This was posted 13 years 10 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Box Set on Blu-Ray Only $24


The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Box Set on Blu-Ray Only $24

This sells at JB HI FI for $70.

Massive discount.

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Keep in the mind, the Extended edition box set will be out sometime soon. Probably the reason they're selling them off cheap.

    • +3

      I'll second that. I'm waiting for the extended editions…

      • It's available for pre-order, but have you seen the price?

        $85 is the usual at the moment, and that's imported - Oz shop price will probably be over $100.

        One to wait til after Christmas I think, when the price drops some.

        • Was guessing they would rip the piss when setting the price..
          I'll be patient, I will wait till the price comes down. The movies ain't going anywhere :)

  • this isnt the extended/ultimate edition… which is due to come out soon. apparently theres hours of extra footage in them (but they'll still fall way short of what was in the books). most people will be happy with this set (especially for this price), but dieharders should wait just a little longer.

    edited: as already said above a few minutes before me :).

    • amazon blub (dvd version) Review
      The extended editions of Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings present the greatest trilogy in film history in the most ambitious sets in DVD history. In bringing J.R.R. Tolkien's nearly unfilmable work to the screen, Jackson benefited from extraordinary special effects, evocative New Zealand locales, and an exceptionally well-chosen cast, but most of all from his own adaptation with co-writers Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens, preserving Tolkien's vision and often his very words, but also making logical changes to accommodate the medium of film. While purists complained about these changes and about characters and scenes left out of the films, the almost two additional hours of material in the extended editions (about 11 hours total) help appease them by delving more deeply into Tolkien's music, the characters, and loose ends that enrich the story, such as an explanation of the Faramir-Denethor relationship, and the appearance of the Mouth of Sauron at the gates of Mordor. In addition, the extended editions offer more bridge material between the films, further confirming that the trilogy is really one long film presented in three pieces (which is why it's the greatest trilogy ever—there's no weak link). The scene of Galadriel's gifts to the Fellowship added to the first film proves significant over the course of the story, while the new Faramir scene at the end of the second film helps set up the third and the new Saruman scene at the beginning of the third film helps conclude the plot of the second.

      To top it all off, the extended editions offer four discs per film: two for the longer movie, plus four commentary tracks and stupendous DTS 6.1 ES sound; and two for the bonus material, which covers just about everything from script creation to special effects. The argument was that fans would need both versions because the bonus material is completely different, but the features on the theatrical releases are so vastly inferior that the only reason a fan would need them would be if they wanted to watch the shorter versions they saw in theaters (the last of which, The Return of the King, merely won 11 Oscars). The LOTR extended editions without exception have set the DVD standard by providing a richer film experience that pulls the three films together and further embraces Tolkien's world, a reference-quality home theater experience, and generous, intelligent, and engrossing bonus features. —David Horiuchi

      • +2

        To top it all off, the extended editions offer four discs per film: two for the longer movie, plus four commentary tracks and stupendous DTS 6.1 ES sound; and two for the bonus material

        From that, I though it would be a 12 disc set, but if its this set, then it's actually a total of 15 discs.

        Thirty-six hour marathon, anyone? Alas, still no Tom Bombadil.

        • +8

          Tom Bombadil would have been the JarJar Binks of the LOTR universe! :P

        • Hopefully they do a version without the DVD appendices, most of us already have those. Just need a 6 disc Bluray set of the extended cut.

    • +2

      from the fb page:
      Mega Blu-Ray news - we can finally confirm that The Lord of the Rings Extended Trilogy will make it's long awaited Blu-Ray debut on the 29th June! Presented in dazzling full 1080p high definition, 5.1 audio & featuring over 26 hours of bonus material.

      • Only 5.1? Is outrage!

  • True, this isn't the extended edition, but the extended edition won't have the original theatrical cut, so this is actually the only way to get the movie that was shown in the cinemas on Blu-ray (before WB sextuple dip with an ultimate edition that has everything via seamless branching, that is).

    • +1

      Don't forget any 3D versions that get released too….. Ultimate Edition then will come the Ultimate Edition in 3D! Septuple dipping

  • +1

    The video quality of this set made it almost unwatchable. I wouldn't consider myself a videophile but the DNR applied to these films was simply unforgivable

    the audio quality was a 10 out of 10 though

    • +4

      So perfect for the blind?

  • Thank you so much for the post. I love these movies. Will also get the extended edn after 27th June. Cheers xox.

  • I tried to purchase but couldn't find Australia in the list of countries when entering my delivery address. This was using IE8 & Safari.

    • Try adding it to your address book in your account settings.

    • Its there, look up in the A section. Ive just register without any issue

  • the blu-ray extended edition is here (pre order)…

  • This is the THEATRICAL release. Exactly as it was at the cinema (=cut & ruined. Read the generally negative views on Amazon).

    You don't want this. Wait for the extended edition, which is due imminently. It'll be worth the extra $47.

  • Great price, but I'll wait for the extended version which is due to come out shortly. I don't mind paying that bit extra for it. LOTR Trilogy Extended blu-ray version and Stargate Atlantis Season 1-5 on blu-ray in couple of months. Looking forward to it.
    Now if they would only release everything SG-1 related on blu-ray too…now that would be something.

  • Its a fantastic price if your not fussy as to which version you want to watch.

    But the extended edition is the superior version with about 1hr extra footage per movie, and i can only assume that the video transfer would have to have had better attention paid to it.. The original Blu-ray set (these on offer for $30) are poor standard in terms of Blu-ray PQ.

    Again.. If your not fussy, grab these for $30.

    If you want a superior version which should also come with a superior video transfer on the Blu-ray disk, pay the extra $50 if you have to. After all its 12hrs of movie footage alone, you want your eyes feasting on quality :D

  • +1

    Cheers. I actually prefer the theatrical version…the extended ones drag on a bit IMHO without adding a huge amount to the end result. It does add details here and there but its still missing a lot from the book anyway so I tend to just prefer the concise version.

    • i've only watched theatrical so far, and mates have warned me the only way to re-watch these movies are the extended versions :p

      • Yeah I own both…extended fine but personal preference sees me preferring the theatrical in this case. If I didn't own the DVD I'd be all over this deal anyway. Not sure its a film I need both a DVD and Blu Ray copy of but.

  • Great price. When are they gonna drop the Aliens box-set? :P

    • A-Men, thats the one I want

      • +1

        You should search the usual places as I'm sure i saw the Aliens collection on bluray very cheap this week somewhere online (i only usually shop on UK stores)

    • +1

      The Alien bluray boxset is $30 on after VAT removal…

      Spend over 25 pounds (before VAT is removed) and get free shipping. So you'd only need to find something that costs more than 1 pound :P

      • Wait, that doesn't make sense does it?

    • You're not wise. I ordered portal 2 from there yesterday and it was posted here this morning, myself and many others have bought from the hut many times, they also offer free shipping to Australia of late, why would they do so if they did not ship here? lol

      The person who should be researching here is you.

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