This was posted 4 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Esatto 8kg Heat Pump Dryer EHPD800-W $490 Delivered @ Appliances Online


update - price gone up again but Still $540 on eBay less the targeted code SNSM11 makes it $490 delivered

#price reduced - now $490 after discount, as per this comment, contact AO for refund of difference if you already bought.

This vote from AO rep seemed very popular last time
Its now cheaper with code Frenzy50, and has free delivery and removal of old appliance.

We are replacing an old bosch serie 8 dryer which is the biggest POS to service/clean.
I figure if I get 5 years out of this I'll be laughing.

Conflicting opinions/reviews , I think at this price its worth rolling the dice.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    i had the 7kg one, been like 4 yrs i think. no issue

  • Our Hoover is 30 plus years old. still churning away

    • +27

      100% that Hoover is not a heat pump dryer

      • -1

        Yes it's a vacuum, or as they say in the UK, a Hoover

    • +13

      Churning away at your power bill…

      • +3

        Solar and i turn it on in the day. No worries :D

        20 year old Hoover . The thing is indestructible!

        • +1

          They definitely don't make them like they used to. Great to hear you're running for free…if it still works, there's absolutely no point upgrading to something "new" with inferior build quality.

      • +1

        Maybe but at least it probably dries your clothes in under 2 hours unlike all these energy efficient ones that need to run all day. The more you pay the slower your dryer seems to be…

    • 30 plus years ago is far too long ago to try and gauge the quality and reliability of their current product line-up.

  • +4

    Picked this up last week for $514 from Appliances Online using Lasoo. Delivered the next business day, and installed etc. - great service.

    Have used it 3 times, and so far it's been excellent. Cleaning the lint filter is a bit annoying, but I assume it's the same/similar process for all the heat pump dryers.

    I also need to plumb in the drain so I can stop having to dump the water tank, the drain hose ends they provided don't really suit the spigots in my laundry sink. Any suggestions on converting this?

    • +4

      Hang on. You also need to clean lint filters every load on non-heat pump dryers. Have you not been doing that?

      • +19

        I've been using a washing line like a pleb.

        • +2

          Ahhh, fair enough. Scared me for a second there. I have a heat pump but still mainly use the washing line. Only use the dryer for thick hoodies, towels, undies & socks which I can't be arsed hanging.

          • @AlbiesDad: That should be the opposite. Towels should be outside because they hold so much water. Same with thick hoodies. Those are perfect for outside.

            • +4

              @LuthLexor: Try putting your towels in the dryer next time. They come out SO much softer. Way nicer to use.

              Thick hoodies take way too long to dry whilst outside for me. My backyard doesn't get a crazy amount of sun.

              • +1

                @AlbiesDad: hanging on the line in the sun = colours fading. dryers or inside line drying is way to go (latter takes a very long time)

      • Do you have to on a washer dryer combo? I couldn't find my parents' lint filter

        • Nup, the lint is 'supposed' to go down the drain, sometimes it collects on the rubber gasket which you can clean every load.

    • +1

      Can you just let the hose drain into your laundry sink? I know it's not as aesthetically pleasing, but it gets the job done for me

      • The way the cabinets are designed, there is no way to do this aside from coming back out the front and around.

      • +2

        Free distilled water from each load.

      • That's what I do with my condenser dryer. The dryer hose is ziptied to the washer drain hose (as both together don't fit in the washer drain hole) and pointed at the sink. Looks average but it's worked for 4 years. Haha.

    • +6

      I will 3d print you something free, if you pay postage just need dimensions of things. Otherwise you could rig something up from Bunnings with multiple pipe pieces

      • +1

        Thanks appreciate the offer - will give Bunnings a go first and reach out if no luck. Haven't had a chance to get to Bunnings lately!

      • +2

        oi how good is 3d printing

    • Can I confirm it has a single lint filter in the door, and no other lint filter prior to the condensor fins in the panel bottom left of the front door? My previous model EDHP80 is like that. There is still a reasonable amount of lint that makes it way past the first lint filter which is the problem.

      • I can confirm that the new model EHPD800-W also only has the door filter, however it contains two stages of filtering.

        I've ordered a generic aftermarket foam filter from AliExpress that hopefully fits 🤞

    • Any chance you can measure the depth of where the heat pump dryer sits on the washer? Depth online says 600mm but often that accounts for the deepest part (not the actual feet).

      For context my 1yo Samsung front-loader is 540mm deep but seems super normal so I’m surprised none of the dryers fit ok on top

  • +1

    I grabbed one, thanks! I've been looking for a heat pump dryer, as the laundry room in the new house has no ventilation, and the old vented one fills up the room with steam pretty quickly.

