• expired

[NSW, QLD, SA, VIC] $500 Bill Credit ($250 Gas, $250 Electricity) @ ENGIE


You will receive a one-off bonus bill credit of $250 on your first electricity bill and $250 on your first gas bill (a total of $500 for gas and electricity), provided you have not received a welcome credit from us in the past 12 months. This credit includes GST and is not redeemable for cash.

This offer ends 10th December 2024.

Referral Links

Referral: random (23)

Referrer and referee each get $75 in bill credits.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

Related Stores

ENGIE (Previously Simply Energy)
ENGIE (Previously Simply Energy)

closed Comments

  • This is the first time I have seen such big sign up credit being offered. Need to check how the rates stack up.

    • +3

      Rates for my area were exorbitant

      • Stil worth though for the credit

    • burn through the credit then switch

  • WOW! much more expensive than AGL here in SA. No wonder why the sign up credits are big…

    • so if you dont use $500 for the first bill cycle they forfeit it rather than rolling over?

        • Thanks so much for this insight. Yeah the rates are higher and if dont get the full credit this offer is not as appealing

        • Really? Thats a first. All providers have always rolled over credits. So this is def only a first bill credit then. Not worth it in that case. Was considering it but still have 150+ credit with power shop to get through.

  • +1

    For postcode 3125
    13c per day more than AGL
    3.5c p/kw more as well

    • for my post code its like 31c extra a day and 10 cents a kwh extra wtf.
      plus i can get 10cents off a ltr at ampol energy up to 1500L a year

  • Any idea if this credit is only applicable for the first month? If someone doesn't use the full $250 worth of electricity, will the remaining amount be forfeited?

    • +5

      got the confirmation that it will carry forward. According to the chat support, "The $500 Bill Credit ($250 for gas and $250 for electricity) is a welcome credit that will be applied to your first bill. For example, if your first bill is $200, the remaining $50 will carry forward and be applied to your next bill."

      • thanks for that

  • +1

    Much more expensive than Ampol for me in Energex area Qld:
    Supply charge 114.94c per day (compared to 94.49c per day for Ampol)
    Usage 35.49c per kW for first 13kW a day 37.26c per kW for additional usage (compared to flat rate 26.18c per kW for Ampol)

  • +2

    Can you just use them for a month then move on to another energy provider or do we have to stick with them for at least 3 months to receive the credits?

  • +1

    Is it per address or per person?

    • Would like to know that.

    • also excellent question as im a week out of it being 12mths under my name :)

    • provided you have not received a welcome credit

      'you' is a person. 'you' cannot be an address.

  • +1

    Wonder if this stacks with ecconex deal

    • Doesn't show up on the Shopback app, so assuming not… Might show up in a few more days?

    • I believe we can stack with either the cashreward/ShopBack or ecconex deal, but not both.

      • what was the ecconex deal? i seem to have missed it

      • how do we stack the ecconex and engie deal? the offers are from different websites right?

        so looks like engie $500 for electricity and gass and ecconex $350 for electricity and gas = total $850

        • Oh my bad. This offer doesn't come up for me as the same option through econnex. There are different options.

          • @rrrrrrein: I thought that might be the case

            • +1

              @ATTS: This Econnex deal by itself is still better though depending on your area
              For VIC it is: $300 (Econnex) cashback + $400 (Engie) credit = $700

          • +1

            @rrrrrrein: I followed the link to Engie from Ecconex and it showed a $250 bonus. Interestngly, it says however that you need to be NRMA member to get $250.
            Ecconex should give $100 gift card for electricity.

  • Duncraig, WA 6023 - "Sorry, this offer is not available in this area yet. If you think there has been an error, please get in touch"

  • both shopback and cashrewards has it. Do you have to wait till it is redeemable, or is it enough to stay only for a month?

    • Stay until you get your cashback then switch. Normally 3 months

    • So stacked with cashback and engie deal?

  • Seems the plan they offer on Engie website and via Cashrewards are a bit different.

  • im still trying to get through my $1000 i got in july from government

    • +1

      FYI you get the remaining credit as a refund if/when you switch. You are then free to invest it in your favourite colour of eneloops.

      • Powershop confirmed that any remaining credit from government and concession would be refunded

        • Refunded to the customer or the retailer?

          • @ATTS: Based on what the chat agent told me, the customer would be refunded.

  • Wow pathetic rates

    • +1

      $500 goes pretty far when the rates are bad

      • I plugged the rates into a spreadsheet to compare against the $375 (with referral) offer from Powershop and it looks like most people will burn through a $575 credit (also including referral) over a shorter time at these rates than with Powershop so you'd have to weigh that up as well.

        • Do you have a link to this spreadsheet?

          • @puzzles2: just make one yourself, it's easy. add the rates x usage

  • What happens if you leave while you still have credit?

    Ie my power bill is always positive because of my solar feed in. So if anything my credit would increase, could I technically be with them for a few months and then claim the credit to my bank account?

    • How big is your solar btw?

      • 10.5kw

    • Welcome credit will be forfeited once you leave. Government credit would be refunded

      • Thanks good to know

  • +1

    This is a really scammy offer. Advertised as $250 credit and 23% off the reference price. Read the finer details, it's actually 10% off the reference price and the "23% off" is calculated taking into account the credit amount.

    Completely false advertising.

