Do you feel that after covid your immune system is not what it used to be?
I'm just asking as I've been infected with covid twice back in 2020 and 2021. I've also had 3 doses of the Pfizer vaccine.
I don't usually get colds/flu but ever since covid, I feel I'm getting sick more often and the symptoms are also more severe.
This year I've sick with colds on 3 seperate occasions. My last infection had really bad symptoms and completely knocked me out for a good 5 days. The intensity of symptoms I've had never experienced before, and recovery took way longer than when I did get colds before covid.
There is a lot of pressure to send kids to school when they are sick. Might depend on your state, but if your kid misses more than 2 weeks in a term they get categorised as a habitual non-attender and the parents get a talking to by the school, maybe even reported to the authorities (not sure). But being a teacher you would know this. Then if you are a dual income family there is a lot of pressure from work places for you to actually be at work, which you can't do with kids being home sick. You only get 10 days sick leave a year…