Has Covid Weakened Our Immune System?

Do you feel that after covid your immune system is not what it used to be?

I'm just asking as I've been infected with covid twice back in 2020 and 2021. I've also had 3 doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

I don't usually get colds/flu but ever since covid, I feel I'm getting sick more often and the symptoms are also more severe.

This year I've sick with colds on 3 seperate occasions. My last infection had really bad symptoms and completely knocked me out for a good 5 days. The intensity of symptoms I've had never experienced before, and recovery took way longer than when I did get colds before covid.


  • +1

    At the time, and shortly after, Covid would have put added pressure on, and weakened, your immune system, leaving you susceptible to the more serious symptoms from any other virus you catch. The Flu was also prevalent and particulary nasty variety this time too.

    What I have done, following medical (and researched) advice, was (apart from keeping up with vaccinations) was to take vitamin D daily (before, during and still taking) to help your immune system recover. I don't there is much else you can do apart from eating healthy, keeping hydrated and getting enough sleep.

    Caught Covid (after 2 vax) but have never caught Flu or the nasty RSV going about (which I am more concerned about), and it has actually been many years since I caught any cold.

    When we have ever had early symptoms of a cold we have started taking echinacea drops which reduces cold symptoms and helps you get over colds quicker. Advised echinacea has no effect on Covid though.

    • Caught Covid (after 2 vax)

      Do you believe that had you caught covid prior to receiving the injections you would've been sicker, or maybe even died?

    • Everyone I know caught it after 2 injections. A carer that I know of in the UK caught it after each injection. Off work for four months since after her fourth visit she was ill with severe side effects. Still hasn’t connected the dots.

      • +1

        Everyone I know caught it after 2 injections.

        Yeah, most of the people I know got sick after the jabs. Some of them have started to question things, but it's a slow process.

        • Even after catching it they still went and got a booster.

      • Well after two doses the lockdowns/mask mandates ended and we started to mix again…

        • In some places it was three. The lockdowns, and all mandates caused devastation for many.

          • @AussieDolphin: I am pro vax but I agree the mandates/lockdowns caused personal and societal issues that I’m unsure will resolve in our lifetimes

  • +5

    It's definitely reduced people's intelligence and common sense and made them more susceptible to nonsense and being controlled. Only those that have not been infected can see this.
    It's almost as if the country that shall not be named, genetically engineered it this way to gain the upper hand should conflict arise.

  • +5

    You got COVID twice after 3 Pfizer shots?

    This is misinformation because the media and health officials told me you wouldn't get COVID if you had the vaccine. It was a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

    • -3

      That's not how vaccines work and not what anyone said.

      • +3

        Dr Fauci said " If you’re vaccinated, you’re safe. If you’re not, you’re at risk". Are you saying he's wrong? He's one of the experts on vaccines

        • +1

          No one of the medical profession ever said "you wouldn't get Covid." That's not how vaccines work silly.

          Your chance of surviving Covid, enhancing your imnune systems, was increased following vaccinations and even infection.

          I am here today because I survived Covid, following vaccinations. Doubtful I, like many others would be able to say that without those vaccines.

          • +1


            enhancing your imnune systems, was increased following vaccinations

            The strain had changed, yet the messaging was take the same Alpha recipe 2-3 times within 12 months.

            Every winter, there's the upated influenza injections available,…because even after decades, there's no eradication of the flu'
            It's a "management" strategy to try and reduce people getting very sick, and missing work (or workplaces to pay sick-leave! )

            Yet, in 2021-2022 within the space of 12-months, 2 "boosters" were recommended, after 2 injections into all of our arms, over the space of 6-8 weeks,…
            …and the Alpha recipe of these injections were still unchanged, even with Delta and Omicron floating around.

            If the influenza injections are different recipes every season, the C*v!d injections were all unchanged, for the first 4 ,
            before updated boosters were being rolled out.

            There were people that took 5 shots, over a period of 18 months (2 as part of the initial dose(s), and then 3 more over the period of 18 months).
            The pharma companies were making so much money, and their share price reflected that.

            People have stopped washing their hands, wearing masks and socially distancing too.

            • +1

              @whyisave: Since 2022 the last three Covid vaccines I had were covering the newer strains, including Pfizer XBB1.5, Pfizer Bivalent BA 4-5, and Moderna Spikevax BA A4-5. They were also given 6 months apart, apart after the first two. I have a life threatening chronic illness and I was not offered vaccine boosters as close as you describe. I was denied 1 booster at 3 months as I only had 1 life threatening illness and not 2, as the criteria specified by my GP. Shortly after I caught Covid (Omicron I believe) so then had an even longer interval to wait for yet another booster.

              Had no reactions to any Covid or Flu vaccinations, nor long term effects from Covid either. I have many medicinal allergies, and not required antibiotics for many years I believe because I take echinacea (rarely) for cold symptoms. My son who was/is a mild asthmatic sufferer was totally asymptomatic when he became infected with Covid, but still infected me (I had stayed home for several days before). I thought I had a sinus infection for first few days as the RATs tests were negative at first, but symptoms worsened. Covid confirmed by PCR tests.

