Part of Prime Day Sale, currently the lowest price, can price match with Goodguys/Jbhifi
Last lowest price sold by Amazon was $389
Reviews are mix but 1 year warranty makes it sweet.
[Prime] Sunbeam Barista Max EM5300 Coffee Machine $399.99 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Last edited 10/10/2024 - 15:13 by 2 other users

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Price matched with JB and was able to apply the JB Perks 'Spend $300 get $30 off' too.
Needed to go delivery for $15 as was only available for click and collect at one store nationally, but even at $385, happy with the deal.
Thx OP
Bought this coffee machine while working from home during COVID - it still goes strong with my wife still using it everyday as she still works from home, so around 4 years at this point. Makes a good coffee and has obviously been reliable so don't hesitate on the purchase.
In the interests of OzBargain disclosure I paid less than this from Appliances Online at the time and my mate (after trying mine) got the same model even cheaper than I did so shop around as you could possibly get it for less (me paying around $360 and him about $330 - though wow, it's much more there now)!
I had this for couple years without issue. This is a good starter machine if you wanna get into espresso culture.
had this for a couple of years.
Not easy to get a good coffee.
Makes averaghe coffee OK.
I ended up going the cold brew route.
This is a strictly OK machine, $350 or less it's decent value. I had it for 2 years or so. it made OK coffee with good beans while it lasted.
Impossible to open when it starts leaking, it was NOT intended to be serviced at home.Suggest spending a bit higher for Barista Express OR Bambino + Baratza ESP as a better combo.
I agree with most above. It's a convenient machine, and unlike the Brevilles, it has a true cafe 58mm basket.
As per usual, I picked up one as a hard rubbish throw out. The steam valve was leaking (its an absolute rubbish design), and there in an internal 4 way plastic cross inside that cracks. It isn't fit for purpose. But you can replace it now with a proprietary metal one for $15.
It's not impossible to open (they have 2 deep hidden security screws near the group head area - You need to turn the machine upside down to access it). Even then, it's fun to get apart. They were never designed to be repaired. The Brevilles are much easier to repair. For that reason I don't support Sunbeam in making future landifll all because of a plastic cross joiner.
Reviews are mix but 1 year warranty makes it sweet.
??? That's Australia's min warranty isn't it? Do you mean vs buying a used machine?
I was talking about this in the other deal… it’s a very good coffee machine and happy with it.