This was posted 12 years 2 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

LOWER PRICE! Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Theatrical) on Blu-Ray $16.96 Delivered @ Amazon UK


UPDATED 15/12: It's down another £1 !

The cheapest price it's ever been - Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings Trilogy (The Fellowship Of The Ring, The Two Towers, The Return Of The King) for ~$6 per movie delivered on 6 Discs!

This is the theatrical edition, not the extended edition, however much cheaper!

It would be appreciated if you use this affiliate link to browse or buy so I am paid a small commission by Amazon UK (at no expense to yourself) - thanks!:…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Just a note that this is the theatrical release and not the extended edition blurays, although those of you who click on the link will figure it out :P

    • Thanks for pointing that out. Right now it's £29 cheaper than the extended edition trilogy so a bit of a no-brainer if you ask me!

      • -1

        An incomplete story is a no brainer? Yeah…

        • +7

          A lot of people would be happy with the theatrical version. A lot of people were happy with the theatrical version.

        • +6

          Every movie is an "incomplete story". If you want complete stories, read books!

        • -5

          What people buy is their own business. I just fail to see how anyone can call a incomplete story a no brainer..

        • +5

          The Extended Versions are an incomplete story! The only complete story is in the books with their numerous appendices, etc so get off your soapbox. $18 is a bargain!

        • -2

          Calm down, so I took exception to your terminology, it's not like I gave a flippant neg vote!

        • +2

          $18 is a bargain!

          No one is disputing that. The fact of the matter is, the Extended Editions are more 'complete' than the Theatrical Editions, and provide a lot of important context that is otherwise absent. Whether people need that context to enjoy the movies is up to them (personally, I thought it enriched the experience).

        • +2

          I think what the original comment meant to imply was that it was a no brainer to figure out this WASNT the extended edition rather than indicating any preferential purchase…

        • +2

          @ProspectiveDarkness, agreed, however this is a site to post BARGAINS, not to post theatrical vs extended version debates (which have been dragging on for years on these movies). Right now the Extended Version is NOT a bargain. The theatrical version is, and that's why it's posted. I would have LOVED to have posted the extended version for the same price, but it's simply not available at such a good price.

          @Themojorising, thanks for the clarification. I have now updated the original post to avoid ambiguity.

        • +3

          this is a site to post BARGAINS, not to post theatrical vs extended version debates

          Hmmm, I disagree here. It really doesn't hurt to talk about the differences of each, it might encourage someone to go watch the Extended Editions, and come out better for it. We are still talking about the Lord of the Rings, after all, need we purposefully avoid straying into discussion about the Extended Editions?
          I know this is a bargain site, and the Theatrical, not Extended, Version is the bargain here, but what's the harm in discussing such a closely related topic? It's not like we started a conversation on the pro's and con's of purchasing a snow cone maker over the Theatrical Edition.

        • +1

          I own both and actually prefer the theatrical releases. Most of what they cut out didn't hurt the story overly much, although there was a few scenes from the extended edition that should have been there.

        • Yeah look at Star Wars….ep 4, 5 and 6, then 1, 2, 3, now we can expect 7, 8, 9 and probably more to come out as long as Disney want to milk the franchise til it kills off any enjoyable childhood memory of what it once was.

        • -1

          comparing books to film? facepalm sheesh

        • I get that people have no faith in Disney because they make kids movies but they've been around for a long time because they make good movies. Why don't you wait until they actually make the movie and you've actually seen it before you tell everyone how bad they are?

      • +4

        I recently watched the Extended Editions for the first time, and I would have to say that they are indeed worth extra (for the greater-than-casual watcher, anyway). So much missing context (though they are quite long, consequently).

  • +4

    Extended Editions are much better. Apparently they remastered the movies for the extended edition so the quality is a lot better. Theatrical versions is old masters. No one wants to buy the crappy theatrical versions so that's why it's dirt cheap.

  • -2

    Is there a 3D version of this trilogy ?
    I mean real 3D, not converted afterwards

    • no.

      • It has been discussed (a conversion) - but I would not expect to see it until 'The Hobbit' is done (all 3 parts) even then they will probably run it through the cinemas before releasing it on disc. ie Don't hold your breath.

    • +11

      I mean real 3D, not converted afterwards

      Perhaps I misunderstand Peter Jackson's ability to time travel, but since they weren't filmed originally in 3D, conversion is the only option, isn't it?

      • +1

        Thank you, mgowen! I can't believe it took nearly 7 hours for someone to say this haha.
        The "real" 3D you are talking about, geek7866 (maybe a misnomer?) can only be achieved by filming the movie with two separate cameras (simulating the depth of field achieved by our two eyes in real life), a la - The Hobbit.

  • +2

    It's cheap, but there's really no reason to watch the non-extended versions, let alone buy them.

  • +1

    Peter Jackson has repeatedly stated that the theatrical versions are the "definitive" editions, so that' good enough for me. Good deal.

  • +4

    I'm waiting for the release of all six extended versions of LotR and The Hobbit movies spliced together on one disc (or holocube - whatever is the standard format at the time) which has in built sensors that make Gandalf boom, "YOU. SHALL NOT. PASS!" if you attempt to take a bathroom break. Pauses for second breakfasts and elevensies will be allowed however.

  • Noinked

  • +1

    I reckon go hard or go home. Either read the book if you care about the story or watch cut version.

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