              The earlier booster vaccines that did not cater for the newer evolutions did offer your immune system better immunological responses, as they would recognise and fight off Covid. All vaccine responses wane over time, with very few offering full lifetime immunity. Some vaccine immunity is better than none at all, and even infection immunity does not offer long term protection, although it is preferable for your immune system to recognise and fight off Covid sooner rather than later.

              My GP now says that 1 Covid booster a year is quite sufficient, so I can have thay at the same time as my Flu vaccinations then.

              As far as I am aware most people are still washing their hands. I have noticed an increase in people wearing masks again here of late, even young people, although I am unaware of the reason. Not only Covid, but Flu and RSV doing the rounds here. I still avoid socially heavily crowded situations, but you would not notice how many do this.

              • @JediJan:

                even young people, although I am unaware of the reason

                I think the young people sometimes don't like to get perved on or ogled over, so they keep their mask on all the time.

                ( I'm not the one perving, but this is my suspicion )

      • +1

        It was all over the news and anywhere you turned around. This wasn’t a vaccine - that’s a brand name. It was nothing like anything that came before it. All good because you can’t see just yet.

      • +3

        Here's Joe Biden while president being fact checked by the far-left leaning AP for claiming:

        "An absolute guarantee that people who get their COVID-19 vaccines are completely protected from infection, sickness and death from the coronavirus"


        He's been fact checked over a hundred separate times for the exact same lie.

      • +1

        Here's Fauci in August 2021 claiming on USA Today that the vaxx prevents the spread of Covid and prevents Covid from mutating.


        He was dragged in front of congress and forced to apologise to American citizens for that entire interview less than a year afterwards, after freedom of information requests revealed manufacturers of the jabs and US health officials had both repeatedly advised him the jabs were completely untested and had no capacity to stop the spread of Covid, stop anyone form catching Covid, or stop Covid from mutating. The Pfizer manufacturers in specific had warned him against making any such claims.

        • -5

          Good Lord. The Fauci witch hunt.Gold.

  • +2

    Maybe not weaken immune system, but I've had a couple friends die suddenly who were in seemingly good health otherwise and both were 'immunised' with the Pfizers. I'm no skeptic antivaxxer or conspiracy theorist, but the data is starting to add up…

    • I got a flat tire after being vaccinated, it also happened to a friend. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the data is starting to add up.

      • +2

        My grandfather caught dementia and died after getting the covid vaccine. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the data is starting to add up.

    • I did not neg you.

    • My high school friend died suddenly almost 10 years ago in his 20s. Must be those darned covid vaccines.

  • +2

    You got kids in day care that place is hot spot for it. i am over all cold and flu going around. all for more flu shots

  • no

  • +1

    I think so

  • -1

    In the first two sentences you said you’ve had the virus twice and you had the vaccine three times? Like why if it doesn’t even work?

    • +3

      Exactly 💯

      • Being downvoted for asking a reasonable question

  • +1

    Ehh not sure covid weakend immune system, But since covid my weight has gone up a lot

  • +2


  • +3

    Unfortunately, this is what current western society is coming to.

    What's next?

  • +3

    It’s quite possible covid has kicked your immune system, but if you’ve only had one booster in 4 years you’ve really only got yourself to blame for any problems…

    • So you're saying he needs to go get more poison shots? That's your answer? Three wasn't enough?

      • +3

        Have had 7 Covid vaccines, yearly Flu and Shingles vaccines too, all on GP advice.

        Poison lol?

        If I can handle 7 "poison" shots with my chronic health problems yet you cannot perhaps you need to seek medical advice. I'll be getting another booster next year too.

        I am still here, taking vitamin D daily to help my immune system.

        • Have you ever considered that the numerous covid shots and the host of other shots have attributed to your chronic health problems. Its a fact that these shots have adverse affects.

          • @bigticket: I see you’re also being downvoted for pointing out the truth.

          • @bigticket: I remember Slavoz, who was the anti-Vax leader, had to visit the hospital all the time. Do you think he was secretly vaxxed 50x?

            • @Ughhh: Why the reference to Slavoz? Do you miss Slavoz's objectivity and presence or is it ridicule.

              In any case, you should know better, anecdotal evidence is not evidence its meaningless.

              • @bigticket: Because he was the OzB anti-vax leader. It seemed he had a good hold on his members.

                I was asking for your opinion on him. I can understand if you can't say what you want, since there's a chance he's still viewing the pages.

                • +1


                  Because he was the OzB anti-vax leader. It seemed he had a good hold on his members.

                  Is that your perception, he was a leader, as in a cult. That is way off base.

                  In my opinion, he was an individual expressing his point of view based on rational and sound reasoning from available data. In contrast, mainstream OzB's eat up government and authoritative propaganda and regurgitate it here.

