This was posted 4 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Halloween Family Evening Event (2-Hour Duration, Start Time Vary With Stores) @ Bunnings


Pop into your local Bunnings this Thursday evening 31/10/2024 for a FREE Halloween Family Event šŸŽƒšŸ‘»
There will be loads of fun to enjoy including games, kids' D.I.Y., trick or treat and loads more!
Times vary so please check with your local store for details.
Times could be 4-6pm, 5-7pm, 6-8pm etc.

Edit: I rang one of the stores who confirmed that no booking is required.

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +7

    I love this! Thereā€™s one in my local area. But also love trick or treating around our block so probably wonā€™t attend. Great for areas that arenā€™t much into trick or treating.

    • Lol! Waattt T F y wld do then, instead?

      • -3

        Bullying customers like me :/

        Last night I just left a 1-star Google Maps review to my local Bunnings store for two staff treating me very rude and very unprofessionally.

        • +1

          Not hard to get a negative Google review removed if you know what you're doing.

          I think Google Reviews are a load of rubbish now

    • +2

      You are a wonderful team player. Now please clean up that dog poop on Aisle 15.

    • +8

      With that attitude it's probably best you're not allowed near any children anyway.

  • +4

    This is great, i dont need to go trick and/or treating now

  • +1

    does anyone else get funny looks when they go to bunnings?? maybe itā€™s because my fit could be identified as emo/goth.

    maybe if I turn up during the Halloween event they will all accept me with a group hug where we all bow our heads to satan. šŸ˜­

    • +2


      Are we talking suave emo like mcr at the height of black parade hysteria or cradle of filth (itā€™s just a name right? Like itā€™s not an actual cradle of filth?)

      • +1

        like not exactly emo goth. just in that direction. I dunno itā€™s weird I guess people focus on the smallest differences.

      • +2

        emo and cradle of filth instantly reminded me
        of richmond of it crowd

        • +1

          That was exactly what I was referencing, and Iā€™m glad someone here got it. Thank you.

  • trick or treat and loads more!

    So items that scan higher. they'll just go ha! tricked you!

    Or do the kids go Close your eyes and up in your mouth? I'll give you a lolly

    and then hit you with a hammer drill…. tricked you dad!

  • Does Dad have to wear an outfit? Can dad leave mum and the kids and go check out the power garden tools?

    • +2

      Pretty sure mum is checking out the power tools šŸ™ƒ

  • +6

    I find it incredible how Australia seemingly embraced this completely foreign custom, driven by corporate greed and sales targets. People are such chumps

    • +1

      Yeah I donā€™t much like it because firstly nobody knows what the purpose or reason is (including me) and secondly, itā€™s another plastic junk free for all by every shop. Profit at the expense of plastic junk left in landfills. I have no hope for humanity.

      Oh, thirdly, itā€™s another sugar fiesta overload for the kids, in addition to birthday parties, Easter, Xmas, etc.

      But my kids love it, going trick or treating tomorrow. I like the community aspect and seeing friends. Be good if us Aussies could have just imported that concept and not the plastic junk.

      • because firstly nobody knows what the purpose or reason is (including me)

        itā€™s the evening before All Saintsā€™ Day. which is like ā€œgood dead people/ghosts dayā€. well saints are basically people who have died and gone to heaven because they were very ā€œgoodā€.

        so itā€™s a Christian thing like Xmas. but where is all the Xmas/Santa hate? (flashbacks to that video of old dude yelling at kids in the mall that their parents are liars who lied to them)

        iā€™m not christian btw.

        • +1

          Its roots go to Pagan era before Christianity. Also, Catholics stay a bit in distance to celebrate it. Carving turnips (later on pumpkins because they were abundant in the US) comes from Irish fairy tales in which 'Jack' deals with the Satan not to go to the Hell in return the Satan holds his soul that means he cannot go to the Heaven, either. Thats is why pumpkins are lightened by candles in them to 'trick' the Satan that give some 'treat' to Jack who was suspended between the Hell and Heaven.
          Btw, I believe in Science and Cosmos.

          • @SYLTB: ok it is interesting.

          • @SYLTB: Thanks, yeah I thought it came from paganism as well. Well by what you said, no wonder nobody knows it, itā€™s bloody confusing, and weird. And why care?

            At least Xmas is simple: itā€™s the day Jesus was born, and everyone knows who that is.

            Iā€™m a person of science as well.

    • +3

      Sorry mate did you say something I just got back from Oktoberfest where nobody at all was whining so i missed what you said

      • Oktoberfest finished 6 October, so if you just got back you probably missed it.

    • Yes, some even think politicians are there to help.

    • It's just gives people a reason to dress up and have fun. Same as Xmas, most people do know nor care about the back story. Retail would be cutting back on stocking halloween stuff if no one was buying the landfill.

    • I'm not a fan of Halloween, and it amuses me every year to see retailers trying ever so hard to get us to accept it. Apart from the trick or treating (which kids do during daylight hours here), it's just a bit weird seeing people put fake spider webs all over their houses.

    • -1

      If we must endure some Celtic Pagan ritual celebrated by morons each Oct 31st, then the same corporations who milk it for what it is worth ought to respect our celebrating Australia Day too.

  • says "booked out", does it really need to be booked?

    • The ads for several WA locations don't mention booking so probably not.

      Edit: I rang one of the WA stores (Innaloo) who confirmed that no booking is required. She also checked with another staff member.

  • -1

    Do we need to make a booking? Are there any free gifts for kids? What about complimentary sausages seasaw or drinks for the whole family?
    Do we need to make a booking? Are there any free gifts for kids? And are there complimentary sausages, snacks, or drinks for the whole family?

    • +1

      Ask Copilot

    • I rang one of the WA stores (Innaloo) who confirmed that no booking is required. She also checked with another staff member.

      Treats and activities seem to vary between stores from the ads I saw. Better to ring your local store to check.

  • +6

    Although you are most welcome to just come along, registrations help the Team figure out catering. All Warehouses are holding a Halloween event but the activities offered will differ from one to the other as well as the times so make sure you check out the storeā€™s webpage.
    A lot of stores are holding afternoon discos so that you still have time to take your kids trick or treating.

    • Thanks for the clarification.

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