  • +1

    Out of interest, what "service/clean" are you doing on a Clothes Dryer ?

    [quote]We are replacing an old bosch serie 8 dryer which is the biggest POS to service/clean.[/quote]


      Basically the dryer isn’t drying anymore, clothes still wet after running two 2hr plus cycles. The load is not much really, about 5-6kg.

      I suspect there’s a build up of lint / dust that’s escaped into this part/built up in the drain system (we have it set to drain into the pull out collector).

      I previously had practically pulled it all apart including side panels only to find this part in the video cannot access. This video shows the fix is to cut the panel out, clean, and get a new panel (I’m not really sure it even matters if the panel isn’t replaced other than a safety thing maybe)

      Previously I had got it going again by using a wet dry vac to blow air in via the rear piping, and then have it suck it out. Tilting the machine , a whole heap of water and dust leaked out (which is what I based my suspicion on).

      I don’t understand why the panel to clean the machine would be sealed up like this?

      • Old lint makes scents. Cheers

        • yeah, old lint will make all kinds of nasty scents, you're right.
          And all so they can save a few cents. How's that for common sense?

      • Just know that heat pump dryers use less energy but they take a lot longer to dry

        • +1

          Regular load can take 5-6 hours to dry in our fisher and paykel. Not even overloaded.

      • You more than likely had a gas blockage/compressor failure/dropped gas.
        My Fisher & Paykel the exact same thing would would not dry a load over five hours.
        Diagnosed to find out gas blockage and repairable.
        I'm just gonna buy something cheap this time chuck it at it when it s**** itself

        • Hey our fisher paykel will 'sometimes' run for 6-8 hours and still be pretty much wet but it only happens sometimes.

          Can you explain what you meant by gas blockage? What exactly is the cause and how to fix?

          • @Ash Bowden: A heat pump dry is just an Air conditioning unit, it pumps liquid does a phase change turns into a gas via TX valve or orifice tube.
            It's basically exactly the same as your air conditioner in your car.

            I'm not exactly sure what the failure in mine was but it was not worth repairing there are closed system any gas blockage lack of compressor efficiency writes it off.
            At a guess something similar is happened to yours.

    • I have the Solt brand, same as this. Easy to clean. Before use I empty the lint catcher and vacuum up any loose lint. And every fortnight I just undo the front panel and use a brush to clean the fins and clean it out.

      I have my draining to the laundry basin, so no need for removing the water tank.

  • How do you connect the drain hose if your washing machine is using the drainage spigot?

    • +5

      I put my drain hose right into the laundry tub itself, cable tied to the washing machine hose which is going into the hole on the top of the tub (the washing machine hose plus dryer house wouldn't both fit into the same hole)

  • +6

    Same price on eBay with code SNSM11 but also ships to VIC. It was around $490ish delivered a few days ago with the code…
    Can also use discounted gift card

    • I must not be targeted for that one, saying code invalid for me.

  • +6

    A reminder that SA Customers can get $141 cash rebate until the end of November on this unit - from YESS -

  • -1

    People use a dryer in QLD????

    • +5

      Clothes don't dry well when the humidity is 70%+

      • Can confirm I was drenched in sweat just walking from the servo back to my Ute. Humidity be crazy last few days.

        • +2

          Sounds like you need an EV. You can just plug the car in within the comfort of your air conditioned triple garage. /s

          • @MS Paint: I don’t mind the idea of an ev Land Cruiser lol - would be a conversation starter for sure on site.

    • Nope. Hang in shade. Our clothes stay new looking for years, and we can feel good about reducing our energy use.

      In an emergency we have the dryer, or better yet we hang on a temporary line somewhere like the garage.

  • +7

    Don't forget to register it after purchase for an extra year of warranty

    • Oh wow, thanks for that - didn't know.

    • You must complete the registration form (right) within 90 days of purchase date via the form below

      I think I have enough time from the last deal

  • +1

    I have been eyeing this for a few weeks. This was $490 a few days with 50$ off. AO has jacked it by 20-30$. Better to Hold off

  • im eager to get one but the wife keeps fixing our 25 year old Westinghouse laundromat 460.

  • +2

    Ive had mine for about 6 months now. use it 3 times a week, no issues.

    • Interested to know - do you separate types of clothes and stuff - or just chuck it all in under cotton like i've been doing?

      Also - if you put in a less than full load, can you stop it early? (I assume it doesn't detect that it's dry and will run the full load etc)

  • +1

    i dont use it for some clothes like tshirts as im scared they will shrink.

    Everything else i throw in together on the 'mix' cycle.

