Jorgonaut » user profile

Member Since 10/08/2020
Last Seen 4 hours 6 min
Badges 2
Location Brisbane

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Looks like a bit of fun for the price. Thanks OP.
21/07/2024 - 08:31
Excellent, worth of its own deal? wait: that might be normal price??
20/07/2024 - 12:20
Interesting... thank you... will try it out
14/06/2024 - 12:16
Yeah I didn't think the 15% would stack with the $200 credit due to some of the conditions. Thanks for confirming.
14/06/2024 - 12:06
I was looking at the Pixel 8A equivalent of this deal which was only $200. Sounds like you get the $200 credit within 24 hours of the order…
14/06/2024 - 11:23
Got an SMS minute ago with a "receipt" in it which was a refund. And a refund via PayPal is now sitting in my account.
17/05/2024 - 15:24
My order from like 0900 this morning was cancelled within 10 minutes via an SMS from the store saying no stock and I would be refunded.…
17/05/2024 - 14:51
Yeah I already have a full am4 build and looking at a possible cpu upgrade at some point from 3600 to something when price is good enough.…
06/04/2024 - 08:24
Yup largely agree about the no mans land comment for gaming which is why is another reason I still haven't pulled the trigger on 5700x. But…
05/04/2024 - 17:47
Yeah this is where I am torn. 5700x I've been wanting to target for so long once down < $250. But if I'm going to invest on AM4 now it…
05/04/2024 - 16:39
I am far from an expert on this topic but was just mentioning this as a potential extra cost to consider when doing that sort of upgrade. I…
12/02/2024 - 12:28
Same TDP as the 5800X3D so if you're running a budget cooler or the out of the box one with your 3600 you might need to upgrade CPU cooling…
12/02/2024 - 11:31
Honestly? Just because it feels a bit beefier with the extra cores and threads and slightly better at single core stuff from what I've…
22/08/2023 - 15:26
Think I am hanging out for < $250 also. Not sure I'm getting much of a bump gaming wise from 3600 to 5700x so would need it to be cheaper…
22/08/2023 - 14:20
The thing for me is how much hotter the 5800X3D runs. I don't think anyone would PREFER the 5700x over the 5800X3D, especially for gaming,…
22/08/2023 - 14:18
Some Marketing guru somewhere went ham with some of the phrasing in that product listing...
30/06/2023 - 10:42
Don't forget $5 bonus ...
03/02/2023 - 12:31
What's the rule of thumb for "deal" price on 4 packs of AAA and aa envelop these days? Only have a couple of packs and want to add more. Is…
04/12/2022 - 20:19
This deal was posted a month ago so anything could have happened to the price of these since then.
20/10/2022 - 19:50
$17.88 shipping to Brisbane for those interested in shipping rough costs
17/09/2022 - 09:27
Voucher applies at check out. You won't see the 41.99 price until then.
16/09/2022 - 20:33
Yeah ta. I did eventually pull the pin on these earlier. And saw that review as I skimmed some reviews. Seems consumer reviews are a bit…
16/09/2022 - 16:19
I mean this seems like a good deal. Anyone got any thoughts on these in terms of quality etc? Edifier is a nice name to have attached to…
16/09/2022 - 15:05
Appreciate the reply and thoughts mate.
04/09/2022 - 19:01
Anyone got any experience running this stock with a Wraith Prism cooler? This cpu will probably be my next upgrade but don't really wanna…
04/09/2022 - 18:35
Try this link
18/06/2022 - 07:25
Yup. This is a bit of fun and well worth this sort of price. My 8yo son went through a period where we had to play it often. Gets the brain…
10/06/2022 - 09:19
Thanks OP! finally nabbed this one.
20/05/2022 - 17:51