of $480 in shop points to spend.

        The game is entirely free to play on release and does not have any pay to win mechanics. All shop items are cosmetics or stash tabs.

        Stash tabs are fairly important if you want to get really deep into the game but it's possible to beat the game and farm end game without it.

        • -2

          $480 for a game is value? Now i've heard everything

          • @gruffjaguar: I think supporting GGG is value, but the $480 is for those with expendable cash, GGG know people will buy things because they want to support.

            I have 3.2k hours in POE 1 and I dont see $480 USD being value. Its a great, free game.

      • Said no one ever…

  • +1

    The GOAT ARPG right here.

  • Will this run on any laptop with integrated graphics? It's old game with no 3d, but says needs Nvidia?

    • It will run, but needs to tune down a lot of video options, unless you are going to use classic graphic

      • Bought it and run on my old PC when this game came out over 20 years ago, dont see why it cant run wouldnt make any sense.

    • Would think so. Check YouTube for your exact specs/tests.

      I ran this on a laptop with integrated graphics 20 years ago. Only ran at 15fps but worked.

  • "Diablo like" games

  • Good game.

  • -1

    Great game. Love playing D2 LOD. I'm currently doing a run on D1 with a rogue. Can't wait to get the book of destruction spell book.

  • o soj n wf

  • +2

    I gave my childhood to this game, now it's coming back for my adulthood :(

  • I absolutely loved Diablo II: Resurrected! It brought back so many great childhood memories. The updated graphics are amazing, and the game still feels as awesome as ever. 10/10, would farm Mephisto for hours again!

  • I read that Elon Musk’s the best Diablo IV player, that’s bs right?

  • This is very Exile-like

  • Just put it on game pass already Microsoft.

  • this would run well on a steam deck- if added via nonsteamlauncher/Decky right?

    • +1

      From what I’ve seen on YouTube videos, yes.

    • +1

      I've been playing it on the Steamdeck via nonsteamlaunchers and it runs well enough. Three main things that bug me but aren't game-breaking:
      * Its a bit annoying needing to launch, hold the steam button to use the touchpad as mouse, select Diablo 2 and play it, then use the mouse again to pass "Press Any Key" screen.
      * Gamepad controls are mostly fine in-game except for accessing the multiplayer settings in the pause menu and some weird selection cursor behaviour in other menus.
      * HDR doesn't engage correctly on startup, so every boot I go into the options menu, calibrate brightness, and save. This prevents the screen being an oversaturated mess.

      I also recommend using Steam's battery settings to drop the TDP to 8W and the refresh rate to 60hz if you want some extra battery life.

      • Is using the stick/pad to manage inventory ok? Seems slow and cumbersome to me. Can you use the D-Pad to select and move inventory items around instead of using the cursor?

  • It's on sale again until 7th Jan for $22.95 (AU).

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