    I dry towels and bed sheets on the 'bed linen' cycle.

    It seems to auto detect when to stop.

    • I'm not certain, but I believe mine runs for the alloted time of 1:50 every time I run it.

      • Yup, think mine is the same, though haven't paid a lot of attention.

  • We have limited space in our laundry, could you sit this on top of the washing machine? We have a Miele and I see you can buy an adaptor thing to do that, but would that only work with a Miele branded drier?

    • my 7kg sits on top of my washing machine,no problem. i only used a stacking mat.

    • Just use a mat unless you like the idea of the plastic shelf those stackers provide. My idea is that a rubber mat does a better job reducing vibration than the expensive plastic stacker.

    • I used a piece of eva foam as was suggested last deal, been working fine so far, no movement at all

      A rubber mat will probably work better for vibrations though, just a guess.

  • +2

    i am from VIC but upvoting.
    Got this not too long ago from a vented dryer. Changed my life!!!

  • Coincidentally, been looking at buying a Bosch series 8 lol

    • +2

      Well, I will say, when it works it’s great. Plus there’s something nice/ the stat boost from getting the full set bonus when you have the Bosch washer too.

      • Haven't flexed it on the socials yet, but yes, got the Series 8 washer already lol

  • +4

    Don't just rely on the lint filter. If you search 'heat pump dryer filter' in Temu or AliExpress you can get a 8 X pack for about $10 (black square). They sit against the condenser fins and stop the fine stuff getting through. You can clean them too and they last ages too.

    No more cleaning the annoying fins.

    • cheers mate, will see how we go…will stuff around with the bosch 1 more time and keep it outside as a spare…

      (i swear im not a hoarder)

    • Can you please share the temu link or photo?

      Saw one but its more of a rectangular shape than a square

  • +1

    Had mine since 2020, bought via ALDI, it's the 7KG model. Runs well, and super efficient albeit takes a bit longer for heavy / thick stuff.

  • Would this be okay to be outside under a well covered area?
    My laundry has cupboards over the washing machine so it can’t be stacked

    • +1

      I dont see why not - i dont know about this model but my bosch is pretty loud, i can hear it from upstairs on a quiet night, so I would say my neighbours could prob hear it too, would be even louder if it wasnt contained in the laundry.

  • +1

    had 7kg one from bunning for 4 years now. mever had issue. I put outside with cover

  • +2

    holding for sub 500 again

    • it's weird, prior to posting, i was looking through the 'clothes dryer' tag and somehow that post did not show up.
      wouldnt have posted if i had seen this one. dang.

      either way, we do need a clothes dryer so I guess it doesnt matter for me..

  • +1

    Been using for last 18 months no issues, purchased from AO 620$.

  • +2

    Have this and been going great. Is there similar equivalent of this in quality/OZB favorite washing machine. Our washing machine coming end of life.

  • +2

    I've had mine for over three years, and it still works as well as it did when it was new. I make sure to clean the secondary filter frequently, which probably helps. Since I don’t have a clothesline, I use it constantly, and it’s been great. Plus, I haven't noticed any significant increase in my electricity bill.

    I’ve recommended it to friends who want a reliable dryer without spending thousands on a top-end model or dealing with a vented system

  • Does anyone have one of these and can confirm if it comes with a drain hose?

    • It does come with a drain hose

  • +1

    Heat Pump Dyers are the ducks nuts, highly recommend these over the normal dryers, in case anyone is contemplating the price difference. It's totally worth it. I just sit mine (Beko, not this) on top of my front load washer and it's been great in my little enclosed washing closet.

  • How long does this take for a load of mixed everyday laundry (no jeans, towels)?

    Currently on a bosch serie 8 but it takes the whole day. Plus totally done with the lint cleaning which gets filled up in just 2 loads.

    • whole day

      Seems weird, most loads with serie 8 was like 2-2.5 hours max, mostly kids clothes, maybe a towel, and my work trousers/ polo.

      • Yep, exactly. It's more than 5 years old though. Sitting in an enclosed laundry space. Probably needs a full open and clean. But I figure getting all of that done with a repair tech, I'm probably better off buying a new one.

  • I bought $700 2 months ago from the same store, and it was on special. I hope I can wait, but my old drier stop working.

  • +1

    Had one for 4 years and going strong. Great unit. Just don't change it from "auto" mode and it'll be good.

  • +2

    mine has done close to 1000 loads - no issues to report.
    Will buy another when this one dies

    note: I paid $599 for 7kg model in early 2021

  • +4

    Have basically the same unit from ALDI. Drum belt broke. No fix under warranty, but refunded.

    Bought a new belt. 2 hours later, $599 dryer for $25.

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