ProForce Duke 100WG Herbicide 100g $199.00 + Postage ($0 to Perth Metro / Perth C&C) @ Billy Goat Lawns


Good herbicide for spring lawn. Use on cooch, buffalo etc and will kill most weeds.

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  • Very expensive

    • As someone else posted, this will cover 10,000 sqm. I agree that it's too much for most people.

  • What's the usual price, Broden?

  • +1

    I have Sir Walter Buffalo and had a lot of success with Bin Die. About $14 for 250ml. Important to follow the directions exactly especially the amount of concentrate per area. Dont be tempted to increase strength as it is not good for the lawn. Repeat and most difficult weeds including clover will be gone. Proforce may target more types of weed but Bin Die is worth a try first. Advice from Bunnings gardening staff was spot on.

  • +4

    This price with free shipping everyday of the week at…

    By the way this supposedly kills Onion weed in lawns as well, can anyone confirm.

  • +2

    For that price I can get a team of backpackers to pull it out out by hand.

    like it's much older brother Metsulfuron methyl it's fairly toxic to aquatic life

    Hazardous to the aquatic environment (acute) – category 1
    Hazardous to the aquatic environment (chronic) – category 1
    Hazard Statement H410 (Very toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects)…

    But in the UK they say

    Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium is a sulfonylurea herbicide. It is highly soluble in aqueous solution and semi-volatile. It is not persistent in soil but may be in aquatic systems. It is highly toxic to mammals, a neurotoxin and a skin, eye and respiratory tract irritant. It is moderately toxic to birds, most aquatic organisms, honeybees and earthworms….

    • +1

      A gardener gave me this (brand Metsun 600) to spray on clover and it works great. Kills slowly (takes a couple of weeks) so doesn't damage Buffalo. Maybe there is a better option to use that isn't bad to the aquatic environment??

      • that'd be the older brother Metsulfuron methyl. So long as you don't spray it within close run off to a creek/dam/etc (as in 10-20m), but if you have too, add a good Surfactant (Adjuvant) and hand spray, do a bit, leave it a week, do a bit more, etc that way you can use less amd spread out the poisoning time.

        it's fairly good. the dosage is very small 5-10g/100lt, so you can make it last.

        I use it on Singapore Daisy & Lantana..takes 4-6wks for results, but it's effective. it doesn't kill most grass.

  • Gentleme, FYI, Amgrow Bin-die has been withdrawn from Bunnings and a lot of other stores.

  • What’s the shelf life of this? Is it impractical to mix for smaller volumes?

  • Just get bow and arrow if you don't need such a large volume.

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