Anyone Annoyed by The Retailer Profiteering from 3G Shutdown?

Anyone noticed the complete absence of sales on phones since about September in the lead up to the 3G shutdown? All retailers have basically hiked up all their prices to RRP for most popular phones. This compared to the endless promotions particularly June, July, August which were popping up on Ozbargain.

Knowing people are likely to be desperate, retailers look like they are looking to make the most of it instead of just continuing with usual sales they were having.

Looking for an Android phone. Note the absence of sales on Ozbargain's favourite Motorola G84 compared to previously. Nothing lately for Google Pixel Phones. All Samsung midrange phones back up to RRP.


        • Is your Xiaomi Note 11 5G not an international model?

          Seems crazy that you couldn't take a modern 5G phone and use it anywhere around the world.

          • @JimB: Seems Crazy, but there's no International Standard for Voice over 4/5G.
            As a result, there's no International Standard for Emergency calling on 4/5G.
            It's for this reason that phones thought to be (not necessarily are) non-compliant with Australian mobile networks (and phones MUST be compliant with all 3 Mobile Network Carriers' networks) will be booted from service following 3G shutdown.

          • +1

            @JimB: You can use it anywhere in the world, except Australia.

        • Yeah it is. Got it from Aliexpress but it seems i won't be able to do 000 emergency calls despite having VOLTE and 5G. Only 1.5 years old as well. Can't do without be able to dial 000. lol See how it goes next week.

      • the number is going to get blocked if the carrier thinks your model of phone doesn't support 000 calls on 4G.

        The reason is many, but one is that fact that 4G calls over VoLTE is basically like Voice over IP for land lines; calls made over the internet.

        Telstra, in their infinite wisdom, have some custom configuration for this on their network, which may not be installed on this phone (it's usually the chinese phone brands that won't have it). Optus uses a standard configuration, which is usually preloaded.

        So in the case of an emergency 000 call, where your network coverage is from optus, the VoLTE calling would work, but if there were no optus coverage, the phone won't be able to use VoLTE calls via the telstra coverage. The phone manufacturer "knows" this, or predicted this, and might've made firmware on the phone to use 3g to call 000, which is guaranteed to work…except now 3g is going to get shut down.

        So the gov't simply decides to block all phones which isn't known to work. The problem with this decision, again, is that some phones could be made to work (require some updates to software, the phone has the hardware). So the cost is borne by the consumer, rather than by anyone else in the chain.

        You know what the indian gov't did when faced with this similar problem? They made an actual phone app to do the emergency call, which is guaranteed to work for all phones that support 4g :

    • +2

      Have you tried to force LTE only mode? Install Force LTE Only app and change the setting to LTE only.

      Good read:…

      • Interesting. Thanks mate. I will have a try and report back.

  • It's normal for businesses to prey on the consumer to take advantage of the government's sh1tfookery.

  • -1

    Anyone Annoyed by The Retailer Profiteering from 3G Shutdown?

    I am anoyyed by people complaining.

  • +1

    Jacuzzi joined the chat. $770 on a new module to make a 2021 unit "SMART" again.

    If you're an Australian owner of a Jacuzzi® spa equipped with a SmartTub™ system, upgrading to the latest LTE model is essential.

    The reason for this upgrade is the impending shutdown of 3G services, with Telstra planning to discontinue its 3G network on June 30, 2024, followed by Optus in September 2024.

    Without this upgrade to an LTE-compatible SmartTub™, your spa will no longer be able to utilise its smart features effectively once the 3G network is deactivated. Upgrading ensures that you can continue to enjoy the full range of smart functionalities that your Jacuzzi® spa offers, without interruption.

    • Wonder what else is going to be impacted.

      • lots of remote monitoring stations/equipment uses mobile phones to upload their data. They're not phones, but uses sim cards.

        There's plenty of cars that have inbuilt sims for calling for roadside assist, not to mention updates (which, hopefully, has a wifi option).

        There's plenty of farm equipment like combine harvestors, that have sims. You're gonna have to somehow update those. You can bet your bottom dollar that no matter what, it will be costly.

  • No, I'm more annoyed at house prices.

    • Is someone kicking you out of your own house and forcing you to buy a new one, because your old one won't work from next week?

      • What makes you think he owns a house?

        Isn't that the problem?

  • Rrp.

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