                  • @bigticket:

                    Is that your perception

                    He had a lot of followers who agreed to whatever he said, no matter how absurd. He lead the group. I think he liked it. You weren't happy with it?

                    as in a cult.

                    That's your opinion. Interesting one, most would deny it.

                    mainstream OzB's eat up government and authoritative propaganda and regurgitate it here.

                    What I find hilarious it's that's its usually your friends here who always quote/refer to/post mainstream dailymail click bait articles, get triggered, then accuse everyone else following said msm news. The irony.

                    • @Ughhh:

                      …who agreed to whatever he said, no matter how absurd.

                      What appears as an absurdity to some is actual reality.

                      He lead the group. I think he liked it.

                      Fixating and psychoanalyzing an ex-ozbargain member long gone suggests someone needs therapy.

                      What I find hilarious it's that's its usually your friends here who always quote/refer to/post mainstream dailymail click bait articles…

                      What I find comical is your attempt to generalise by cherry picking a select few that click bait and negatively stereotype a whole subset of people based on those few. Personally I don't quote the daily mail and generally cite and analyse data instead of parroting the conclusions of others with vested interests, which is the go to arsenal of mainstream OzB's.

                      By the way, who is the leader of the provaxx cult. Is it you or do you wish to nominate someone?

      • Regardless of what you think, OP is here complaining about how they feel after covid. So it’s pretty evident 3 was in fact not enough.

        By this time most of us have been eligible for 6 shots or even more depending on your age and health.

        If you had a bad time with covid, and yet decided getting boosters wasn’t for you… well, you are a glutton for punishment, what can I say?

      • Poison shots? Better stop using your PC, they can read your thoughts mate.

    • +1

      Why would he keep taking jabs if they didn't stop him from catching or spreading Covid?

      • The same reason ppl keep believing,spreading and being brainwashed by cooker bullshit?
        Masochism!, but with a twist of safe tasty & effective vaccine and no head knock required.

  • +3

    Never had any covid shots or boosters and never had covid itself either. All is fine here.

  • +1

    It's from the vaccines. IYKYK.

  • +4

    Pre covid never quite got sick as much. And we were using the trains into work 5 days a week. That vaccine was a scam

    • -1

      What if it's because everyone stopped washing their hands, stopped wearing a mask and not socially distance anymore ?

      They all helped reduce the risk of catching C*v!d.

    • Make sure you stop using medicine altogether, in fact, stay away from the medical system completely.

  • Nope, had it twice and through those rounds of vaccines. No issues and feel pretty healthy, I believe my immune system was just a bit weaker since I moved less and ate more crap like from those dominos and rr deals. After I stopped eating junk and went back to usual exercise and meal prep, I'm better than ever

  • -2

    I have had 5 doses of the Pfizer covid vaccine. I also get flu shots every year so I really do not get the flu anymore. However, for the very first time I contracted covid only in 2024 from my adult students. I did not have any respiratory problems but just the same, I felt horrible—I had never felt that weak in my whole life. It was also the first time I lost my sense of taste.

    Contracting covid did not really change my body but then I always make sure that I get the recommended vaccines. I even catch the cold extremely rarely (like once every several years). I feel quite healthy.

    • I do not understand why anyone would neg my personal experience. What do you want me to say? Is it better to have written that I have had 5 covid vaccine doses and then I died or then I grew a third leg or then I have hairs now in my right palm?

  • +2

    seriously with all the information and evidence out there now about what these vaccinations have really done to people, if you dont know by now/educated yourself, then you never will..

  • +1

    Car tyres are not what they used to be. Ever since I started drinking green tea in 2020 I've had nothing but constant flat tyres. Happening more often and more severe. The data is starting to add up.


    • -1

      Flat tyres can also be caused by pissing off other road users, particularly around areas where you park the car. Perhaps the green tea is causing you to drive like a knob.

  • I used to get really sick twice a year or more, I have been sick twice since 2020 now, and one of those times was covid that I caught returning to Australia from the USA (the second time I did not test so it could have also been covid but who cares?)

  • I think it's a few things. Pre-covid there was already a milieu of viruses circulating every year - think paraflu/influenza A, B/RSV etc etc. Enter covid to which your immune system is naive and has to work to create defense against it. Then a drop in global movement which means a drop in circulating viruses, giving them time to locally mutate but not spread worldwide. Then when global travel reopens, everyone goes crazy with the overseas travel and that only increases with time. So then not only do you have multiple viruses circulating that your body now does not recognise, but you also have covid too, which mutates so quickly that your immune system is working harder to catch up each time.

    TLDR; adding a new virus to the existing crowd of viruses makes everything worse

  • No, i got three doses of vaccine too although i increase in weight and eat more than before 🤭

  • Not everyone is the same.

  • -1

    The MRNA vacs fcuk with you immunity. You need to detox from the spike protein.

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