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Apple iPhone 4S (16GB, Black) $529.00 +Delivery from Kogan


this is my first post!
iPhone 4s 16GB kogan.. only 529.00 seem its very good price

Edit: OP is not a rep of Kogan.

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closed Comments

    • +20

      Yes, because we're 'trolls' for advocating reasonable prices for outdated hardware.
      In any case, $150 off the Apple price isn't terrible, if you're of that persuasion.

  • +7

    Galaxy S3, $498 bigger screen, more features open source.. how do you compare really..

    • -5

      how do you compare really..

      you don't… i much prefer the iphone…

    • +1

      you can't cause its a different piece of tech

      • +8

        They're both smartphones, how exactly does that classify as 'different piece[s] of tech'?

        • +12

          because they're not the same product. iPhone 4S costs $679 RRP, and Kogan has it for $529, therefore the OP has posted a bargain that someone may like. Just because you don't like the phone doesn't mean everyone else has to.

        • So you're saying they can't be compared, because they aren't the same product? That makes jack all sense.

          Just because you don't like the phone doesn't mean everyone else has to.

          I didn't say they had to. Thanks for putting words into my mouth, though.

        • ok

    • +16

      Then why even look/comment on this deal?

    • if i wanted to buy this phone i think it would be a great deal…

  • +2

    No restrictions

    • -1

      Both android and Ios have their restrictions on stock roms.

      The most useful thing is the ability to backup and reinstall your games. And transfer them between your devices. This is impossible to do on a stock Android phone. Try and backup and restore your games on Android without rooting it forget about it. So easy on Apple.

      Having to use iTunes is just a minor inconvenience. Compared to the hours of lost progress.

      Only when you compare a rooted android with a JB ios device does the Ios device have more restrictions. But not everyone would want their warranty.

      Pricewise lol.. No deal ^^. Thats one thing they haven't got right yet. Both the samsung galaxy 3 and Apple 4S are called phones.

      • +1

        Having to use iTunes is just a minor inconvenience.

        Nothing minor about it from my perspective…iTunes is bloody awful IMHO!

        I wouldn't trade my iPod touch for anything else, but I cringe every time I have to use iTunes to do anything with it! :s

        • +1

          I cringe at the thought of manually managing my media on portable devices. iTunes on Mac is great.

        • you cry more when you loose 1 month of progress in an game and cant do a thing about it.

        • I honestly did not think people could be so invested in mobile games. And just out of curiosity, why are you so fearful of losing your game data? There are very few events on any operating system that could cause this to occur.

  • hi petros0… I wont say welcome as I see this is not your 1st time on ozbargain…
    just to clarify for us - are you an official kogan rep ?
    and if yes - can we direct questions to you about other kogan products ?

    • -8

      no I am not kogan rep!
      just been looking to get this iPhone to get rid of my plastic Samsung galaxy s III, I hate it since I bought it everything about this phone is Fake and cheap

  • +7

    ill stick to my Nokia 3310

  • +11

    My s3 doesn't feel much different in terms of speed to iPhone 4 lol. As for games and other stuff, android games are massive let down. The titles with good graphics are short and boring.

    I chose s3 because I have big hands and I needed it to practice coding and I don't want to go objective c. But for someone who wants a smart phone who has a smaller hands and less needs (like my sister and mum and basically more than 50% of the population), iPhones are perfect for their purposes.

    Pricewise they're worth it because:
    Premium materials (glass and metal cost more money)
    Software is way better optimised even iPhone 4 (3gens behind) keeps up with the newest iOS giving device more longevity
    the Cydia devs are mean at customizations.
    Construction is solid.

    As far as "restriction" goes, if a person uses apple products and maintains all their media in iTunes (the newest edition is pretty zippy) then itnwouldnt be restricting at all.

    Practicality wise: iPhones are just as simple if not even more simpler to master then android (no back and menu button holds to memorise, just what you see is what you get)

    • +2

      The most neutral and logical comment ever. You win. The prize is the internet.

    • (no back and menu button holds to memorise,

      Seriously? If people can't remember two permanent buttons and their basic functions, there's something very wrong.

      • +2

        With the back button it's not about "remember", it's about guessing. Depending on the App and where you are in the App, sometimes the back button takes you back, other times it goes back to the homescreen.

        It's little usability issues like this that make Android laughable from a UX standpoint.

        • It's pretty damn easy to 'guess' which action the back button will perform; if there's a previous screen to display, that's where the back button will take you. If not, homescreen it is. Third party apps are a different story, since most of the time they're just crappy iOS ports from lazy developers, and will (more often than not) use the latter option. Hardly a reflection on Android as a whole.

          In any case, the apparent random action of the back button wasn't the point Ibanez was making.

        • -1

          Love how every negative of Android is never a reflection of Android.

        • Precisely. The menu button is somewhat even more problematic. Holding the menu button for 2 seconds occasionally reveals other features of the app which may have been unknown to the user.

        • Ha, keep trolling man.

        • -1

          I'm putting forward legitamte issues with Android in an open discussion, there is no "trolling" to that. You on the other hand are just having a sook.

