This was posted 5 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW, ACT] Australian Blueberries 300g Pack $2.99 @ ALDI (Selected Stores Only)


There have been complaints that fresh food bargains are vastly outnumbered by junk food ones so here goes.

Berries are 'key brain health superfoods and should be consumed at least twice each week'. Saving money is less of a bargain if you're risking losing your marbles.…

Supermarket berries currently come in 2 blueberry sizes, small and large, with the large ones are typically around twice the price. I very much expect that for this price we will be getting the smaller size, but the catalogue is not 100% clear about sizing so there's some slight hope.

Edit: I'm told this deal is live now and may also even apply to the large sized berries, which are usually over $20 kg. Would be an amazing deal if so.

NOTE: this deal is not available at a number of NSW stores (e.g. Armidale, Ballina, Casino, Lismore, Tweed Heads).

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Also, 170g for $2 at Coles rounded down to $1/kg with bonus points.

    • +1

      Coles needs to start selling the 1kg pack. :D

    • +2

      Grabbed these yesterday, they are the large size berries.

    • Same as Woolies today $2 170g

  • +25

    As a father of a toddler, I am grateful to the blueberry overlords for these recent price drops.

    • +1

      How about them diapers though :)

      • +1

        Yes, the blue shits never disappoint (added points for bits of peas and corn in them after dinner 🤣)

  • +3

    There have been complaints that fresh food bargains are vastly outnumbered by junk food ones

    Honestly, hadn’t even noticed until you mentioned it but you’re absolutely right aha

    • has always been the case….because junk food manufacturers make sure their products are front and centre all the time

  • +1

    Which brand is it?

    • +4


  • -6

    They are full of pesticides

    • +11

      Technically “covered in” not “full of”

      • You are right

      • why not both?

      • How do you know that they are not systemic pesticides?

    • +13

      Maybe, I soak them in baking soda which is very easy. "it took 12 to 15 minutes of soaking in the baking soda solution to completely get rid of the pesticides used in this study."…

      • +1

        You can also add vinegar to rinse water.

        • I use both now, first the baking soda, followed by vinegar.

      • 15 MINUTES of soaking!? Thats like forever

  • -7

    There have been complaints that fresh food bargains are vastly outnumbered by junk food ones so here goes.

    Where ?

  • I just bought some yesterday at $2.99 for the larger size (300g).

    • You can get that at an Aldi now?? Sounds awesome!! Mine is currently $12kg for the small.

  • Australian Blueberries

    Inb4 something something chinese something hepatitis blueberries

  • Time to make homemade blueberries jams and sell it in hippies cultural market for 10x the price!

    • +5

      actually my home grown have the same powder

    • +11

      False. The greyish powder is called "bloom". Even homegrown ones have this.…

      • -1

        Although the comment may not be entirely true, however commercially grown blueberries is in the top list of fruits with the most pesticides on them.
        So technically my comment was a half truth :)

        • Got any source to validate those claims for Australian grown blueberries?

          Blueberries get sprayed with fungicides more regularly than pesticides.

          The main use for pesticides in blueberries is against fruit fly and this more so during the warmer months. They're very infrequently used during flowering as well as bees are used for pollination.

    • +1

      Cool attempt at stating facts when you were just making them up.
      My home grown have the powder too, no pesticides used.

    • +2

      This is the stupidest comment I've ever read on the internet.

      What you're referring to is called the "bloom"

      • Is this your first day here?

        • Haha you can check my profile to see how old my account is.

          And i stand by the stupidity of that comment

    • +5

      found the guy that grew up on chicken nuggets

    • now i understand why some Aussie grown-up guys don't even eat any fresh produce as everything nature they thinks they are chemicals.

      my ex bf accidently like this and he ate all sort of can fish can vegi oats bar frozen berries and etc to avoid seeing anything nature.

      lucky i left him many years ago..

  • damn was in aldi today. If I had seen this beforehand I would have purchased these….$3 for 300g is good value. Normally the punnets are a puny 125g

    • not to worry, the sale starts Wednesday

      • not the fresh food specials, that started last week and finishes on 1/10 (tomorrow)

  • Hmm not in the WA catalogues, YMMV

    • 2 for $6 at Spudshed

    • Not cheap at Coles WA either.

      What size at Spudshed?

      • I didn't take any notice, they are quite possibly the smaller ones though.

  • +2

    Mmm, this is cheaper than frozen berries.

    I am a blueberry fanatic, eating around 2kg per week so I rely on frozen to get my fix. But looks like I'll be visiting Aldi now.

  • +1

    I smash a punnet of these for breakfast when in season. Will I blue myself?

    • +1


    • Andorian

  • +3

    started planting several blueberry plant last year, got some fruits this year! very delicious

  • +1

    this special is actually live now and finishes tomorrow. The catalogue starts on Wed but the fresh food specials are always a week in advance of that. The heading need to change, it is not in 2 days

  • $2.49 at Aldi, Hallett Cove 5158

    • this catalogue shown is pricing for NSW/ACT

      • This price only appears in catalogues for ACT stores and selected NSW stores.

        For example, if you view the catalogue for a number of NSW stores (e.g. Armidale, Ballina, Lismore, Tweed Heads), it instead shows $1.99 for a 170g punnet.

  • -1

    got a few packs of these over the weekend - one is full of mouldy berries, thx Aldi's

    • +2

      That's always going to happen with fresh produce.
      You can always inspect the item when you pick it off the shelf and choose another one if you don't like it.
      Take it back to ALDI for a refund if you're not satisfied.

      There really isn't any more that ALDI/Coles/Woolies etc can do to stop this. The onus is on the shopper to select produce that they're happy with and willing to pay for.

      • -2

        that what YOU accept these days
        back in the day and even today, independent fruit and veg shops wont have a poor quality control like this.
        since when is it customers job to quality control?
        you my friend are big business best friend - in line with the hep c frozen blueberries - guess they all should have tested before they bough

    • Aldi is the worst when it comes to supply chains and fresh fruit :(

      Coffs Harbour is the largest producer of blueberries in Australia. Aldi still sends thier blueberries and blackberries (these I can confim) to Sydney and Brisbane before sending them back to Coffs!

      Coles and Woolies buy local here

      • i hear you, I have shopped at Aldi's since day 1, their meat is crap, fruit and veg also 2nd rate, rest is ok hence i still shop there but any chance i can I will go to local butcher or fruit and veg shop

    • +1

      Fruits a gamble. I know that going in.

      • +1

        You’re banned from this store.

    • If you don't inspect your fruit and vegetables when you're shopping, that's on you.

      I'm always amazed at people that just walk past a tray of fruit or veg and pick the first one they can grab.

  • My son eats so much Blueberries

  • +1

    just got some, i had to hunt for mine.

    they were in the closed fridge at my aldi.

    the other blueberries were in the open fridge near the door.

    tricky tricky

    • Were they small or large?

      • mostly large, but a mix of small and large blueberries.

  • +1

    I love blueberries so much cant wait for grapes to be cheap also!

  • Would love for some cheap raspberries currently

  • Sold out in nearby Aldi then went to Woolworths sold out again went to Coles have plenty left..

  • Thanks, grabbed 2 packs. My son loves them

  • Grabbed two packs, my beagle loves to his. Great healthy treat for your puppy.

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