    • Scammy for engie - how many customers will switch away once the $250 credit is used up ? Electric cost doesn't matter when engie is paying. Switch to Powerup later for their $150 credit. $400 of free electricity. PS engie 5.5c solar FI is high.

  • +2

    Black Friday link doesn't allow referral codes. Try going through the refer a friend link - then select the Black Friday plan. Get code from HERE

    • Do you know where to get referral code as an existing customer?

      • Contact engie but I'm sure there'd be a mass email link to your contacts through the app which would show your unique code.

  • So if I have received a welcome credit for electricity earlier this year there would be no welcome credit if I bring gas over?

  • Does it work along with cashback?

    • Have just tried this now using the $130 electricity only cashback offer from Shopback (ensure you do not sign up through econnex site it takes you to when activating and sign up direct on the Engie website). Says tracking will take about 15 days so I'll see if it has worked then. $250 welcome credit + $75 referral + $130 cashback would be worthwhile the higher rates for the first 3-4 months or until the credit has been used.

      • how are you tracking?

        • Confirmed for $250 + $75 and still waiting for the Shopback tracking

          • @Leigh744: Thanks for your reply. I tried clicking through shopback and cashrewards but both take me to econnex with different offers, like NRMA $250 on the first electricity bill, instead of the BF sale directly from Engine. Also, there are no $75 referrals through econnex/shopback/cashrewards.

            • @wjb: Same for me - @Leigh744 How did you manage to avoid ecconex?

              • @olympicwiz: Sorry for the late reply to this! I went to Engie directly and have the extension added to my browser so clicked activate. Yes, it takes me through to the econnex site but I then go back to Engie and it still shows as activated. Whether it actually goes through or not is still a mystery as I haven't had any confirmation from Shopback, so not holding my hopes up.

                $75 referral through a Friends & Family referral which you can find on here by searching Engie.

  • I'm still in credit from the last $150 powershop deal… But this one is too good to pass. Is it a dick move to sign up to this?

    • Same boat. Only have about $70 left so probably worth switching.

      • I just worked this out a minute ago: it is less of a dick move to sign up while in credit, than having used it all up because Powershop loses less this way. I'm free to move!

        • Also ecconnex has $210 sign up today. The deal through them isn't quite as good as you only get $200 per fuel but the sign up with more than make up for that. Worked out I was just over 12 months since my last credit with engie so should be good.

          • @hazzad: I signed up just now with cashrewards :)

          • @hazzad: lol Powershop has asked me to contact them to get the remaining credit refunded. I think I'm just gonna pass and let them have it…

  • Is it worth the BS of being with engie? shocking reviews

    • For the credit, sure. Nothing stopping you from leaving once it's done. That's what I've become accustomed to. Work smarter, not harder.

      • Assuming they don't make any errors I need to follow up. Shit companies do that. Then you are working hard for the credit with your time. I signed up anyway let's see

        • TO be honest i have never had a single issue flipping between providers. But maybe im just lucky. Im more worried about my shopback transaction tracking. The Ecconnex transfer itself has generally always been smooth for gas/electricity. Have only had issues with them for nbn once and i suspect that was because i future dated the install. Anyway will see how it goes. Yu do have 10 days cooling off either way if things go south.

          • +1

            @hazzad: Yea hoping it's ok. I did referral $75 credit and black friday $250 + $250 for gas and electricity. Didn't want to mess around with cash back cos then I have to stay for 3 months on their expensive rates.

            I had a look at the ecconex link via shop back but couldn't see the black friday plan for engie?

  • I went to ecconex via shopback ($108 cashback for electricity). From econnex went to engie and it showed $250 credit for NRMA members.
    At the top of the page there were both - shopback & ecconex logos.
    I signed up for electricity. Will see how things work. I guess, if I am lucky, I should get $108 from shopback + $100 from econnex + $250 credit from engie.
    If I am not that lucky, then should get $108 + $250. Still pretty good despite engie rates being high.
    I didn't see any place to enter the referral code though.

    • -1

      Unlikely you will get both. Pretty sure you only get one deal either from shopback or from econnex. I havent even had any tracking from my sign up 2 days ago yet when they did the boosted cashback. So not sure if it even went through. Got the email but when i clicked submit it didnt do the usual submission received page. Just looped back to the sign up.

  • Can't seem to view any of the actual rates… The site just shows "searching for deals…" Whenever I click rates. Same thing when searching for PDS in their help section.

    • +1

      Yes, be warned, Engie is tricky like this.

      As part of this 'deal' Engie moved us to Demand Pricing, blaming the distributor. However, no other retailer has charged us Demand Pricing, and the distributor has said that it is 100% up to the retailer as to whether it charges the consumer Demand Pricing.

      I would suggest that anyone who has accepted this 'deal' from Engie, check that they haven't been moved to Demand Pricing, else you may be in for a big (bill) shock. Information about Demand Pricing will be a one-liner in the tariff document emailed to you by Engie after joining and very easy to miss.

      • Ah, I just had to wait longer to see the rates. Not too bad for my area.

        • +1

          That's great, but what I said above continues to apply.

      • Same thing happened to be with Energy Aus. No other retailer has ever put me on demand and they say there's nothing they can do but feels very fishy that they just flagged me as a switcher or something.

  • Very expensive rates for me but I'll use up the credit in a month or so and then go elsewhere. Hopefully Powershop or another company will have a good deal then. Will be interesting to see when gas gets changed over. I'm due for a bill soon so might see if my current retailer can use a manual reading for that and speed up the change over.

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