        • -1

          With comments like this:

          Love how every negative of Android is never a reflection of Android

          How can you expect anyone to not take you for a troll? I gave a valid response as to why this quirk does not detract from the Android OS, and you dismiss it, and wrongfully misrepresent it as an excuse for everything. Yet another person in this thread who puts words in my mouth. Personally, I find the UX of iOS laughable, but I know that's subjective… I somehow doubt you do.

          If you have more than the single 'legitimate issue', by all means list them, but you won't get far by using logical fallacies, nor by calling me a sook (ironic really, since you're the one complaining about Android).

        • "this quirk does not detract from the Android OS"
          Who cares? It detracts from the user experience, and that's ultimately all the matters for the general public.

  • -7

    This is like samsung selling S2's for the same price. Apple is going down the same path as they've come from. Small market share of over priced things that are simple to use.

    • +3

      Yeah because who wants a device that's "simple" to use? I want my technology to be complicated so it can consume my whole life. Because obviously gadgets are the most important thing in my life.

      • Because obviously gadgets are the most important thing in my life.

        Well dude, forgive me for pointing out the elephant in the room here; but let's face facts…you're in almost every single phone thread trolling Android users & championing Apple fanbois across the galaxy; so yeah, clearly gadgets are very important to you! ;)

        • To me. Not to the majority of the population.

  • Was at JB earlier testing out the feel of some of these phones. That S3 is one big mofo. Granted the screen & features looked pretty good but don't think my pockets are deep enough to fit a phone that size. Motorola Razr M looked quite appealing though.

  • +1

    Personally I'd spend the extra and go for the iPhone 5, but the 4S is still a great phone. My mum took mine when I upgraded to the 5 and she has had no problems. What I like about the iPhone is that they generally age really well. I still use my old iPhone 4 when I go down to the beach or out on the boat, just in case, and it still works really well!

  • Is kogan a good company to buy from? is the phone coming from australia or overseas? and is the iphone 4s worth $538 including delivery? thanks waiting for your reply

    • see below

  • I guy at work had just purchased one from kogan a few weeks ago. Long story short the misus dropped it and cracked the screen. They went into the apple store to see what they could do about it. They clearly knew they were up for some dollar for the screen. The apple tech looked up the serial number and said the phone was over a year old and was registered to someone in Melbourne….

    • +1

      are you for real mate? so kogan sells second hand phones?

    • I called kogan after this comment , because I've got worry! And I had confirmation email from them say that the product is brand new in sealed box , no one used before!
      Also this is my third phones I've ordered from kogan all of them came with sealed box and never had an issues with anyone ,I am not sure if your friend telling the true !!!

      • so should i buy the iphone 4s from kogan?

        • my Experience go for it and don't worry, customer support is good and you can return it if you don't like it

  • does iphone4s still cost so much? i just sold my iphone4 16gb for $290 on Gumtree..

    • -5

      Trust me if you had another phone and not iPhone after 2 years use you are not gonna get $ 290 for it maybe you will get $29.00

      • Yea you also payed $400 extra for it making you $140 worse off.

        • -4

          I paid $750 for samsung galaxy s III 2 months ago and I will be lucky if can get $450 and in 2 years time I will get $75

        • I paid $750 for samsung galaxy s III 2 months ago

          Seriously??? Time to hand over that OzBargain badge: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/81841 :p

  • +1

    I have iphone 4, my wife has iphone 5. The experience on both phone almost identical. So iphone 4s is for the people that still using 3gs or older. It is still a good price for iphone 4s, but RRP iphone 4s is overpriced.

    Edit: My mum just bought a galaxy note II, played for 2 days (first time use android). First few hours though android is so hard to use. But after that, i have to agree it is one of the best smartphone, if not the best. IOS still easier to use though, just getting bored with it (got 2 ipad and 2 iphone).

    • Pretty perfect description right here! ^^^

    • Jailbreak your devices. The stability of iOS, with the customisation of Android. Personally I recreated the Galaxy S3 widgets in PerPageHTML. So now every time some Samsung wanker is bragging, I casually pull out my iPhone.

      The arrogance disappears quick. Suddenly pressing on the home screen and adding a widget doesn't make them "geeky"/"more technical" when they seen me actually MAKE widgets.

      • +4

        So now every time some Samsung wanker is bragging, I casually pull out my iPhone.

        The irony astounds me.

  • Thanks for posting the deal.

    Btw, we know it's your first post. There's a number 1 sign next to your name at the top left of the entry. :)

  • This is for the black! What about the white iphone which i want, and how long for delivery.

  • I just got back from shopping tonight and was at a telstra shop getting an iphone 5 plan for one of my kids.
    I was surprised you could still get a 16g iphone 4S on the $60 phone plan for only an extra $2 per month (although we got the iphone 5 for the extra $7 per month)

    My point is a very cheap phone if you were looking at the Telstra $50 BYO plan anyway, go on the $60 phone plan and the total is only $62 per month with 16g iphone 4s. (so phone = 24months x $12 = $288)

    • +1

      An iPhone 5 for a kid?

      Surely a cheap Android and an iPod Touch would be more sensible.

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